I dont understand this virus. It seems nor do a lot of other people. I have gone on the internet, library and talk to help care providers. This virus can be so MANY different things. It can be warts on hands, feet, other parts of the body and genital. It can cause abnormalities to cells in the cervix and cause cancer. This virus connects to you DNA and or rDNA. If it is connected to you dna dont you already pass it down to your child?Why does no one really know about this STD!? It is just as important. They say its not that important unless it is cancer. Well we dont want it to lead to caner, RIGHT? I have found that some say "hpv" can go away on its own, Not genital warts(but genital warts is hpv, it doesnt make sense to me). If you have abnormal cells than that is the only way it can go away on it own. If you diet, excercise and do all this healthy things, but ONLY for the abnormal cells. IS THAT TRUE?
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