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Women's Health - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Women's Health

I have a question, it is about pimples ....... Not like on the face but down there. How do you treat pimple like things down there.. its really gross.... cause sometimes they burst. Is this normal? Is there anything I should take or ask the doctor to check them out? I would ask my mother but I am afraid I can't. Another thing is I asked a simlar question about the one I am about to ask... but I have more info to ask on the same question. My other question is about a smell I don't smell but my dad does smell. He told me it smells of fishy oder. I first thought it was just discharge but the discharge is a long with it. I have it all the time and it gathers in my panties... I have had my period for 4 years and it just became regular last month. Also down its seems a bit flared up and it iches along with the pimple like things. What should I do? Also I went to my doc about 6 monthes ago and she told me it wasn't a yeast infection.. could she be wrong? Thanks ever so much!
-Sadye (age 15)

2007-11-15 10:33:39 · 6 answers · asked by Luvs 2 be of service 2 ppl 2

okay my period started on the 15th last month and it is the 15th today and it still hasnt started but i have done something since my last period and i took a pregnancy since my last period and it come out negative but i have really been stressing out about my period not coming yet do you think i am pregnant.

2007-11-15 10:33:25 · 8 answers · asked by aero_babe93 1

i am very afraid of pap smears. what's so crazy about it is that i have had 3 over the past couple of years. im going in for one on monday and im extremely nervous. i get like this each time. i know it's important to have one done but i just can't seemed to be relaxed when i get there. i wish there was some type of relaxing medication that would help.i jus hate to go through this for the rest of my life. sometimes when i schedule appointments for pap smears i b so nervous til the next day i call and reschedule it for a later day or a whole month. the later the better! this sound ridicoulus huh? i know your probably saying it's not that bad but what should i do.im 20 yrs old n not very sexually active. i haven't had sex in months. This will feel like a virgin all over again. someone help please! any advise would help. thanks

2007-11-15 10:32:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

my friend and i are fighting about it and she's not sure

2007-11-15 10:07:56 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

My little sister is 5'3 and shes 15. Do you think she could grow to be 5'7? how tall do you think she'll reach? She wants to know.

2007-11-15 10:06:39 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. I was told by my mother that when you start using birth control, you have to wait until your next period and use it on the sunday precedingthe beginning of your period. Is this true? Or can I take it on any sunday and be just as fine?

2. I know that birth control takes about a month to regulate in your body. If I start taking it on a sunday around 3:00 p.m., and have sex the following wednesday after taking the pill and not using a condom, how protected am I?
(I know that I am never really fully protected unless I am not having sex at all, but I just was wondering if the chances are just as high as if I had never taken birth control at all. I know I should be using a condom with or without birth control, so there is no need to tell me all that. I would just like a simple answer of if there is a high risk of getting pregnant or not.)

3. How does birth control work?

Try not to answer questions I didn't ask unless you feel it would help me better understand. Thank you.

2007-11-15 09:13:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-15 09:09:09 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

just wanted to understand what it was and PLEASE DONT GET SMART!!!

2007-11-15 09:02:07 · 26 answers · asked by ~TATOR~ 1

I have recently started researching birth controls. I am a 21, sexually active, college student. I went to my doctor to get suggestions and she seemed to busy to really give me my time. She suggested seasonique, but I read about it and just wasnt impressed. I work full time and go to school full time and realllllly dont have time to make another appt. I realize i should go through my doctor but I was hoping someone could take from their experiences and help me!

I have irregular periods. Sometimes too heavy, sometimes really light, sometimes 3 days, sometimes 7. I skip periods all the time. I have bad cramping. And I am usually extremely moody. Most of the time my energy is so drained the first couple of days of my period that I usually just lay in bed. If any of you are the same way, what birth control did your doctor put you on?

2007-11-15 08:54:49 · 8 answers · asked by ss1344 1

oK, i am 14 years old, and I AM POSITIVE THAT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WITH ANYONE!! trust me. i just started getting my period, like what? in the beginning of july, then i had it like two times in august, once in september, and i haven't got it since! i did fast ramadan from like september 13- october 13. I was stressing a little b/c i had a D+ in Geometry and i had only ONE chance to pull it up to a C. But that was about 2 weeks ago! i do get that discharge thingy everyday. I don't know, i am kind of nervous to ask my mom, one on one. Even though i know that i didn't have any sexual contact with anyone! so please, tell me, what is wrong if you know!

2007-11-15 08:48:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would prefer that a medical professional OR someone who actually uses birth control could answer this question.

When you begin taking the inactive pills (the ones that will start your period), your period still takes a day or so to start. Is that because the birth control is still in your system? During that time where you're not on your period but you're taking inactive pills, are you still protected from getting pregnant?

