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Current Events - June 2006

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YESTERDAY IS HISTORY, TOMORROW IS A MYSTERY, AND TODAY IS A GIFT, THAT IS WHY WE CALL IT THE PRESENT It never hurts to take a few precautions.....It could save you from a serious situation..........Never be afraid to ask for assistance from a security guard or policeman, even if it seems "Silly"...............M
Please take the time to read this!!!!!!! Because of recent abductions
in daylight hours,refresh yourself of these things to do in an emergency situation...
1 Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your body.
If you are close enough to use it, do!
2. Learned this from a tourist guide in New Orleans. If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you.... chances are
that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you, and he will go
for the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION!
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lights
and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy. The driver won't see you,
but everybody else will. This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping, eating, working, etc.,
and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc. DON'T DO THIS!)
The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in
on the passenger side, put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR, LOCK THE DOORS AND LEAVE.
a. If someone is in the car with a gun to your head DO NOT DRIVE OFF, Instead gun the engine and speed into anything, wrecking the car. Your Air Bag will save you.
If the person is in the back seat they will get the worst of it. As soon as the car crashes bail out and run. It is better than having them find your body in a remote location.
5 A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:
A.) Be aware: look around you, look into your car, at the passenger side floor,
and in the back seat
B..) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door.
Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans
while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
C..) Look at the car parked on the driver's side of your vehicle, and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out.
IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than
6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells are horrible places
to be alone and the perfect crime spot. This is especially true at NIGHT!)
7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN!
The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; And even then,
it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN, Preferably ! in a zig -zag pattern!
8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP It may get you raped,
or killed.
9. Another Safety Point: Someone just told me that her friend heard a crying baby on her porch the night before last, and she called the police because it was late
and she thought it was weird. The police told her "Whatever you do, DO NOT
open the door." The lady then said that it sounded like the baby had crawled near a window, and she was worried that it would crawl to the street and get run over.
The policeman said, "We already have a unit on the way, whatever you do,
DO NOT open the door." He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of their homes thinking that someone
dropped off a baby He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls
by women saying that they hear baby's cries outside their doors when they're home alone at night.Please pass this on and DO NOT open the door for a crying baby ----
the Crying Baby theory was mentioned on America 's Most Wanted this past Saturday when they profiled the serial killer in Louisiana.

2006-06-20 08:28:26 · 3 answers · asked by natasha 3

2006-06-20 07:51:07 · 3 answers · asked by HEY boo boo 6

2006-06-20 07:16:19 · 14 answers · asked by AntiDisEstablishmentTarianism 3

2006-06-20 06:25:28 · 17 answers · asked by ? 2

I just saw on msnbc a validictorian I think her name was britney McComb her speach was edited before she gave it.
To not include god. In her speach she thanked god for her academic acomplishments.
Her mic was cut off becuse she read her speach as it was written.
Why is our president allowed to use god in speaches and high school students arn't?
It seems that Bushes use of god in speaches has the potentail to be far more polarizing.
Why is it a strict and seros rule for students and not for teachers?
Who has what rights and why?
I'm not a rights weirdo I just think it would be interesting to know why.
Does fredom of speach really matter?

2006-06-20 06:06:24 · 3 answers · asked by position28 4

Muridke is a place about 40 kilometres away from Lahore.

2006-06-20 05:44:03 · 4 answers · asked by Riaz 1

On Fox News and many mainstream media in the U.S. it seems that either a politician or a news commentor quotes the bible whenever a controversial issue takes place.

For instance gay marriage is seen as trampling on the sanctity of marriage. How? Most politicians believe or at least think that marriage is between a man and woman and that same sex couples shouldn't be allowed to marry because the Bible says or god said marriage is between a man and a woman. And somehow it is seen as both sinful and shameful for two men or two women to be married with full rights as any other married couple. Why?

As Bob Dylan once said the Times are changing. Isn't there a way for traditonal views and more liberal views of marriage to coexist side by side? It's the 21st Century yet people must still fight for their rights to be treated equality! It's a shame when the U.S. doesn't practice what it preaches to the rest of the world, basic human rights...

