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Singles & Dating - 25 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Where I work there are the trips a group of us have to make every year. One is to Chicago and the other is to wherever the shareholder meeting is being held. Leading up to the trip, there is all this flirting and gossiping about who is going to hook up with whom. After the meeting, the only thing I can compare it to was the way it was when I was in college. We had something, but now we have to return to being co-workers. Truth be told, its a lot of fun, and I’ve gotten caught up in a couple times. Problem: I’ve been married for 12 years.

My husband caught wind of what’s been happening, and we had a big talk. He asked a lot of questions, and even though I was confident at the end of our talk that he wasn’t leaving me – I wasn’t so sure he wasn’t going to ask me to quit my job.

About a week later, we had another talk, and he told me – he doesn’t see anything wrong with it if everything is safe?!?!?!?! He’s for real, and I believe him when he says it not because he’s been cheating. It’s so baffling.

2007-02-25 03:07:43 · 13 answers · asked by carol h 1

I've been a nice guy my whole life and it hasn't gotten me anywhere. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a dork or anything, I've dated many women but I usually get told I'm too nice. What's wrong if my parents raised me right? What's wrong if I know how to treat a woman? Should I just start being a jerk to women? I bet I'd see better results. Anywho, thats the end of my rant... Thanks for your opinions!

2007-02-25 03:04:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know I can't get her something too big, because we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, but what can I get her to show her at least that I care.

2007-02-25 03:03:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've loved this guy for over a year, but never went out with him, all my friends said we should but we never did. and now recently hes come out to me thats he's gay,and the only other person he's told is his best mate. It's broken my heart but i know i should be strong for him because coming out to everyone else is gunna be hard for him. What i'm worried about is if i'll ever love another guy, cause i still love him, even though hes gay. And he even told me that he used to love me! Will i ever move on???

2007-02-25 03:01:08 · 22 answers · asked by suz 2

My boyfriend and I have been through alot together, but it's gotten to the point where I can't handle it anymore. It got out of control just this past Tuesday, he was being all jealous and possesive, calling me a lesbian because I was walking arms-linked with my 2 best friends. I walked away from him for being immature, then we got to the bus-stop, he came upto me yelling and swearing, making a scene and causing me to break down right there. I walked away still crying, and he ran after me, telling me I have 5 minutes to either return to him, or it would be over. I never went back. Can you blame me though? He came crying to me the next day, apologizing. I was just about to, until he said he expects me to admit i'm wrong for having left him. Now he's threatening to kill himself if I leave him again, and he does drugs, so i'm really scared he just might do it. He said he loves me, but i'm just not feeling it anymore, and now i'm too scared to even get out of this. What should I do? ='(

2007-02-25 02:59:39 · 23 answers · asked by princess3arabi 1

Okay, Here is my situation I have been in a relationship for almost 3 years. At the beginning it was an answered prayer (literally). Actually, it was the best thing for me at the time. It has enabled me to be a stronger woman & learn how to have a "healthy" non-abusive relationship. But, at the same time my intuition tells me we are is as far as we'll ever get. I want more and he just can't or won't give more or move on from the past relationships that have severely damaged his ideas of a commitment & long-term relationship. ( Our ideas of a relationship are completely different) I have reaped his "bad past" long enough, he just will not open up to me on certain issues, & I can't help him with them. So, On the 17th of this month, after a year of discussing & planning I decided to moved out of "our" house & get my own place again. There are just to many issues that absolutely need to be resolved before "this" relationship can grow any further. For myself...If I don't resolve the issues that hinder me I will never be able to be a mentally healthy woman. I can't resolve these issues with no one else, I have to do this myself. No one can help me with them & The same for him. This is reality- not an opinion or emotion. He has helped me in this transition being very understanding & supportive.(We are still together, just living a part) BUT....

My woman intuition tells me that I need to end our relationship completely, I feel like I am not an important part of his life, that he takes me for granted. He says, "I am" but, his actions are totally different from his words. I have almost always felt like I was "on the side", that quality time with me is not an issue for him. He has always pushed the issues of quality time to the side saying, "we have 30 or more years for it, but I NEED more & no matter what I say or do I D'ONT get it. I battled this issue with him for almost 2 yrs now. I am tired of repeating myself.

In the beginning, he was everything in a man I desired... He is truly a good , decent, caring, loving man, but at the same time he is self-centered and extremely selfish. I reap the bad that has happened to him, I love him ....What do I do?

How do I let go the best thing in life that has happened to me?

