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I've had HPV for a long time and have done extensive reasearch on the virus, treatments, etc... It amazes me the people that will give advice and not know all the facts. I am especially suprised to see people give advice on HPV when in their "advice" they are clearly describing Herpes. Why are these two diseases lumped together so often?

To give someone advice that HPV will "go away," is not a virus, can simply be treated with a topical cream, etc... is OUTRAGEOUS. Men have a far less fear of HPV than women do. On that note, I can only suggest that women take control of a situation and contact their doctor immediately when a noticeable change occurs and they do not know why. DO NOT PLAY WITH FATE OR IGNORANCE.

IS there anyone else frustrated over the amount of people giving inaccurate advice on this subject???? Especially when you see someone's response as the VOTED #1 and it's clearly inacurrate?

2006-09-13 13:09:34 · 8 answers · asked by wvbtmhuntington 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions STDs

8 answers

I agree with you totally! I have also had HPV for a long time (over 5 years).

People constantly confuse herpes with HPV! Obviously they don't realize they are two completely different viruses that have nothing to do with each other! I would know, because not only do I have HPV but I have also had genital herpes for over 5 years too.

And, I also see people say it will go away with cream too. I wish it was that easy! I have been fighting cervical cancer ever since I devloped it back when I was 17 years old. Going to the doctor every 4 months for the last 5 years to get pap smears is not that fun, believe me! I wish topical medication could get rid of it, but it can't.

Today, I just saw an answer someone had put about HPV, that said it is ONLY a womens disease. Are you kidding me? Both men and women get HPV, it's not just a women's issue!

People really need to educate themselves more about HPV, or at least don't answer the question if they don't know the answer. It's so frustrating, but, what can you do?

2006-09-14 06:04:35 · answer #1 · answered by Alli 7 · 0 0

The part I find frustrating is the if you say HPV everyone around you assumes you mean herpes which is a totally different disease altogether (and I see an answer up above mine where someone also said both give you warts - WRONG!!!).

Anyway, I've been diagnosed with HPV, my fiance is HSV, neither has gotten the disease the other has. So far we've been lucky.

The biggest frustration is that if HPV and HSV is that big of a problem (something like over 45 million with HPV and same with HSV) within North America and yet no one seems to know anything about it.

Thank god they started doing commercials now about HPV. I've seen it about 10 or more times and it's quite information and straight to the point. Let's hope some people finally open their eyes and realize that when talking about diseases, unless you are living with it, then you shouldn't be answering questions.

2006-09-14 07:51:19 · answer #2 · answered by GirlinNB 6 · 0 0

I wish I could say I am amazed, but I'm not. I've been an HIV/AIDS educator since the 80's and the degree of misinformation about that never ceases to astound me.

I think HPV and HSII just are similar enough to confuse people and since the genitals are involved they get lumped together. They are related viruses, of course, but the diseases are quite different.

I've also seen some insane advice about magical creams that "cure" HPV, even seen claims that a wash cloth can prevent the virus. Probably they base this on having an isolated lesion that disappears on its own and some thing they happened to be using got the credit. Of course the virus is still there and could reappear at any time. And I've seen a great many inaccurate, even dangerous, answers be "best" but there are a great number of well-meaning but ignorant participants, and also far to many planning childish games.

The most horrendous advice floating around is advice to not vaccinate your child against the forms of HPV we can no prevent based on the fear that that child will become promiscuous at some future date. Some teenagers will become sexually wild, but shouldn't that be even more incentive to protect them until they are mature enough to make better choices?

Hang in there, and keep holding out for the truth.

2006-09-13 14:23:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What's even worse is that while doing your research, the answers are conflicting even on "medical" supported websites. I was diagnosed HPV 3 years ago while pregnant. At the time my doctor sorta brushed the question aside and said that sometimes it shows up when you get pregnant. This was extremely confusing at the time and I started demanding answers. So far, I have been cleared of cervical cancer, so I guess I am lucky.

I will say that the vaccine argument truly astounds me. Here is a vaccine that will eliminate the two biggest and most dangerous strains (if I understand it correctly) and our conservative and religious people are deathly afraid of anything hinting at sex. Which is sad. Giving them a life saving vaccine that will keep them from getting cervical cancer will not promote promiscuity!

As for confusing Herpes and HPV. It's appears easy to confuse them if you don't seek medical attention. My husband's ex-wife was diagnosed with Herpes. The doctor gave her enough Valtrex for both of them (again I marvel at the medical community). My husband began to get outbreaks. It wasn't until I got pregnant that we even entertained the idea that it might be HPV instead. Since I cannot get my husband to a doctor (he assumes he's fine between outbreaks), I still don't know what he has. But now his ex has been diagnosed with HPV and Herpes.

Without asking for the tests, it's hard to tell what you have. We really need to be encouraging testing and making it available to everyone regardless of income.

2006-09-15 12:36:37 · answer #4 · answered by jenn_jenn02 3 · 0 0

I think the reason they are often lumped together is because both viruses can cause genital warts and I think that is why people get confused and assume that, since their initials are similar, HPV and HSV, that they are related in some way.

I understand about the frustration as well, many people give false advice on here and in general. I was quilty of that as well once. I answered a question about a topic that I wasn't quite knowledgable enough in to answer and was corrected on it. I apologized and now will not answer unless I am sure about something. :)

2006-09-13 14:32:15 · answer #5 · answered by crazzkc24 4 · 0 1

I also have HPV. It is ignorance. I just think that people do not take the time to research properly. They want to toss a label on people.

Another thing that I am noticing is that HPV "CAN LEAD" to cervical cancer. It is not always a sure thing. That is why it is so important to ONE: Practice safe sex...always...and TWO: get regular check-ups with your GYN. We have to take care of our bodies because no one else will!

2006-09-13 16:46:13 · answer #6 · answered by Yoda 3 · 0 0

particular. united statesa. is in deep economic worry. we've considered what Obama grants and clearly his head is in an entire diverse universe/certainty than the certainty businessmen stay in. we pick a turn-around artist. Romney has fairly some adventure at doing that. which incorporate, case in point, the 1984 l. a. Olympics which became in deep dodo and dropping money and no-one knew a thank you to restoration it. Romney became employed (i think of he did the job for $a million dollar) and grew to become it around so not in hassle-free terms did the completed tutor come off nicely yet unquestionably grew to become a earnings. that's what united statesa. desires appropriate now via fact the automobile is putting midway over the cliff area and the rigidity wheels are off the floor. the yankee economic equipment desires rescuing. The UNCERTAINTY Obama has been spreading has each and every physique sitting on their palms and the economic equipment is stagnant whilst corporation waits to work out what destiny costs would be for issues like wellness care costs, economic coverage, taxes, capability costs, what new anti-corporation draconian regulations will the EPA be crapping throughout united statesa. in Obama's conflict on corporation, etc. So particular, all people yet Obama. Romney isn't charismatic and in my view i became appalled by ability of his convention speech, via fact he did not lay out a plan. yet he does understand his stuff and proper now we pick a businessman on the helm and not some wild-eyed Marxist cutting-edge.

2016-10-14 23:37:03 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I'm frustrated not only over this, but there are hundreds of answers here, and it's very clear nobody has the foggiest idea what they are talking about. If I don't know something about the problem, I don't generally answer, and I stay within the realm of things I do know.

Yes, I know exactly how you feel. Have a nice evening.

2006-09-13 14:15:04 · answer #8 · answered by skyeblue 5 · 0 0

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