We are the ones
With dark colored skin
With dark colored hair
And black and white dreams
No color we see
No color but green
Underpaid and over slaved
Spanish-speaking hearts
With English-speaking mouths
We are the ones
Who are frequently told
To learn the English language
To take a bus home
But our home is here
Our home is there
Hearts in two places
And tongues that speak two languages, for you
But language alone
Will do you no justice
For we’re speaking the English
While you listen with eyeballs
It seems clear, that brown is all you’ll ever hear
We are the ones
Who pledge to you flag
Hand over heart
Hearth that get broken
Hearts that get neglected
Hearts that work hard
Just to fit in
Hearts that pledge allegiance
To the U.S. of A
Hearts that will never see red, white, or blue
Hearts that are true and want to be seen
To be heard
To be felt
But the more effort is put
Into being acknowledged,
The more invisible, and blank
We seem to become
We are the ones
Living right next to you
Eating beside you
Praying, just like you
The same god we worship
The same language we speak
All of us, one nation,
Under God, with liberty,
And justice for all
And yet I see no justice
When it comes to us
Because if justice existed
We’d all be American
Our bubble sheets would lack
The ethnic code choices
Why must we differ?
Aren’t we all one nation?
Under God? With liberty?
And justice for all?
We are the ones
Happy and angry
Sad and embarrassed
We who love you
Love you with all
Yelled at for putting
Our loyalties elsewhere
But you fail to see
The truth of it all
This is our home
But Mexico is too
Torn between nations
Nations we love
One where we’re living
And one where we’re from
But we love you both
The EUM and the USA
We who still love you
Love you with all
But backs just keep turning
And we who get nothing back
We’ve said who we are
We’ve said where we’re from
We’ve said where we live
We’ve said that we love you
Don’t you love us too?
We’ve shown you our hearts
Which on them is planted
Not just red, white and green,
But red, white and blue
Two flags we fly
Two nations we love
Black and white dreams
To go with broken hearts and tear streams
We who are Mexican
We are the ones
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