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Other - Politics & Government - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

How many (besides myself) are tired of having to waste our valuable time on hold only to get a foreigner who doesn't even speak our language. It seems like every American company has enlisted the help of foreigners to answer their phones. I have nothing against them personally, but really, would they want to deal with me if they where in America and I was answer the phones of their large companies back in thier homeland?

I hate Dell, Charter Communication, Sprint, etc...all of them who are doing this. It drives me nuts...

2006-09-23 06:09:38 · 7 answers · asked by SuperChargedGTP 2

Is it possible that the terrorists saw some Popeye cartoons, and therefore thought that spinnach is what gives Americans strenght, and did something to cause problems with spinnach?

2006-09-23 06:02:27 · 11 answers · asked by victorschool1 5

Set aside your opinion on moral issues--abortion, gay rights, etc.--in your political decision process for a moment. Can you describe why you consider yourself a liberal, conservative, or a moderate for purely economic reason?

2006-09-23 05:58:04 · 20 answers · asked by Overt Operative 6

I want to apologize...I have gotten caught up in the labeling and partesianship that is the biggest problem facing America and the world today. I realize that placing labels upon people and ideas makes understanding of the people, actions, ideas, and concepts impossible.

Why don't we all turn over a new leaf and start looking at ideas for their merit and workability instead of immediately placing a label on them and agreeing or disagreeing based solely on the label?

Perhaps if we can set all of this aside, we can work together towards "a more perfect Union" like the Constitution talks about.

2006-09-23 05:35:18 · 17 answers · asked by corwynwulfhund 3

This entire argument could be put to rest instantly if they would just stop hiding everything and show us the video! There were 5 video cameras pointing at the impact side of the Pentagon. All 5 videos were confiscated, and only 5 frames of one of them were released, and those do not show what it was that hit the Pentagon. The 3 missing frames would show exactly what is was.

I think that this is the most important way to find out whether it was an inside job or not. If it really was a passenger airplane, we would all know that it was terrorists (and that a miracle happened to make the entire plane fit into a 16 foot hole and disappear for the first time in aviation history...but this is beside the point).

Let's see the videos!

2006-09-23 05:32:40 · 19 answers · asked by corwynwulfhund 3

It was the first few days after it, but now it seems that the message of being strong and moving forward has been lost and the new message is " They are trying to kill you and never forget that "

By letting the USA and the world completely change post 9-11 aren't we helping the terrorists accomplish their goals?

2006-09-23 05:27:28 · 15 answers · asked by The Angry Stick Man 6

Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is?
If we build two new WTC towers, identical to the originals,
and recreate 9/11 as closely as possible, would you be willing to be inside the buildings when the planes struck?

2006-09-23 05:26:20 · 9 answers · asked by TLJaguar 3

2006-09-23 05:25:11 · 3 answers · asked by hdhswildcatz38 1

Bush planned the 9/11 attacks, these buildings were designed to withstand airplane impacts so it must be Bush who made them crash.
But if you think that’s Bush and the neocons are responsible for youre blind!!
Seatbelts were designed to save lives in automobile crashes! but people sill die!?!?!?! George Bush must be responsible!!! We need an investigation!!!

2006-09-23 05:15:50 · 15 answers · asked by TLJaguar 3

The twin towers were built to withstand the impact of airliners, that means the planes couldn’t be the cause of the collapse. Human engineering is too perfect!
Who would believe for example if we built an “unsinkable” ship and it sank? Or build a space craft designed to travel through earths atmosphere and then it disintegrates upon reentry. Come on people how gullible are you???

2006-09-23 05:11:43 · 12 answers · asked by TLJaguar 3

Supposedly, Armitage said these words...'we'll blow your country back into the Stone age if you don't help us...'

and...'you're either with us or against us'.

2006-09-23 04:59:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My father passed away, his whole life had been dedicated to helping people. he did an extraordinary job. my father never looked for anything in return. Its about time that he recieve praise and be honored. what a good idea to name or have a statue built up in his honor. oh yeah not only is he known in the U.S he's known internationally.

2006-09-23 04:46:46 · 3 answers · asked by michelle Z 1

A friend and I are having a Debate. I say that since the Great Lakes border 2 Countries they are considered International Waters by the Maritime Commission. He says no. who is right?

2006-09-23 04:42:38 · 4 answers · asked by mr_nice_guy 1

2006-09-23 04:15:28 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

stronger ally in Europe, like the West Germans? Is the languague connection the only reason why the US got themselves lumbered with a B class power like the UK in Europe? Imagine if the US had had the efficiency of the Germans behind her as an ally throughout the past few years...the world would be a lot more secure

2006-09-23 04:15:28 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

One thing I've heard called for repeatedly by liberals that I DON'T expect the liberals in Congress to do is actually impeach Bush. Even if they get controll of both houses of Congress I'm betting they won't even attempt it.

To do so would expose all the things they agreed with Bush on and those who remained silent about things they disagreed with. Those who agreed with Bush would be damned for agreeing and those who didn't object would be damned for not speaking out. The Liberal Democrats couldn't withstand the exposure of the facts.

Couple that with the fact if Bush was ousted they would have Cheney to deal with. Even IF they felt justified I don't think they will do a thing. They gain nothing and waste a lot of time, energy. and political capital.

2006-09-23 04:10:32 · 9 answers · asked by namsaev 6

near his summer estate? And people never question these limo-liberals, they drink the kool-aid and blindly repeat the inane nonsense the DNC sprews daily.

2006-09-23 04:08:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do think he is looking out for you.
He holds their feet to the fire. politicians are scared to talk to him, because they can't ever give a straight answer.

2006-09-23 03:53:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-23 03:51:23 · 11 answers · asked by gokart121 6

When we welcome all people with open arms and let them reap the benefits of the American way even when they are here illegally???
The problem is that that the USA is to lenient!

2006-09-23 03:29:15 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-23 03:23:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have seen 11 of those questions in the past 2 days. You guys are just pathetic that you always try to take some good and turn it into "ohh, the big mean republicans made it so they will win the elections". You guys would be jumping for joy if it goes to $4/gal, we get another terrosist attack, and if the economy went down. And what are you trying to accomplish anyway? "we just want the truth out their that it was all planed". no, you guys just want to bash the president. no one is going to read that question and go "OH MY GOD! The evil republicans are making the prices go down. I am not going to vote for them!" Go do something else with your spare time like protesting for terroists rights or something.

2006-09-23 03:16:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

This isn't Oprah OR Opera! It's Opera2!

2006-09-23 03:04:00 · 12 answers · asked by Opera2 1

I'm doing a social studies report, on Jameston, Virginia and I need to know why they should come to America in their time, not this century. I only need a couple of senteces. And please be serious with me.

2006-09-23 02:37:15 · 2 answers · asked by zjraheem 1

Too Many Wars and rumors of wars,we can live like this,every one is afraid of their self,

2006-09-23 02:20:21 · 25 answers · asked by pancake 2

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