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Skin Conditions - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

is it true you can use duck tape on warts, and what do you do ?

2006-11-11 03:10:32 · 13 answers · asked by darkhorse 3

can a bite cause ulcer

2006-11-11 02:59:51 · 17 answers · asked by Twojays 1

well, i have a stomach problem i think, i need to know how to solve this issue. whenever i am in my class, i start to have gas in my stomach. whenever i eat in school, right after my sotmach bloats up. i think i need to clean my stomach, i have tried lemon juice but i am afraid it will ruin my stomach after drinking lemone too much. i also think that the stomach problem is the casue of my acne. so can some one help me find some type of herb or home remedy to clean the entire digestive system. plz.

2006-11-11 02:51:40 · 13 answers · asked by Randy 2

Have been using "bazuka gel" but progress is excruiatingly slow.

I know that the duct tape trick thing works, but the stuff that I have found in the UK just will not stick to the soles of my feet! I've also tried electrical tape and Scholl plasters but nothing stays put.

What can I use? Verruccae can be very frustrating!

2006-11-11 02:04:42 · 14 answers · asked by Neil_R 3

the scar occured with a srubber being used to remove spots however the skin burned and has been red for a very long time, is there any advice for immediate removal or covering thanks

2006-11-11 01:35:53 · 4 answers · asked by tonyrichas 1

my baby had black marks resulting of insect bites, i'm concious about her skin... how can i keep it moisturized and free from any blemish?

2006-11-11 00:57:47 · 4 answers · asked by teeh 1

health.that the materials can be found at home.

2006-11-11 00:29:00 · 5 answers · asked by jen_metamorphosis 1

how can you do a pedicure at home? and how can you make your feet smell nice after a long day with the shocks? what can you do to prevent smelly feet?


2006-11-10 23:16:44 · 4 answers · asked by Kcam 2

2006-11-10 23:15:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

my really body colour is white but from the sun changed to blacke i used same ways to be white againe but it didn't make anythinge any body know how can i be white againe?

2006-11-10 21:49:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i've got lots of pimple marks like black,i want to get rid of the marks quickly,how can i get quickly?any home natural treatment.....serious answer please.

2006-11-10 21:38:23 · 8 answers · asked by Shali 2

I've been having a strange rash for the past couple days, and I'm wondering if anyone could shed some light on this, as I haven't yet been able to make it out to a doctor.

It starts as an area of itchy redness. After about ten minutes, tiny pinprick bumps appear. These will then slowly enlarge and merge, getting more irritated, and sometimes growing to almost an inch across. Once they stop growing, they flatten out and fade away, and the irritation subsides. The whole process takes about an hour.

I've gotten this a few times really badly on my hands and feet, and to a lesser degree on my arms, legs, and ears.

Does anyone know what it is, or what could be causing it?

2006-11-10 21:30:58 · 3 answers · asked by Pif 2

any prescription to get away from pimples

2006-11-10 21:10:50 · 18 answers · asked by nazu 1

k I know it's a zit but why does it have to be the size of a goiter?!!!Any ideas on how to defeat this monster on my face??

2006-11-10 20:58:35 · 6 answers · asked by Susan and Grant O 2

does smoking cigarettes make you look old faster? if you quit smoker will your skin look younger?

2006-11-10 19:50:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-10 19:20:40 · 11 answers · asked by lisa lynn 1

2006-11-10 18:47:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-10 17:50:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dont want to be grose but i have bad itch on my *** the hole i have had it for about a month and i talked to my doctor nurse and she sayed try some cream for a cople of days and if it dosent work i could see the docotor but not shure if i want to what could this be and why and could baby wipes do this?

2006-11-10 17:36:07 · 10 answers · asked by Kev48us 5

i have heat rash on mi fanny and i realli need it to go away within an hour because i wanna im going to root mi boy !!!!!

2006-11-10 17:06:43 · 7 answers · asked by hunniswirl 1

2006-11-10 17:00:42 · 3 answers · asked by luan s 1

i have a really oily face, and pimples are forming what are some rememdys or something i can do for the pimples to go away

2006-11-10 16:32:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have acne not a lot , but just on my forhead,i don't want to use proactive or something like that because it isn't really bad bad.but how can i get rid of it?

2006-11-10 16:12:45 · 13 answers · asked by Richelle 2

Like muscle pain and or loss of muscle tone?

2006-11-10 15:14:30 · 3 answers · asked by Andi V 2

My daughter contracted head lice. I am worried about her stuffed animals being contaminated, but I think washing in hot water will wreck some of them. So what about putting them in the microwave for a couple of minutes? That should kill anything, shouldn't it?

2006-11-10 15:13:23 · 11 answers · asked by gonkthemonk 1

they have been on there for like a year now.

2006-11-10 14:47:08 · 1 answers · asked by mfcm90 1

I want to get rid of it overnight. Please tell me some homemade recipes or something that I can try. I don't want to go and pay $200 for proactiv. Please help! :( I'm desperate. And I WON'T pop the pimple, that just leaves scars and makes my face look gross.

2006-11-10 14:16:46 · 13 answers · asked by bleedinglove_x 3

now before you say eww gross and act all immauture this is very serious. I have been chewing my thumb and eating the skin around it since I was five and now i am fourteen. because of it so much one fingr and the other thumb is slightly crooked. I try very hard to stop this habbit but it so addicting. I am not exaggerating it one bit, trying to stop swallowing the skin is like trying to stop smoking! and it is not a nervous habit i just find it good to swallow the skin. just alittle.

please help idk what to do

2006-11-10 14:07:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

alright heres the situation, i had a pimple that was on my forhead that hadnt quite come to the surface yet, but i love to pick things and i was squeezing at it to like pop a white head and puss came out which was what i wanted to but then it was slowly bleeding and ended up becomeing a scab and it look horrible, now as bad as this sounds i want to pick it to clean it and then let it heal from there but i cant even pick it becasue the scab wont lift up. but i want it to and i kno your gonna say no no dont lift it up, i need to, on my skin it helps the scabs heal faster, believe me i'v noticed this for about 10 years now..i just need a way to get the scab off or something that will make the scab look gone fast, make-up makes it look worse(i knew it would though)HELP!

ps. sorry that it was soo long

2006-11-10 14:04:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was born with coffee dark armpit skin & the rest of my body is as white as milk. So even when I wax my armpit hair, my armpit still look like it's hairy from far away because it's so dark. This is the reason I can't stretch my arms and where tanks to go outside =[ Does anybody know any product I can use to make my skin lighter but in a safe way?

2006-11-10 13:50:17 · 8 answers · asked by Fashionable 1

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