My wife and I usually put down an old red sweatshirt. It doesn't smell unless there's another problem. It tastes bitter, though. Regarding what the the PP said about being guaranteed not to get pregnant is incorrect. The chances are slim, but it's not a guarantee.
2007-02-10 19:30:10
answer #1
answered by Mickey Mouse Spears 7
I personally would never have sex while on my period. It will probably smell bad and blood will obviously leak, probably more then usual since you will have some movement down there. I will say this just in case you don't know, still use a condom and if you are on the pill don;t miss it, just because you are on your period, doesn't mean you still can't get pregnant. Okie dokie.
2007-02-10 19:31:04
answer #2
answered by Reese W889 1
Whenever I get my period, my hormones are on high, so my desire to have sex increases. It's like that for most women, actually, so it's only natural that you'll want to have some sex during that fateful time.
I've had sex while on my period, and let me tell you, it's one messy ordeal. But as long as you and your partner acknowledge the impending messiness beforehand and are comfortable with each other, you'll be fine. Don't stress over it.
As far as your questions are concerned, no, it doesn't smell bad. Just make sure to wash yourself well before you start doing the deed. And yes, menstruation will be present, and of course, all that pushing and grinding spreads it all around, but that's to be expected. At the end of it all, you'll most definitely have menstruation all over your inner thighs and vagina. He'll have it on his penis and probably all over his pubic area.
So my advice to you is: wash up, lay down a towel or any cloth you find expendable, ask him if he'd like to wear a condom, relax and don't stress, then let the good times roll. Afterwards, make sure both of you wash up well.
ALSO, don't listen to what somebody said earlier about it being impossible for you to get pregnant while you're having your period. You *can* get pregnant during that time, even if the chances are slightly lower, so don't lure yourself into a false sense of security. If you have a stable birth control method, keep on it. In addition to that, I'd suggest condoms anyway (just because of the skeeby blood issue). And if you don't have a stable birth control method, then please please please use condoms.
Have fun and be safe!
2007-02-10 22:19:31
answer #3
answered by Beverly 1
If you keep it clean down there than it probably wont smell. But be ready for a messy one.I recommend you to put something underneath you, to prevent stains. You will leak (especially if you have a heavy flow) and when it is all done his privates will also be bloody. As nasty as it may sound it is not that bad (unless you or him are clean freaks) and best of all it is all worth it.
2007-02-10 19:34:04
answer #4
answered by Yezmin Fernandez 2
clarify on your boyfriend that you're wanting to have sex, yet your on your era. And acceptable earlier you've sex possibly flow to the rest room and sparkling your self off with a humid paper towel. So once you commence off you'll already be undressed and a lot less messy. also in the experience that your tense about the sheet getting bloody in basic terms lay on an old sheet, blanket, or towel.
2016-11-27 00:13:33
answer #5
answered by ? 4
From a medical point of view it could have grave consequences. Your uterus lining during your period breaks and hemorrhages. Hence, your uterus is very susceptible to catch any infection. Even from any usually harmless microbes which the presence of the penis may bring in your body.
On the other hand, the decay taking place within your uterus is a fertile ground for harmful bacteria which could get into your partner's urethra and cases him urinary track infections.
That aside, with the discomfort and pain that you go through I don't think you would be in any mood for amorous liaisons.
Good Luck!
2007-02-10 22:50:37
answer #6
answered by Pabs 4
The trick to having sex while being on your period is having sex in the shower. Its the best thing to do. Not sure if you've noticed but when you go in the shower, for some reason you don't bleed as much. So if you want to keep the messyness down to a minimal, do it in the shower.
2007-02-10 19:37:44
answer #7
answered by Noah's Mommy 4
In Islam it is not allowed to have sex while your period is on, because it causes diseases and may also tranfer diseases. It's better to avoid it. He can wait, it's only 7 days a month max.
2007-02-10 23:20:29
answer #8
answered by Estafan T 1
It will be messier since you will still bleed during sex to some degree, but if you are okay with it, it's fine to have intercourse during your period. Actually it releives cramps. I would stay away from oral, but intercourse is fine.
Of course, protected sex. You CAN still get pregnant during your period.
2007-02-10 19:31:47
answer #9
answered by charice266 5
It would be fine to have sex during your period. Just make sure you lay a towel down so you don't make a mess. And obviously he should be wearing a condom.
2007-02-11 01:16:44
answer #10
answered by aqx99 6