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Women's Health - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Women's Health

Anyone ever tried these http://magic-cone.com/animation1.htm magic cones or anything similar? They seem like they might be a good idea for road trips or ball games where the line for the womens bathroom is a mile long, especially at half time http://magiccone.com/images/275_label.jpg Do you think I should get a pack for my gf? `

2007-02-11 01:56:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-11 01:53:27 · 14 answers · asked by adi_gz 1

me and my boyfriend had sex yesterday and we decided to try doing it with a condom for the first time. he pretty much just went in and out of me to get used to it for a few times for about 5 minutes. he ended up feeling the urge to climax and he pulled out and about 10 seconds later he did, so he didn't do it inside me. we didn't see any pre-ejaculate on him, just stuff from inside me on his penis.

i have been on the pill for about 4 months. i've only missed taking the pill twice and that was a month ago. i've also changed the time of my pill from noon to 8 in the morning a week ago.

we're really worried and we plan on using the condon+pill from now on since the worrying isn't worth it, but what are the chances of me being pregnant?

thank you

2007-02-11 01:51:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i heard awhile ago that a week before your suppose to get your period your less and less in the mood for sex.is that true?does that happen to any of you????

2007-02-11 01:37:10 · 10 answers · asked by babywanted26 1

well i weigh alil more than normal and i think it be cuz of that! if i loose weight will it go down?or do guys like it chubby?

2007-02-11 01:33:48 · 4 answers · asked by singlelady 3

I have a problem! I have not had an orgasim by a partner or myself and i have been sexually active for sometime now. I had a extremly serious boyfriend for 3 years and i was completly comfortable with him and still i just couldn't. Is there any type of exercise or pill or anything that would help me!?!

2007-02-11 01:32:27 · 18 answers · asked by Millie B 1

how long does it take for a menstrual cycle to become regular?

2007-02-11 01:20:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-11 01:13:31 · 13 answers · asked by anna 1

I am 5 foot and i eat really faboulous but does this seem underweight or not? thanks everone please dont leave bi.c.hy comments

2007-02-11 00:56:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi, i have trouble getting to a climax, im by muyself and use a toy but ithink because i use the same tequneques every time my body is bored , any tips?

2007-02-11 00:31:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-10 23:52:34 · 3 answers · asked by GIRLIE B 1

2007-02-10 23:47:01 · 13 answers · asked by classylady 2


hi ya, i have just come off depo, and this is my second month off it. i have the pill ready to take but i have missed my period and for a wk now i have had milky white discharge. its not a yeast infection as i've had these and its not smelly or off colour. could i be pregnant? would i still get this discharge before my period even tho i have missed it? i have done tests and they have all been negative? i did have unprotected sex a wk ago, would that have stopped my period even tho it was only a few days before it?

2007-02-10 23:27:24 · 3 answers · asked by tonih81 2

been like this for 2 years. I bleed only when I use the bathroom. I get really strong pains a week ahead.

2007-02-10 23:10:10 · 3 answers · asked by Estafan T 1

There's a doubt about a girlfriend i've been with for several years, in a long distance relationship. Recently I went to visit her, and we made love, and it was a godo experience. I assumed she was virgin because she said so, and because it was hard to get in the first time, and she bled after we did. There was a problem because she had another friend stay with her abotu a year or so before i came to visit her, and everyone beleives she's slept with him. She even had condoms that he had, but she swears to me that she never used it with him, and that I was her first. It's a problem with me not so much that she might not have been a virgin but the fact that she coudl be decieving me and cheated since we've been in a relation for several years. Is there any way possible to know if a woman is virgin or not?

2007-02-10 22:37:43 · 9 answers · asked by Dan M 1

The nurse asked me this when I had my first or second one done, I can't remember which. I was so shocked at the question I just said no. Now I regret not asking her why because it keeps playing on my mind. Did she see something? Help!

2007-02-10 22:28:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have had this for about two years, I missed to injections & have just had one to start again but I am in the middle of my cycle (due period in 2 weeks) you are meant to have it on the first day of your period to be covered.........anyone know if I am covered or when I will be covered ???

2007-02-10 22:25:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have taken like practically every pill thre is and everyone of them make me sick, some i can't even take becuase they make me vomit everytime i take it. what can i do to stop this?

2007-02-10 21:38:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

A few days ago I went to pick up my son to put him into bed and I had a sharp pain almost like someone stapped me in the stomach and I had to pause a moment and after 1min it went away. Well the other day I was starting to have intercourse with my husband and the pain just came suddenly, however this time it lasted 10min it was so intense that I could not move. I went to the er they did a pelvic exam and could not tell me a answer on what it was of is. I've been tested for std's and everything is negative and I can't be pregant because my husband has a vasoctomey. The doctor prescribed me tetracycline. I fill kinda of dizzy and my stomach just feels uncomfortable. Any ideas what it could be?

2007-02-10 21:31:50 · 7 answers · asked by ompie 3

weight gain,irritability,depression

2007-02-10 21:26:53 · 5 answers · asked by Elizabeth 6

Friend she did to titty twister really hardly is normal it's hurt a lot?

2007-02-10 21:01:31 · 4 answers · asked by petu_ 1

whisper or kotex or stay free?

2007-02-10 20:54:08 · 9 answers · asked by niki 1

what is a fast and easy way to get rid of stretch marks

2007-02-10 20:38:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello everyone. Here is some background info. I am 23 years old, and NOT sexually active.

i got my period on october 19th. Then i got it on nov 20th. Then i got it on jan 4. The month of december i skipped b/c i was under a lot of stress. Then i got it on Jan 4th and now on Feb 6th. all of my periods were normal, however the one on Feb 6th, which is still going on now, the blood color is rust color like brick red or maroon. My period is also lighter than usual.

IS this normal???

2007-02-10 20:37:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am currently on the pill because my doctor prescribed me onto the pill as a result of heavy periods. But I want to come off as I would like to start a family. But I am so dreading having heavy periods again! Does anyone know if there is any other medicine/homeopathic treatment that could help???

2007-02-10 20:19:34 · 11 answers · asked by Clazza 2

im 13.my boob size now dont bother me that much sence i have some confidence that im still gonna grow. im about a 32b but im not exactly sure.i have had my period for like 4 years now.problem is i think as i get older this size will be too small knowing that i have a big butt that i luv.im skinny and the thing is my mom has very small boobs. she told me that she thinks her boobs are small because she wasnt healthy or anything growing up she didnt eat right and she just jogged and played sports nonstop.i eat alot. and im healthy and everything.but sence genetics or whatever im scared im gonna have my moms small boobs.my hormones are also very high.and im worried that if i exersise alot they will get smaller.if you dont know or dont care.then dont try to answer my question.thanks.

2007-02-10 19:24:36 · 5 answers · asked by sarah 1

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