Even if politics do not tickle your fancy, it is getting interesting. in 2007, five republican high rollers were exposed or alledgely exposed. We know who is behind the scandals, do we not? Therefore, retaliation is in order and imminent.
Here is my take on things to come as time unfolds: I believe the republicans have some really juicy infomation on Hillary but is smart enough to wait until 2008. The Republicans have money to burn and friends in high places; they will get their dirt.
They have a VERY easy target, the Clintons. This family reeks with scandals and controversies. When Hillary least expects and while she is smiling on podiums throughout this country, the air will be taken out of her sail.
They are the Jezebel and Ahab of politics. They were corrupted in Arkansas, and they were equally corrupt in D.C. They were and are the Bonnie and Cylde of 2007. Get ready, you first heard this on YA!!!!!!!!
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