A 16 Year-ol Boy, was killed in Atlanta, Friday. A senseless, Drive-by shooting. all because of Gang Violence. But we're not hearing, ANY Political of Civil Leaders, doing anything about the random acts of killing Innocent, CHILDREN!! But yet, they grab a microphone, and blame Our President, for having Our Brave Soldiers, fight in the War on Terrior! Those Brave Americans, volunteered to protect us. These Children are innocent. And no one speaks up for them! Maybe it's because that kind of talk, wouldn't get `em Elected? Or be given Donations, to their Organizatons? When is America gonna wake up from what is real in this World? And see why we're being bombarded, by useless, and mean-spirted Name-Calling. All for the sake of Political of Economical Gains? That's my Opinion. I except yours!
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