2007-02-25 02:59:07 · 2 answers · asked by Cajun_ Creater 2

i recentlly asked out my ex, bc i still liked her and she liked me. when we were talking she said not to overuse the phrase, i love you. so i havent really said it unless she says it to me, or when we say bye to each other. but last time, i always said i love you when we said bye to each other, so i would like her to say it. for the past day when we're talking on the phone, she hasnt said "i love you" after she says like bye or something. one of us usually always say "bye, i love you" but i want her to say it first. since she hasnt, does that mean she still loves me?

2007-02-25 02:58:32 · 7 answers · asked by ownby 2

This girl she is 18 and lives in England. I like her alot and we see eachother oin the summer again. She was here a month and we had alot of fun together. She wanted me to be there when she left and she hugged and kissed me. What do I do when I see her again? I know I should just continue where we left off, but what do I do after that? I might bring up that I will be traveling around and maybe she wll bring up to come and to England by her. I am not sure about what to really do in this situation.

2007-02-25 02:58:17 · 6 answers · asked by DJIAE 1

My boyfriend is upset with me as I have not let him focus on his work issues. He has been very stressed and he is trying to apply for a new job. I have not been trusting towards him and instead saw his distancing as him not loving me and caring about me. He has pre-warned me that he has a lot to deal with it right now but I did not listen to him and I became needy. On Friday I sent him a message telling him that I dont feel special. He got upset with me. I apologised and he said that it's always like this with me and I never stick to what I say and that is that i'll let him focus. I sent him a message telling him that I understand him and that I will not disturb him and let him be and I am here for him if he needs me. He has not responded. What should I do now? He has planned to come and see me in a few days before this conflict happened.

2007-02-25 02:55:11 · 19 answers · asked by violet b 1

me and this boy was going out and and comes to find out he was going out with this other girl and i dumped him and thats when the other girl dumped him and then they got back together but then he started sending me messages saying hes sorry and thats when we started to talk and he would say stuff like he still have luv for me and saying that his girlfriend aint given him no play if u know what i mean and he want me to give him play so should i believe him or tell him to wait to break up with the girl

2007-02-25 02:54:16 · 10 answers · asked by iluvpoohbear7890 1

I'm not fat or ugly and I'm always willing to please, yet he continues to get himself off, why doesn't he want to sleep with me? It doesn't make sense he always wanted too, now he is so distant, I really need your guys answeres.

2007-02-25 02:52:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Both are hot and both I have a lot of things in common but I don't want to lead the other on

2007-02-25 02:51:54 · 15 answers · asked by r6crazy1 1

I have been with my boyfriend for two and a half years. He is very kind, respectful, funny and we share the same beliefs. We rarely fight, which we both love. However, for the past month or so I have had weird feelings, and I question whether or not I want to be with him. Its really weird because Ive never gone through this before. I feel like I just want 'me time,' to hang out with my friends, focus on school and sports and not have to call him and what not, and lately every little thing he does annoys me. I have tried taking a break with him, but I cried for two days straight and couldn't do it. I dont really have the will to partake in sexual activities, either. But then again, when I think of certain songs it reminds me of how things used to be and it makes me really happy and sad at the same time, because I have hope that things could be like that again. What should I do?

ps- my feelings have nothing to do with anything he's done wrong.he's never cheated and is very respectful.

2007-02-25 02:50:37 · 5 answers · asked by Manda * 2

I have a boyfriend and he keeps asking me if I really love him and why I am dating him. I tell him that I do love him for him and that I am dating him because I love him so much and that he is a great person to hang out with. I can't get it through to him that I love him. What can I do to show him that I love him? Meaning without words.

Thank you in advance!!

2007-02-25 02:49:08 · 7 answers · asked by FHS SENIOR '08 1

I see him just about every four months but I miss him to much. It seems like such a long time away from him. It's just not enough. Neither of us can afford to visit more often. It's just so much heart-ache.

2007-02-25 02:48:49 · 12 answers · asked by JaniesTiredShoes 3

I have my very 1st girlfriend now. I barely asked her out yesterday and she accepted. I am happy. But when can i start holding her hand? do i just touch her hand to let her know that I want to hold hands with her? When do I start kissing her and so forth?

2007-02-25 02:48:42 · 10 answers · asked by Mr Guy 1

ok, here's the problem: I'm 15, my boyfriend has NEVER kissed a girl before. we've been going out for two weeks, i know he REALLY likes me but and he hasn't even done as much as hold my hand (i think he's afraid, he's never done it before)! i REALLY like him, but i'm not sure what i should do about the first kiss thing, cuz i think it should probably be soon, when should i do it and how? should i say anything or just keep it silent? should i get close to him put my arms around him, or should i just do it out of nowhere? HELP PLEASE!!! WITH DETAILS???

