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Elections - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Elections

It is like so many questions on healthcare as if she has no idea how to fix it, or what we want, to make her case. Stop helping her campaign, she is an idiot who won't be accessible after elected, you are wasitng your time. Capiche?

2007-09-29 21:51:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

He is newly convicted by Sandigan Bayan for Pluder just this September 2007.

2007-09-29 20:10:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hillary Clinton has been criticized for doing whatever it takes to become president. Fred Thompson has been criticized for acting as if he does not want the presidency enough. Am I missing anything here?

Should a presidential candidate do anything in his or her power to run for office, or should that person show disdain for the indignities of the campaign trail? Is there some kind of medium between the two extremes?

Or is this talk about "wanting the presidency" just a lot of hot air about nothing?

2007-09-29 19:33:58 · 4 answers · asked by Petard 3

2007-09-29 18:28:47 · 5 answers · asked by Intolerant of intolerance 1

2007-09-29 18:18:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


I think George W. bush was already plan to be president before he were the president because that why the people wouldnt vote the court vote instead of america vote
do yall think this is true

do yall think that without bush there wouldnt be an 9/11
and by the way his daughter is HOT

2007-09-29 18:17:49 · 4 answers · asked by Idonotknow 2

Just asking..because i need an answer for our debate..I belong in Affirmative side which means that we are in favor to this..

2007-09-29 17:51:54 · 15 answers · asked by shanie_leanne25 1

Rep. Dennis Kucinich says he is so concerned
about what he sees as the Bush administration’s
push for a war with Iran that he is considering
using a parliamentary measure to force the
House of Representatives to vote on impeaching
Vice President Dick Cheney.

“We’re preparing for another war,
and they’re going to destroy America,”
he said Thursday on the Ed Schultz show.
“We have a government in place right now
that has to be challenged.
I’m seriously thinking about calling
a privileged resolution on impeachment
of the vice president and forcing a vote
on the floor of the House.”

A privileged resolution would force the full
House to debate about whether to proceed
with impeachment, but it remains unclear
precisely how, when or whether Kucinich
would be able to introduce such a resolution.


2007-09-29 17:47:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


Is this woman really a presidential candidate or is this one huge joke?

and would you vote for her?

2007-09-29 17:10:15 · 8 answers · asked by Brandon H 3

why do they vote against their best interests all the time? i think their hubbys make them

2007-09-29 16:58:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Even if politics do not tickle your fancy, it is getting interesting. in 2007, five republican high rollers were exposed or alledgely exposed. We know who is behind the scandals, do we not? Therefore, retaliation is in order and imminent.
Here is my take on things to come as time unfolds: I believe the republicans have some really juicy infomation on Hillary but is smart enough to wait until 2008. The Republicans have money to burn and friends in high places; they will get their dirt.

They have a VERY easy target, the Clintons. This family reeks with scandals and controversies. When Hillary least expects and while she is smiling on podiums throughout this country, the air will be taken out of her sail.

They are the Jezebel and Ahab of politics. They were corrupted in Arkansas, and they were equally corrupt in D.C. They were and are the Bonnie and Cylde of 2007. Get ready, you first heard this on YA!!!!!!!!

2007-09-29 16:46:11 · 14 answers · asked by shawnLacey 4

And why? Like your favorite plans or goals they have.

2007-09-29 16:27:25 · 9 answers · asked by Emily C 2

More and more I am beginning to see disparities and lies in all of the polls and so called news outlets. Don't believe it? Start investigating for yourself. Media is controlled by a small few. Are we to believe what is being fed to us on a daily basis?

2007-09-29 16:15:14 · 12 answers · asked by Vernon 2

I'm writing a paper and I can't find the answer to that question... I'm sorry if that seems like a stupid question. Can someone help me please????????

2007-09-29 16:11:26 · 16 answers · asked by Emily C 2

in the past we were allowed to vote democraticly when we were 16 . now young adults have been layed off for another 2 years , which means they can only vote now when they are 18.

2007-09-29 13:27:17 · 14 answers · asked by cuttypie 1

In Ontario, there is going to be an election on October 10th for premier. One of the candidates, Progressive Conservative John Tory says that once elected he will allow funding to all religious schools because he thinks it isn't fair that only Catholic schools get funding. I think that no religious school should get funding because it causes segregation among students and also we (residents) shouldn't have to pay for other people's choice to go to a religious school. Now I want to hear your opinion. Do you think that the funding of religious schools is a good idea?

Note - Please refrain from voting yourself as the best answer because this a debate, not a question/answer thing. Thanks.

2007-09-29 11:08:59 · 10 answers · asked by A K 2

Was it because their base is white voters? Don't bother to answer that they had prior commitments. I'm sure they did! I wonder, though, if they would have cancelled everything to attend a debate on the NRA.

2007-09-29 10:06:30 · 5 answers · asked by ArRo 6

I have gone through so many questions in this category, and there is an unbelievable amount of fact posted here. Nearly nothing is untrue, and that which is - you can basically notice the writting on the wall. Unbelievable - What have you noticed?

2007-09-29 09:12:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just a damn good thought. Funny or not.

2007-09-29 08:49:41 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-29 08:48:28 · 13 answers · asked by King of Turdblossom 2

I never see in my life a real time censure when I watch all the Republican debates by Fox, CNN and ABC. The only debate was fair in my opinion it was by Forum PBS .
Or the media want to sell us their candidate?

2007-09-29 07:49:42 · 11 answers · asked by xicabella 1

I'm running for 6th grade ASB president and I wrote a rough draft of my speech.tell me what you think and if you have any recommendations tell me :] i still need a good closing sentence.

Hi, my name is Patricia and I would like to be your next 6th grade ASB president. There are many reasons I believe I should be president, and I would like to share them with you. In the past, I have encountered people who, in the process of running for office, promise our fellow students what they know will not be granted. I am completely honest and will tell all of you right this instant that I will not grant whatever you want, for it is just a manner of bribery which I believe will get me nowhere. I believe that there are many ways to make school an educational, but fun environment. I think I should be president because I am responsible and truthful. I find that this is an opportunity to try something productive in school. I am hardworking and committed to this position and would try my best to balance my school work as well. I am aware that this position is not an easy job and that it requires time and effort which I am willing to give.

2007-09-29 07:45:33 · 4 answers · asked by pd5119 5

With the older generation getting closer to retirement, and social security already insolvent,
and children who are poor already getting healthcare through states Medicaid. Where does B*tch Clinton think we are gonna get money to give every birth child 5,000?
and did she ever consider that all the illegal Mexicans that give birth will be eligiable for this New Welfare?

2007-09-29 06:25:22 · 16 answers · asked by Rada S 5


Does anyone remember what the Clintons did while they were in the whitehouse for 8 years?

2007-09-29 04:17:13 · 18 answers · asked by p f 2

2007-09-29 03:47:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm running for prez. What ideas can I put into my speech about what i'll do for the school?
I already have more social and more charity events - any more ideas? PLEASE HELP!

2007-09-28 21:30:22 · 2 answers · asked by cat_lover 3

I spent particular attention watching Ron Paul's answers and performance last night at the Republican candidates' debate at Morgan State University. What struck me was how badly he performed. He stumbled over questions, he seemed confused and repetitive, and his comments--while appealing to traditional conservatives (and particularly neoisolationists)--were simplistic and at times naïve.

So explain to me why you think this man is able to do this job?

2007-09-28 19:55:24 · 18 answers · asked by blueevent47 5

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