Well, see theres this boy and i met him though a friend.....oh lets see about maybe 4 months ago....well, he got send overseas and before he left we became well good freinds....like i would go see him and ya know do things with him....but then the calls stop coming ...he never calleld me while he was over there or anything i thougt that was funny,,,, he called me the day that his unit flew back to the army base here and askeed me if i mind coming and pickin him up at the walmart and talkin him home.....i was busy so i couldnt...one of my friends said that it sounds like he was trying to use me and had already had. then last night i called him to see if he would talk and he told me that he was at the store and call me bac....there was to much noise to be a store....But i wanted him to call and he nevver did. To me it all sounds strange...But i dont know what to do.....I care about him and want to be freinds,,,,but it seem like he all wants to do is use me. What should I do??
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