2007-02-25 02:48:03 · 3 answers · asked by Jenni C 1

He's been my friend for three years, and we went out once. After we dated, he dated his friend, which is also my close friend. (us 3 hang out together). Now they broke up. I really like him, but I don't know if he still has feelings for me. He told my friend he still likes me, but that was over 6 months ago. What should I tell him?

2007-02-25 02:45:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-25 02:45:57 · 24 answers · asked by b 1

every boyfriend i've had (3) has turned vile when i ended it with them..i've ended 2 relationships because of THEM cheating and one because we've grown apart and are more like friends then lovers. I thought he was a really cool guy, until yesterday i expalined to him were growing apart and he accused me of sleeping around and that i had better have used protection otherwise he would beat me up!

I WAS in complete shock, he also said i need councelling? and that i was mad? where is this poison coming from. I tried to end it nicely but it just got thrown back in my face. i didnt cheat on him AT ALL. my friends say because i'm a model and i'm studying, that he feels insecure?

But why do men turn nasty after the break-up..like turn psycho on me..?


PLUS hes phoned me twice this morning and i never answered, i dont want to answer after those disgusting things he said about me, but i cant help but feel sorry 4 him as he said them in anger, but it was TOTALLY OUT OF ORDER!

2007-02-25 02:45:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

what will you do if your Lover woke up today and begin telling you that he's not sure of his love for you and needed some space to think it over and that perhaps he's feeling a Sudden CHANGE OF HEART !?

must you LET GO?
>> set him free, let go of your love for him and feel the pain of loneliness?
>> set him free, even though you sensed that he isn't falling out of love with you, just that he must.


must you HOLD ON?
>> holding on to your love for him hoping that he'll get back to you before you go insane.
>> holding on to your love for him, maybe he really just needed some time?

2007-02-25 02:45:20 · 4 answers · asked by mistiqueKNIGHT 2

Often its about the dress she is looking at, the food she is craving for or an outing she is lookin forward to. Often its like "NO" is never the right answer...even though that could well be the answer that is right....eg. that colour or cutting maynot suit you !!!

2007-02-25 02:43:03 · 7 answers · asked by Rob 1

I have been acquainted with this man for about five years. He is a very nice man. I am a teacher and had his son in my class about five years ago. At the moment we met there seemed to be a spark ignited between us and to this day, but nothing has come of it. Do you think he loves me or is interested in me? These are some signs he has shown. He has stared at me from crowded and uncrowded places. When we were in a supermarket together he immediately came up to me to talk to me. When his son had a program in my class the students were to stay in their homerooms and the parents were to report to the auditorium. However, this man stayed in his son's homeroom. While there, he looked at me alot and when I looked his way he looked away. He also complimented me on my new haircut. When traveling in my car one way he was on his motorcycle going another way, but when he saw me he turned around and followed me. When I see him somewhere our eyes intentionally meet but nothing more.

2007-02-25 02:41:17 · 4 answers · asked by tahiti 1

and how much do you but into the tank....

2007-02-25 02:39:50 · 30 answers · asked by stephanie 1

I love her.
she loves my best friend.
My best friend loves my sister.
My sister has fallen in love with me.


2007-02-25 02:39:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have brown hair and really green eyes. I've been playing the guitar for over 4 years. I have a great personallity but a BIG attitude problem. So whatcha think?????????

2007-02-25 02:39:08 · 6 answers · asked by *Guitar_playing_girl* 2

So I asked her to meet me at my cousin's house since they know each other. While I was there my cousin called my current girlfriend and told her I was there having sex. How could he do that?
I think he was wrong and now my girlfriend broke up with me. How can I resolve this?

2007-02-25 02:39:06 · 15 answers · asked by Jo Jo 1

what is one word that makes you happy when you say it or think about it?

2007-02-25 02:35:12 · 28 answers · asked by answer! this 3

This is a response to my last ? about dating an older guy with 12yr. age difference. Okay, now there is one thing. There's this guy that wanted a relationship with me. He's pretty cool and I have to admit treats women with respect. I had told him that I wanted to take my time and wasn't trying to rush anything(b/c last relationships went sour) and I know want I want. He's 2yrs. younger than me. I don't feel a connection and he knows this, but he wants me to give him a chance. And like I stated before in my last ?, the older guy is much more on my level, fun to be around, and doesn't do that "boo-boo, ga-ga" junk (ladies you know what I'm talking about). I want to remain friends with the younger guy, but I try not to be "too blunt" with people b/c I have feelings as well. How do I let him know that I'm not into him like that w/o getting upset? He's gonna ask why, and where, and who and I know me: I'm gonna get mad and forget about his feelings; though I'm not like that.

2007-02-25 02:31:50 · 1 answers · asked by lilred24sta 2

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