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Politics & Government - 13 June 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

It's of my opinion that this war would have been over long ago if we didn't have the press right there, trying to make sure nobody gets treated unfairly. C'mon people, it's war. Torture, unfair methods and mistreatment of prisoners has happend in every war on BOTH SIDES since the dawn of man. There is no good manners in war. It's not pretty, but it's war!
Do you think that the media should get out and let the military do their jobs or do you feel they are a necessary part of this war?

2006-06-13 18:35:36 · 16 answers · asked by Talamascaa 4 in Military

2006-06-13 18:32:55 · 16 answers · asked by alex 1 in Politics

2006-06-13 18:26:22 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Have you ever sat down and thought about what we are doing in Iraq? Yes I support the American troops 100%. I agree that Sadam should be taken out of power and put in jail. I don't however believe that we should fource our form of government on these people. Do a majority of the Iraquis want democracy or is it the monority? Pushing a form of government is like pushing your religion on them. Do you think it is the right thing to do if they don't want it? Would you like someone to come here and change your religion because they believe in theirs and not yours?

2006-06-13 18:18:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

the boy scouts of american are a private group that is supported and funded by the united states government yet it descriminates against homosexuals and athies

2006-06-13 18:15:33 · 12 answers · asked by alex 1 in Law & Ethics

Al Gore won the election. George W. Bush was appointed president by a Republican Supreme Court.

2006-06-13 18:14:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2006-06-13 18:11:19 · 5 answers · asked by bettie m 1 in Politics

How did his values shape the resolve of the Indian people?

2006-06-13 18:07:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The role of the World Health Organisation and the policy of the government to uphold tobacco products.

2006-06-13 18:05:19 · 4 answers · asked by lethaandshankar 3 in Government

2006-06-13 18:03:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I do an wont stop till I there

2006-06-13 18:02:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

China is now turning to Africa for oil needs. Is this a good strategy, and if the U.S. is not already there why not?

2006-06-13 17:55:02 · 9 answers · asked by Travis F 1 in Politics

And HOW much does rice cost to grow? Jeez!

2006-06-13 17:54:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

My ? earlier did not cover entire burglary suspicion: can police arrest me for burglary of a building only because I parked my vehicle beside the bldg? I left the premises in another car with a friend and came back to find the police there (they watched me pull up in another vehicle) We told them we met up, parked my truck, and drove around town for 30 minutes and my friend was dropping me back off at my truck. My wallet/ID was inside my truck, they wouldn't let me get it. They saw boltcutters in the back of my truck that I use as an electrician and then accused me of breaking in to the bldg. There was also an 18 wheeler there that just started up and drove off right in front of the officers (it was there the whole time-why was MY truck subject to a search and not the 18 wheeler?) They arrested me for burglary and searched my truck while I was cuffed in car. They found about 5$ worth of meth inside console, under my wallet. Burglary chgs were never "dropped"-or ever mentioned again.

2006-06-13 17:54:49 · 7 answers · asked by monicairv69 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-06-13 17:54:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Aztlan is real and powerful movement whose goal is to take over seven Western states via population growth.

Followers of Aztlan have no allegiance to the United States yet the use our nations resources to achieve their goals.

Their ideology is anti-American, racists, anti-semetic and homophobic. Review the footage from the illegal immigrant rallies prior to the May1st marches, many of the marchers were carrying Aztlan banners alongside the Mexican flag. Rally organizers dupped the American public by changing tacticts for the May1st rally, yet it is the same people with the same goals, a take over of American soil.

They believe that they will reach their goal within the century. This movement is gaining power and our government is not protecting our land or our people. It is time for American to reveal this movements motives and tactics, visit their website online at Voz de Aztlan and learn more about this national threat before our government gives them any more power

2006-06-13 17:53:51 · 9 answers · asked by kuswati w 1 in Immigration

If you could say one sentence directly to George W. Bush's face, what would it be?

2006-06-13 17:50:32 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Please bare with me and answer.
I truly will love some answers
I received a phone survey today. You had a choice of what was important-Economy-War -Immigration. Than almost each question was tied to another issue. So if you were for one and not the other-you could not really pick it was marked no answer .. Example if you wanted Border Control Amnesty went with it. If you wanted to pull some out of the War, no Border control. Almost every question was like that. Is that how are voting ballets will be? Is that what our government in all partys will be doing? When I said this survey was Baloney she said she was not allowed to add to her form. Is it going to be this way this year.?

Because if it is-I'm writing my votes in with comments and they can stop the machine and read it. Would that count?

2006-06-13 17:48:08 · 6 answers · asked by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7 in Government

I am wondering why the senate did not veto it. Are some on the senate gay? If so Who????

2006-06-13 17:46:53 · 8 answers · asked by andyshevtsov 1 in Law & Ethics

Does his links to Freemasons, Skull and Bones, and his fathers comment on national T.V that ( there will be a big change, a new idea, a new world order.) Make him a candidate.

