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Current Events - August 2006

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Isn't it clearly named? Satanism? That we have a spirit within
that is a powerful being that lives on a multi-dimensional level?
But no God or Satan? Therefore no reward or punishment?
So do as you please?

2006-08-13 09:18:37 · 9 answers · asked by Tegghiaio Aldobrandi 3

just today they continued to throw rockets onto civilian cities in israel 160 of them killing an injuring civilians.. so do you think israel should just sit and wait for america o do somehing

2006-08-13 09:04:54 · 19 answers · asked by lisa12345 1

Give the word and the reason why it should be banned. I'll start the snowball snowballing.

Sad sacks - supposed to be a derogatory term to describe someone who is 'uncool' or a loser. Unfortunately for the renagade Jew who uses this little gem, they are the ones that end up the "sad sucks". The tw4ts.

2006-08-13 09:02:46 · 24 answers · asked by bobby t 3

I definetely think the the war should be discontinued. I believe that the only reason Bush started this war is because he wants more oil from Iraq (which has the world's second largest oil reserves), not to help the Iraqi people. The reason I say that is because there is a genocide going on in Sudan(Africa) right now, and yet I don't see Bush sending any troops to help the African people. YES, the war has done some good things such as finding Saddam Hussain and putting him on trial, but other than that, I think that after 4 years, this war has not done much of anything but killed innocent people and made America the target of terrorist attacks. If Bush thinks this war is "the right thing to do", then why doesn't he suit his own to kids up in uniform and send them of to Iraq? I'll tell ya why: he doesn't care about other people's kids being killed, as long as it's not his kids or family.I may only be 14 but I say, stop the war and BRING BACK OUR TROOPS NOW!!!

2006-08-13 08:51:34 · 21 answers · asked by lilmzAI aka basketball shorty 2

Knowing his antecedents, we would have expected him to have shown his long face in a video. If he is not dead, what do you think the "old evil one" might be planning right now? Would you sleep better knowing if he is dead?

2006-08-13 08:47:36 · 10 answers · asked by durhotimitoyea 3

2006-08-13 08:19:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Pissed off at legislation regarding Social Benefits for unfit, uneducated illegal aliens who do not participate in out community versus taking care of our own? Yes!

I have decided, in addition to a severe lack of direction, the democratic and republican (note the small caps) are practicing "Divide and Conquer":

Here is how it works:

A.)Illegal aliens use services, thus documenting and tracking them, but paying them sub minimum wage. Semi-unrestricted, this new Ultra-Underclass does America's household cleaning and wretch jobs, is disposable, and at low wages, cost very little compared to paying Real Americans.

B.) Senior Citizens, the ones that built this current Social Structure, if kept worried and sick, will not participate in the side lines of lpolitical egislation. Vote they do, but a vote only means that Politicians enter office and then join the "Power Elite" who serve themselves.

Our Founding Fathers framed the US Constitution to maximize Americas ability to be flexible. When you divide and conquer, create illegal and enormous, power bureaucracies that have no checks on their actions, then we are have what we have:

"The Oligarchy".

The Oligarchy is Machiavellian in structure, does one thing to appear gentle and kind, another thing to maintain it's powerful strength and Patrician Power structure. Already, democrat or republican, we have an inherited ruler class. We are in the second and thrid gerneration of inhertied political offices.

People blame The Bushes, but actually this has been long in the making. I remember Walter Cronkite as the Great Commentator, the one who signed off every night, but was America's "Night watchman"- calling 8pm, "All is Well".

There are no more "Night Watchmen", they are all hysterical buffoons. There are no more reporters, they are all, all of them from Oprah to Tom, to Katy, to Sue Simmons; Salon Gossipers. Some of us go to the Salons to listen, others go to the Whorehouses and Pubs to listen to Tomfoolery.

TV. It was TV that destroyed America. Not Ronald or Jimmy or George and George. Not drugs. TV.