2006-06-20 05:43:40 · 4 answers · asked by lisa 3

As revenge for the many muslims killed by muslims and blamed on America

2006-06-20 05:04:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-20 05:03:17 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

How long before Summer begins

2006-06-20 05:01:29 · 3 answers · asked by Timmy 2

Your thoughts? For back ground he is Five and his parents along with many gay and lesbian rights activist not only back him but are pushing the media to do the same. he already knows the anatomy and has deep rooted hatered it would seem for his own genitailia. for more info check out this http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0623,reischel,73391,6.html

2006-06-20 04:31:07 · 4 answers · asked by Jimmy 4

He was 6 years old but he met the height requirement for the ride. His mother was down below watching. Apparently the little boy climbed out of the seat then slipped and fell to his death. Is the mom to blame for letting him go, or go alone? Is it the kid's fault for climbing out, or was he too young to know better? Is it the amusement park's fault for not having better restrictions or cages on the rides? Let me know who you think is responsible.

Here's the link so you can read it for yourself:

2006-06-20 04:25:09 · 9 answers · asked by professional student 1

Your answers are appreciated!!

2006-06-20 03:40:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-20 03:38:59 · 15 answers · asked by Devo 4

Terrorist - Anyone who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle, frequently in an attempt to coerce a more powerful opponent, such as a government.

2006-06-20 03:26:37 · 10 answers · asked by good girl 1

Now they are going to bash patrotism.. even though they are living the American dream.. Living rich in the security and freedom of our Country, but yet will go across the ocean and bash The USA..

2006-06-20 03:03:51 · 23 answers · asked by pkthames 2

McKinney's case was dropped two months after she assualted a Capital Police officer. She originally claimed her only crime 'was being a black woman' and claimed discimination. Do you agree that she got off even though she took back the discrimination claim? I believe she should of been charged and punished for assualting a police officer just like anyone else but she got special treatment because she is black.

2006-06-20 02:45:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 14 years old, and my mom just basically looked me in the eyes last night and told me that I would never be president of the United States because I am African American. Is this true?? I did some math and I can run for president in 22 years, after 5 elections, give or take two years, do you think things could change by then?? Thaks, most appreciated!!

2006-06-20 02:26:42 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-20 02:26:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Where we know...if they launch..and hit us...we "usa" will nuke them back....hencing...a nuke war....
We all know the power korea has...the manpower....the weapons...and equal amts of nuclear warfare...

scariest thing is....this will take place soon....very soon...not matter of yrs...months....but days or weeks!!

2006-06-20 02:24:46 · 7 answers · asked by Sugar_Plumzz 3

The signs are here, Global Warming is here and I really think people should try to start doing something about. I mean the signs are there, like the 3 most strongest hurricanes in U.S. history hit (Katrina, Rita, William) in a row, and I don't find that a coincidence. You can say the Earth goes through heat ups and cool down, but does it make sense to say that the Earth cooling down is causing a hole in the ozone layer? Ever since the Industrial Revolution, weather conditions started to change, and that's not a coincidence either. Global warming isn't something the government made up to scare people, you can tell it happening for yourself. Humans are causing it. Aren't you worried?? Are you going to do anything about it?? What??

2006-06-20 02:01:57 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-20 01:47:48 · 14 answers · asked by jessie 3

He has gone from 90% approval to 30% in just four short years.

What will be his legacy??

2006-06-20 00:56:28 · 15 answers · asked by jedilogic 3

2006-06-19 23:09:28 · 2 answers · asked by bogambo04 1

before.....like this was 6 6 06 before there was 6 6 96 , 6 6 86 hell even 6 6 6 itself....but even though peeps still friecked out think about it....on the other side of the world it was already 666 while here in america it was 656 so why did we frieck out? Tell me wat you guys/girls think about it......

2006-06-19 21:11:22 · 9 answers · asked by Braxton Inc. 1

2006-06-19 20:48:54 · 9 answers · asked by DON 1

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