Is it because these two allegedly intelligent doctors really are 'at most, naive' or
because they are only inexperienced parents and the nanny wouldn't have left the children unattended or
because the team of high exec lawyers, hired after a couple of days, advised them from the start that it would be an admission of guilt?
Good advice for the McCanns has been in short supply - their press conferences have been ill-advised and totally botched up by Gerry. Why is he being allowed to continue with a blog where he continues to spell his daughter's name wrong, mentions her only in reference to the 'fund' and give the opinion that jogging is much more satisfying than looking for his eldest daughter.
As for Kate, under Gerry's thumb? What is she all about - is she going to continue moping about opening emails, getting her hair/make up done/picking her outfit for the day?
McCanns - stop jogging and stop blogging. Your daughter needs you.
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