There is no place of rest, or peace or quality life in America. TV has all the power and all the opinions and all the answers. No Michael Moore's or Whoopi Goldberg's can fight TV. They actually may be part of the problem- semi traitors, although we do love them.

There was once a movie, which, 25 years after it's making, that dcumented this situation. News and Politics and Legistlation degenerated as a result of TV. The movie was called "Network" with Faye Dunaway and an all star cast.

Democratic societies are communities with enormous amounts of opinions, legislation, action, confusion and messy actions. However, as I recall, there was a certain "Orderly Direction" or general social value; everyone was organized around this lowerst common denomenator, regardless or race, religion or color. The times in the 1950's to 1980's were horrid in their racial separation, class conflicts, poverty, but there was a common direction.

And, as a recall, at base, the directions was maintenance of "Separation of Governmental Powers, Check and Balances".

Historically, WWI and WWII were far more threatening, somber times that any post 9/11 events. The difference however, was that the Governmental Powers were limited, and we had Walter Cronkite's and other admirable ones commenting and creating the necessary communal meetings around the fireplace every evening to tell the news, stories of the day.

Now everyone has "Own Person", labels. Now everyone has internet and Blog sites and Websites, the 'voting" is a click, the goal is to accrue the most clicks. That is nice, but not the point. The goal is to communicate, debate, formulate and activate. That is not a click, that is reading and writing. Now we are a Global Village of 10 billion people, all with no Political Power because we are passive. Passive is watching the TV (research proves the brain shifts down to the lowest neurological activity level when a person watched the TV) or clicking on web sites.

We have become a giant Pachinko Parlor. Watching and Clicking is gambling, and gambling is the one game that least favors the player, as the House always wins.


No one told us the rules.


Because the Political Elite wishes to maintain it's power and is not going to tell us how they operate, or by what rules they operate, or the data and trends that indicated what they need to do to operate.

However, I have told you how they operate, why, and what they are doing.

Chris Jaeger

2006-08-13 08:04:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dont understand about whats happening in lebanan. im 13 and i try to watch the news but its soooo boring. can someone explain please?

2006-08-13 08:03:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just find it strange that they are going at it till the bitter end... if you agreed to a ceasefire, why not stop now? ( this is a serious question, please be respectful with your answers)

2006-08-13 07:45:40 · 6 answers · asked by mrselange 5

How many girls stopped attending school? How many left the country or decided to take off the headscarves?
How about Germany and Turkey?

2006-08-13 07:22:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yahoo what are you doing?!?! PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME!!

2006-08-13 07:21:05 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-13 07:12:00 · 25 answers · asked by mushy peas 2

I'm sure there is some rust but don't you find it convenient that they "found out" now?
With the current conflicts and the hurricane season starting its just another reason to increase the price of oil.
What do you think?

2006-08-13 06:56:47 · 7 answers · asked by Odie 5

then why,are they always trying to blame people for being terrist,israel u.s.a the uk,india......muslims say its the onlt true religion,and act like their victums,but seems they are behind wars,killing innocent,blaming all the world but themselves,and when a muslim does condem another their harrased,it seems alot of the middle east is still livivng in the stone age,unless your rich,but they dont seem to help each other,just want to fight,yet claim how peaceful their religion is,go ahead and tell me im stupid un educated,and prove my point,if you muslims care so much about human life,what about the other conflicts in the world,and hey get your goverments to stop selling your enemy oil,and other needs,if these you muslims want to leave non muslims land....go no one is stopping you...go back to your own people and help them....and then if your still harrased then you proved your piont.

2006-08-13 06:42:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-13 06:40:05 · 24 answers · asked by Crazzzzzy 2

Why does it seem ok to attack all Westerners for what a minority of Westeners have done??

We Westerners (I'm British not American before anyone starts) are not all politicians. We are not all in the army. We are not all. We do not all support Israel. Many of us don't even support Bush and Blair (the Stop the War Rallies in the UK?)

