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Singles & Dating - 19 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

We have been goin' out 4 about 2 months, how can we talk without being so shy?

2007-03-19 14:20:18 · 3 answers · asked by Lu_flies_hi 1

i was very briefly dating this guy i knew for a short while and he was by far the nicest bf i have had in a while....but the thing that got me was he hadn't had closure with his ex girl. after asking him many times to be honest about it, he of couse, denied his feelings for her in hopes of reassuring me that he was about me and him. so three weeks after just three weeks of dating, he dropped the bomb on me. he left me alone for his ex. he sent me a "dear Jane" text message!! not only that, but after not contacting me (and i tried to reach out to him) for a good month or so, he decides to apologize and work on rekindeling whatever we had...alothough i have another person i am working on, but we are still just friends. so after thinking about it and reconsidering his apology, i wanted us to have a clean slate. the question is, should i make it happen with him again or should i keep it at a "not happening again" level keeping it friendly?

2007-03-19 14:20:11 · 4 answers · asked by jmayerlicious 2

I've been seeing this guy for 3 or 4 months. We have been sleeping together and it is HOT. Well he told me he is interested in another girl and he "really likes her a lot" and they have been hanging out but strictly as friends and that she is interested in another guy. Help me figure out what he means? He mean he likes her as in how? And I know she is all over the guy she likes. How could he like someone who likes someone else? And how could he be so passionate with me if he has the hots for another girl? Please help me understand??? Thanks!

2007-03-19 14:19:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok...so there's a girl I like in my high school class. I want to give her some hints and see how she reacts, so whenever I see her I always give her a big smile, and after the class I would walk with her and talk, and she seemed willing to do the same. Do you think I've given her enough clue, or she just thinks we are just friends? And there's another time during lunch, she saw me so she waited for me to catch up and stuff...I don't know how she thinks though. Any help is appreciated.

2007-03-19 14:18:33 · 10 answers · asked by Yao L 1

I might have been sexually abused (once) by my uncle when I was little... still trying to figure that out... wouldn't this make me afraid of older guys instead of attracted to them?? I'm confused... help!

2007-03-19 14:18:20 · 14 answers · asked by Katie xoxo 1

me and this guy hve been dating for 6mos.At first he was sweet kind affectionate.Always wanted me to come over to his house.Then, suddenly said I Need to stay home and rest.Does't call as much.I asked did he still want to be with me?Yes I want u he said.But some how I don't beleve it.What do I do.I'm giving him his space.I don't call him as much.Nor do I visit as much.When he invites me to his house I purposly don't stay very long.Keeping in mind that he is being different with me.

2007-03-19 14:17:28 · 12 answers · asked by twoceeswilliams 1

well i like her a lot, while tryin to know her better, i either pressured her too much or annoyed her. so now im blocked from her AIM, but not her myspace. i dont know if i should say sorry or something. this isnt the first time she has blocked me but this time i actually think i was wrong. do i just wait more or say sorry?

2007-03-19 14:16:58 · 2 answers · asked by Osphronemus G 3

i love my bf i just kind of like a other boy to butnot nearly as much as i love my boyfriend.

2007-03-19 14:16:37 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'll trade you all my pok'e'mon cards for a pikachu. (peeck at you)

Im not gonna use i just wanted to know if you thought it was clever. Thanx! ^_^

2007-03-19 14:16:13 · 12 answers · asked by yomonkeysdaddy 2

This girl's confused. Don't know why, but every once in a while she gets in these weird moods where she gets all moody (and it's not that time) but she resigns herself to telling me that she's inconsolable. I assume she just wants the attention but it irritates me to no end. I would, and do, give her all the attention she wants whenever she comes around. So how do I get her to tell me what she wants from us? When it's good w/ us, it's really good. And it usually is. But every so often, she gets like this and w/out any input from her, I can't help but assume she isn't sure she wants us to be together. Am I just jumping to conclusions and reading too much into it?

2007-03-19 14:13:55 · 4 answers · asked by randyken 6

1. I am in my twenties and am awful at reading body language.

2. SCENE: On a cruise ship in a night club, there tends to be a lot of random hookups.

QUESTION: Do girls absolutely give OBVIOUS hints that they want you to take them back to your cabin and hook up?

QUESTION: What are some of the most common hints gals give that they want some action for the night? Why can't they ever verbalize it? It woul dbe so much easier.


2007-03-19 14:12:35 · 7 answers · asked by PezBoy 1

i've had a crush on him for about 6 months. he has a girlfriend. i used to be jealous. but i got over it. i trie and find another person to crush on , but i don't like anyone else at my school. how do i get over my best guy friend. i keep thinking about him. We've been knowing each for 3 years. I assume if he didn't try to go with me by now. he does not like me, so i have to move on. please tell me how.

2007-03-19 14:12:06 · 3 answers · asked by North Cali Girl 1

what damage can it do?

2007-03-19 14:12:00 · 11 answers · asked by uni girl 1

My bf says i cheated on him first thats why he slepted with my sister. He says that i cheated him when i called my mother and other sister for advise about what i should do because my bf would always tell my about his big fat ex-wife(H) and how he was digusited by her fat so he had to go find someone(CJ) fatter than his wife just so he could have sex with her at night. He kepted on telling me this story over and over i thought he was directing it towards me and my family because i used to be overweight and some of my family are overweight. He says i cheated him first i guess i did by not telling him that he was offending me what do you think?

2007-03-19 14:10:33 · 14 answers · asked by TNT9478 1

2007-03-19 14:10:20 · 5 answers · asked by number1hilaryfan 1

I have feelings for a couple of guys, and they are all friends, but I don't want to like them but I cant help it! Every time I see them it is hard for me to not to like them! Please help me, I am sick of being jealous and stuff like that! Help Please if you know anything! Thank You!

