One of my friends is a 5 ft 3, 135 lb, very strong girl. She knows that I love when she shows off her strength, and I recently gave her the challenge of giving me a piggyback ride. This isn't as easy as it sounds, since i'm 5 ft 7 and 260 lbs. She is a pretty big girl for her height, and most of her body is muscle. Her legs are thick and very strong, especially in her calves. She said that she's up for the challenge, and thinks she should do it.
I felt her legs a bit today, her calves were too large to wrap both my hands around, and when she flexed them they hardened up and became very defined. Her thighs were large and almost completely muscle. I also felt her abs and arms, under a little bit of fat but still strong.
Obviously safety is my first concern, I would never put her in danger.
How easily do you think she can piggyback me? Also, what do you think she's capable of while i'm riding on her back?
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