So why are Muslims on one hand saying it wrong for us to attack them all for what some of their brothers have done and then in the same breathe saying that Western Civillians deserve to die because of what some Westerners have done? Isn't that just hypocrisy?

2006-08-13 06:39:51 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

was mainly Jewish and Christian before the murderous Muslims came in the 7th century, shouldn't all this land be under Jewish & Christian control and not the Muslim invaders? Isn't this the same logic most Islamists are using to say they want their land back in Palestine and Lebanon & yes Israel? At what point in time do you draw the line?

2006-08-13 06:24:36 · 7 answers · asked by hungryhart 3

I was wondering if the government would ever put out a warning to all potential suicide bombers and terrorists (whatever religion or cause) that if they commit a terrorist attack all their families will be deported immediatley with no help from the UK maybe this would deter them thinking about what their families would have to go through

2006-08-13 06:23:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm only on this site; I haven't read the newspaper for weeks.

2006-08-13 06:11:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

i recieved an e-mail from yahoo answers telling me that my letter will be deleted as its in violance or something like this .. my letter was about asking all of you to help me finding a job and getting a visa .. and thats all ..
can anybody tell me where's the problem in that ..
I didn't use any bad or wrong words ..
thanks ..

2006-08-13 05:51:40 · 10 answers · asked by paymanal_jaff 1

Even families fight over the stupidest things. I don't like the news I try to stay away from all the negative talk of destruction in the world. Can't wait for Jesus to come for me. We need a lot of peace and he's the only way out of this madest.

2006-08-13 05:45:44 · 12 answers · asked by butterfly 2

Should't the immigration system be revamped and made to be tougher to use for new Americans,Canadians,and Europeans arriving from third worlds.
Isn't immigration out of control.....................?

2006-08-13 05:35:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's possible to be a Ph.D., doctor, lawyer, businessman, journalist, or an accountant, just to name a few examples, and at the same time be an uneducated person. The difference between true education and vocational training has been cleverly blurred in our time so that we have people successfully practicing their vocations while at the same time being totally ignorant of the larger issues of the world in which they live.

The most obvious symptom is their absence of original thought. Ask them a question and they will end up reciting what someone else thinks or thought the answer was. What do they think, Well, they never thought about it. Their education consisted of learning how to use the library and cite sources.

Another technique is to keep them entertained. Roman emperors did not stage circuses and gladiator contests because they didn't have television. We have television because we don't have circuses and gladiator events.


2006-08-13 05:31:51 · 19 answers · asked by BT 1

the war is expected to finished tommorow morning, is the new security cuncil decisio fair, and will this stop the war or just delay it for weeks or months

2006-08-13 04:55:44 · 19 answers · asked by drnael2000 2


2006-08-13 04:51:47 · 27 answers · asked by bobby t 3

2006-08-13 04:47:15 · 8 answers · asked by starghost2004 1

From the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which are quiter distinct from Quran (Which is letter by letter and word by word book of the One and Only God All Mighty in its original language), the anti Jesus (Anti Christ, the word Christ did not exist at the time of Jesus and Jesus like Moses and Abraham alywas claimed that he was Muslim) will have 70,000 people in black garments from Isfahan, Iran (Ref: Sahih Muslim, A very authentic book which along with Bukhari laid down the foundation of sceicne of references). ANother book of Hadith (Sayings of the Prophet) says that Anti Jesus (ANti Christ, Dajjal) will himself be an Iranian Jew. Iran has very influential 30,000 Jews in Tehran alone and many more in Isfahan. These are all at very high places in Iranian Government, business and Universities etc. SOme of these Zionists played an improtant role in taking hostage the USA embassy. USA Govt. apparently later gave green cards to several of them and they are freely working in USA!

2006-08-13 04:45:48 · 13 answers · asked by pathowiz 3

was the plan to remove Hezbollah's army to prevent any attack on Israel when Iran is attacked.

2006-08-13 04:29:37 · 20 answers · asked by Abularaby 4

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