2007-11-15 08:26:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do u want ur dr 2 treat u?
u prefare male or females drs and why?

2007-11-15 08:25:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 15 and just got my period. My first period was really light. I didn't really think that was my period. But, this month, i got heavy periods. The first one was brown and very dark, and after 7 days, i thought it stopped. But, 3 days or so after, i got my period again, but this time, it was really red, like blood. Is this normal?

2007-11-15 08:09:46 · 4 answers · asked by Jessica D 1

Ok well, last night me and my friend were talking about random stuff and she said did you know your boobs dont grow if you leave your bra on at night? I was just wondering if this was just a myth or if its true? Anybody know?

2007-11-15 08:09:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm 8 days late, i feel fine, i have had sex 3 times since my last period, none in the last month and my bf used a condom all 3 times. recently, i've been extremely stressed out, probably hte most i've ever been stressed in my life. could this be why my period is late? it can't be pregnancy caue of Depo and condom use..just wondering if it could be stress.

2007-11-15 07:47:09 · 8 answers · asked by monalisa33333 1

2007-11-15 07:35:40 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is having tissue removed and an implant inserted with skin from her back bra line area used to replace the removed breast skin.

2007-11-15 06:58:02 · 1 answers · asked by schellstarr 1


my doctor is having me take provera for a fibroid. has anyone taken this for a uterus fibroid? i keep bleeding, and i thought provera was to help you have regular periods. i am confussed.

2007-11-15 06:57:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a miscarriage, immediately went on the pill after, finished the first month then decided to go on Depo. This was 3 months ago, i scheduled to have my next shot today. I still have not had a period, is this normal?

2007-11-15 06:44:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, so I left my pills on the bathroom counter and my son got a hold of them and popped one out before I could stop him (he just keeps getting taller and taller). I searched high and low for that damn thing. Who the heck knows where it ended up!

So, my question is, how do I handle this? Can I just skip over that day entirely? Or do I have to start a new pack? I really don't want to start a new pack since that will through my period off track and waste the remaining pills in my current pack. I have been on the pill for years and years and years and this has never happened to me before!

2007-11-15 06:38:54 · 2 answers · asked by mrsknowitall 2

i'am constantly tired due to a full time job and full time school. i feel like crap most of the time because i feel so tired. can someone help me and tell me what i should eat to be more healthy? maybe vitamins so i can have more energy?

2007-11-15 06:34:55 · 6 answers · asked by crazygirlx02 2

We have no medical insurance. I've recently paid for a pap (almost $200 with lab fees). Haven't had one since the birth of my last son, 9 years ago. Figured it was time. I'd like get my blood work done, you know, for cholesterol and whatever else they do. I don't want to pay to see this Dr. again, just so she can allow me to get lab work. (They didn't tell my I should have been fasting the last time) Can I just walk into the hospital and request this to be done as a private citizen? Or do I need to get permission from someone?

2007-11-15 06:23:18 · 5 answers · asked by EarthGirl 6

2007-11-15 06:02:07 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

my girl friend has taken the pill for 2 months now

she has just had her break and started taking it again on monday

we just had sex

are we protected? please just clarify


ads and Christine

2007-11-15 05:57:28 · 4 answers · asked by adsdrummerboom 1

thank you

2007-11-15 05:47:20 · 4 answers · asked by adsdrummerboom 1

ive just started the pill and im bleeding is it common?

2007-11-15 05:46:27 · 4 answers · asked by emmaxlee15 1

I think its fine if a mother wants to breastfeed in public or anywhere. I dont mind and think its cool. Why is it such a hot topic? It's beautiful and cool to me.

2007-11-15 05:40:07 · 15 answers · asked by silenceofnike 2

Hi there. I had constant lightheadedness. I've tried changing position carefully, but its still there when I stand up. I walk, its there, at work, its there. Even sitting here I can feel it a little. I just feel really imbalanced as opposed to like I'm going to faint. I sleep well enough, I eat regularly. Not diabetic, dont think Im anaemic. As for the weight gain, in the past two months I have gained a good 20 pounds. My diet hasnt changed, nor has my exercise- if anything Im doing more exercise. Also I'm constantly tired, even though Im getting 10 hours sleep a night. Im not pregnant. My cycle is usually bang on, but its been a bit strange the past few months- coming early, spotting inbetween. Any suggestions?

2007-11-15 05:33:29 · 9 answers · asked by neurotica19 1

2007-11-15 05:30:36 · 1 answers · asked by Bigsexy 1

I think im abnormal.. just before i have intercourse with my b/f, i seem to be very moist down below. and he has even said to me that sometimes he cant believe how moist i am, and how quick it happens..

is there somethin wrong with me. im so paranoid now.

also after intercourse, do u just ly there, or does anyone else get up straight away and clean themselves?

2007-11-15 05:25:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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