oks me n my bf had a debate about what has caused most deaths.
he thinks that deaths caused by war has caused more deaths then lifestyle diesease,we are not just talking about now,we are talking also back in the king days.
i said that deaths caused by lifestyle disease has more of a ranking to number of deaths around the world caused by war.
do you think im wright.because i think more people die in our days from dieases then from war because i think there are more people diying from dieases then people dying in the army ,i mean look at africa,heaps of dieases,and lung cancer and aids etc not just that country every country is suffering from a diease and there are heaps dying,IS EVERY COUNTRY IN WAR....um Noooo.
So am i wright
Please post your comments lol i want to prove him wrong
thank you guys.
p.s the deaths caused by car accidents or murder are not included we are just discusing deaths during the army like ww1 etch and deaths caused by natural dieases.
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Media & Journalism