Well like many people im in dilema here, first i want to avoid the facts that isreal has accomplished alot more than palestine, because this isnt important. Now people claim that israel just invaded palestine and killed inoccent people and took the land like americans did with the indians or australia witht he aboriginies, yet from facts im finding this isnt exactly true. What iv learned is first the jews had theyr home taken by the romans and given to the syrians, the syrians lived there for about a thousand years, using the things the jews built, they never made palestine a country and never built a goverment. Then in 1900s the brittish invaded palestine and took ownershp of the land, then the jews took it from the brittish and made a country there. Now im not sure if my facts are right but what are your opinions on this? should israel have the right to have the country or is palestine the true owners?
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