2007-03-19 14:07:58 · 8 answers · asked by Janey 1

The more time you spend together getting to know each other and alot of the time I feel they feel the same way as we do but is it possible they don't know what to do with those feelings?

2007-03-19 14:07:27 · 11 answers · asked by dms56blonde 2

I smoke every once in the blue moon and when i drink i only drink at occasions and when i do drink i dont drink alot so that i get so drunk. My boyfriend started asking me when i told him if i could stop smoking and drinking i told him i could stop smoking but i asked whats wrong with drinking if im drinking resposibly. he still says no im going to be really mad at you if you drink or smoke. i mean im not a little girl i at lease took the sence of listening to him and stop smoking but i think he's asking for too much now i can do what i want but he thinks by not listening to him im not being "fair" with him.do u think im right or maybe i should listen to what he says and do it.?

2007-03-19 14:07:22 · 19 answers · asked by becca . 4

I have liked this guy for quite a while.. and I know for a fact that he's liked me at least twice before.. HOwever im starting to get somewhat over him because he doesnt at least make the effort to talk to me or leave me comments on myspace.. or anything like that [b/c we dont go to the same school] and im always having to talk to him first.. and i absolutely hate it..
i mean i really miss talking to him but i dont always want to be the first to initiate it..
what should i do?
should i talk to him first..
or wait forever?

2007-03-19 14:07:05 · 8 answers · asked by Chellebelle 1

I'm sort of emo and i cut myself but my mom doesn't know and i want it to stay that way. So i always wear long sleeves to cover the scars and all that. Do you know any way i could hide it without wearing long sleeves i tried cover up and that didn't work any thoughts on this?? And yes I am trying to stop so don't council me because there are still the old scars. How can i hide or get rid of them??

2007-03-19 14:05:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

So theres this guy, lets call him mc. well hes in a few of my classes and i reallllllly like him. im not sure if he feels the same b/c we dont talk that much, and when im on the internet, im always the one starting the convos and he takes a while to respond and stuff. hes kinda popular but not a jerk. hes pretty smart cuz were in some honors classes together. once in a while he looks at me for a little bit but its not often. i think i want to tell him how i feel, but im not sure how to do it or how he'll react. im also shy by the way so it will be hard for me. Any help or suggestions are good, thanks!!

2007-03-19 14:04:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please say why or why not


2007-03-19 14:04:35 · 3 answers · asked by beautyqueenjustine 3

errrrr...this been going on for a long time now.
theres this really hot guy, who could get any girl he wants (well, atleast in our school)
but the problem is, he only stares at me, actually he did say hi to me once but i didn't say any thing back. he looks for me in the crowd, he will turn aorund repeatedly to see me and he leaves when i do but thats it he doesn't do any thing more.
is this guy a freak or he likes me and doesn't know how to approach me?
oh remmber his a hot guy, that i bet is proud of himeself
so why in the world would he be shy about?

2007-03-19 14:04:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im in love wit this girl who ive been friends with since 3rd grade.Im in 8th grade.I told her i had feelings for her and so now we talk even more.Today in 4th period, i layed my head down and so did she. when i got up i saw her looking at me. when some one asks her if she likes me or if she knows i like her or if they ask her if she wanna go wit me, she says, mind yo own business its between me and him.when we talk she talks to me in a way differently then she does wit other people. when she says hi and bye, its different.she rubed my hair a couple of days ago.when we are on the bus, she sneeks peeks at me.shes so beautiful, please tell me if she likes me too.

2007-03-19 14:02:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm in rhode island and its snowing.

2007-03-19 14:00:17 · 9 answers · asked by Matt 1

we had a few dates. then he told me he wants to stay as friends only. after that day he kept IM me and calling me and asked me to hang out at the mall which we did. he tried to sit and stand really close to me our bodies touching (which we did not during the few dates before) and I moved away and he said I must meet his folks someday.
after the day at the mall (on saturday) he never asked me out but messaged me for fun.

so now does he want to be friends only or does he want more? Or are we just great friends?

2007-03-19 13:59:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

We've been unhappy lately..arguing all the time. She says shes unhappy because im too controlling, dont give her enough space. The other nite we had a bad fight and I left her house thinking we were done. My question is: Once I realized I probably lost the love of my life, it dawned on me that maybe it was me who was the problem (or much of it). So, I wrote her a letter, in it I told her exactly how I felt and dropped it off at her work (my dad's bar). So if I am truly sincere about changing my ways and wrote in my letter just how sincere I was, do u think she'll come back? If she answered the phone and didnt hang up on me, it must mean she cares right? I plan on just leaving her alone, giving her sometime and when shes ready she'll call me

2007-03-19 13:59:05 · 14 answers · asked by Carlos 2

My guy and I have been getting closer (we have been dating about a month and a half) and he seems to really like me, but the last 2 days he says he wants to make sure he keeps his distance until he knows me better. His last serious girl he was engaged to and cheated on him with his best friend. Is it that fear of getting hurt again? I'm confused and I want him to be comfortable with our pace, but I want to see him and really do like him around. So I guess I want to be comfortable with our pace too-HELP!

2007-03-19 13:58:17 · 4 answers · asked by dab1121 2

1. It always seems to me, when I am on vacation specifically, the younger girls are the ones that are acting "freakier" than the 25-30 year old range.

2. It seems like the 19-21 year old range of gals are randonmly hooking up MUCH MORE than the 25-30 single age group?? Is this accurate??


2007-03-19 13:57:49 · 3 answers · asked by PezBoy 1

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