( this question is for meat eaters only)
Why are you meat eaters always coming to our category, I mean you people always come over hear with your uneduacated nonsence and criticinig us ,and is it not funny how your peoples excuse for critisizing us always seems to be " vegans/vegatarians always critisize us"
When this nis entirely untrue! I mean I am not saying that vegans or vegatarians don't judge ,its something humans do not just veggies, I am not saying that meat eaters judge all the time either, but why do you peple come to our side of the web, why don't you create you own little spot called " THE IGNORANT" and talk about vegans all the ntime and how good the cow you had at mcdonalds was!
By the way, when you people say that most vegans and vegatarians are "anorexic" or "in lack of common sence" maybe you should do a kittle research before you start on like you know everything.
And another thing if we lack common sence why can we stop eating meat you don't!
15 answers
asked by
Vegetarian & Vegan