2006-06-13 17:45:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you think women and men should be equal in the world? What about what The Bible says? Do you think we are that diffrent? What should our country do with laws? Should women have ALL the opportunities men have? Do you think World is doing to much for women or doing to little for them? Should Women have more rights? Please answer with no rude remarks!

2006-06-13 17:44:01 · 6 answers · asked by Yahoo 4 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-06-13 17:42:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have spent every waking minute trying to get to the bottom of this ever since my first post titled "Illegals can vote in Florida" Today I got to the bottom of it, and it is bad.

Forget about HAVA, Florida election officials blamed it all on HAVA but they were only partly correct .....

The Federal Elections Board Paralegal (with over 20 years experience) that I spoke with today put it all in laymen's terms for me, to start this person said HAVA is only one part of this mess, other parts are buried in other bills, and have been put in place over time, piece by piece.

anyway ... this is the laymen's explanation given to me of the whole mess and how this "loophole" as a whole works:

1) Per Law - It is required that Citizenship of a new voter be verified through official Identification when filing their states registration form for the first time

2) Per Law - It is illegal to verify Citizenship of a new voter at the time of voting. (at polling place)

3) Per Law - When a new voter is registering for the first time AND if they do not have the official identification required by their state then the state MUST provide the option of "none" on the registration form to use as identification and they must then accept the undocumented applicant as a registered US voter.

BUT #3 supercedes #1 as long as you are registering as a new voter for the first time. And It is only applicable under the conditions of being a first timer.

You and I could not use the "none" provision as we are already registered legal voters.

Once you use the "none" provision you automatically receive a voter registration card and your state issues you an official voter number to identify you and then YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY BYPASSED THE "REQUIRED" ID TO VERIFY CITIZENSHIP AT THIS POINT.


This official went on to tell me that illegals ARE registering, but not with intent to vote (yet) What they are doing with their registered US voter number is putting the voter registration number onto an I-9 form and THAT IS THEN LEGAL ACCEPTED GOVERNMENT PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP !

Once registered if they did want to vote THEY CAN, here is how under this "loophole" :

Once you have your voter registration card with voter number in hand you must vote in person. At that time you must bring your identification with you to vote, but since you registered under the "none" provision you are allowed to use a non-government and non-official ID

Under federal law each state can decide which non-official ID to accept at the time of voting if you registered under the "none" provision, but because of the #2 statement above it can ONLY be used to verify a match of the name on your voter registration card at time of voting, it CAN NOT be used to verify citizenship.

For example : FL accepts a Sam's club card (among other things) but not a utility bill, However IL accepts a utility bill (among other things) but not a Sam's club card.

The federal law requires each state to accept ONE of several non-official ID's, but each state can pick which and how many to choose from.


The trouble is these non-official non-government ID's can be made by any 6th grader on their home computer.

So, you can see it is not just HAVA, they added one thing to this bill, another thing to that bill, and as the paralegal said the only way to find the true complete scope of this whole mess is to read all of your states election and voter registration bills.


Arizona is the one state that doesn't have the loopholes because the public caught wind of it early enough to write and vote on a referendum requiring real and solid proof of citizenship, BUT this official said there are challenges to this AZ law in court.

When I asked this official straight out what the chances were of AZ being forced to conform since the referendum clearly shows the will of the AZ people, the short reply was "soon it will be all 50 states".

Needles to say, I will not identify this Federal employee since they stuck their neck out when they told me all this, they obviously felt these laws were ludicrous just as I and most other Americans feel they are.


Just go online and print out your own states mail in voter registration form, if there is a box to check for "NONE" in the ID area then you will know this person was correct.

BUT if it is not yet on the mail in form it does not mean you are safe, it might only mean they have not revised their form yet and I did not think to ask the cut off date for completing this.

IF "NONE" IS ON YOUR STATES VOTER REGISTRATION FORM ALREADY probably the only way you will find out what childish ID's your state picked will be to go online and read all the election and voter registration bills for your state, most states aren't advertising this to the public folks, it looks like they try to bury it.

Does your state accept a Sam's club card, a utility bill, a workers badge from any company, a comic book subscription ??? who knows, go look it up for yourself, it's online.

I have already verified the "none" provision for my state and several of the surrounding states, all had it that I researched, how about yours ?

Is AZ the only sane place left ?


2006-06-13 17:41:43 · 11 answers · asked by Fraud 1 in Immigration

2006-06-13 17:39:01 · 12 answers · asked by aerial_soul_peace 1 in Immigration

2006-06-13 17:37:11 · 7 answers · asked by olva3 2 in Politics

If you disagree with American policy and say something "against America" because you care about it... isn't that the ultimate in patriotism... like a parent questioning the actions of a child... or even chastising a child... we are all stewards in a democracy...

But it seems that many blindly follow whatever the government does ... and that is not like a parent that just lets a child act as they wish, spoiling the child and not doing the child any favors in the end?

Blindly following a leader is the folly of a fool... and is exactly the opposite of what this country is built on...

I mean, should we always just follow what our leaders say regaurless of what it is... is that really being a "good American"?

What do you think? I the "child" spoiled?

2006-06-13 17:36:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

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