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Singles & Dating - 3 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating


i am 16 years old and am going out with this guy who is 23. now he is oki he is not going out with me to have sex or anything but i was thinking if i wanted to have sex with him. but the prob is that is it that i am still young to have sex and if i have sex with him would he think that i am cheap to lose my verginity at 16 . what do you think?

2007-02-03 07:38:45 · 20 answers · asked by lisa 1

I don't want to come out and ask (in case he does); but, want to know if he is worth pursuing.

2007-02-03 07:38:37 · 21 answers · asked by Chris 1

so there is this guy i like and he like some other girl but how can i get him to notice me like i want him to like me but i am also ok as just friends see we dont really talk and i just want to get to know him and hopfully he will notice me too.

2007-02-03 07:38:33 · 11 answers · asked by Simply Me 2

i have a bf and he calls me about every day

2007-02-03 07:37:42 · 7 answers · asked by country-gurl_20 2

I have the longest going crush (1 year) on my close, friend. We have actually known each other since year three and are now both at university. It is becoming harder and harder to be friends with this guy (because clearly if I have feelings for him we are not really friends anymore.) To further complicate the story he just became roomates with my old bf who is enlisting his help to get us back together (eww). So do I tell him? Or let him live in a peaceful state of oblivion in harmony in his new home?

2007-02-03 07:36:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfriend loves when i give him a handjob, and when i make him ejaculate, how come he doesn't give me intercourse, don't you think he'd like that better?

2007-02-03 07:36:05 · 6 answers · asked by US 2

I was seeing this guy for the last month and it didn't really work out because he is kind of any ***. He has a whole alot of stuff at my house and I sent him two texts msg. to him asking him if he wants to come get it and he won't answer back. It's driving me crazy because I just want it out of my house so I can move on with my life. What should I do? And no I'm not going to trash it. There are kids that are going to go to bed with out food tonight so I just can't trash it. It's alot of food for work of his and I don't like any of it.

2007-02-03 07:35:41 · 1 answers · asked by lex83201 3

Hey, I'm a 16 year old guy. I went over to my girlfriends house today and she gave me a french pedicure and painted my fingers hot pink, she said she wanted to practice (she takes cosmeotology at our school). Well I took the hot pink nailpolish off of my fingers before I left, but she wanted me to keep the french pedicure on my toes. She was like "I kinda like you having a french pedicure, especially knowing that I did it for you". I kinda like having the french pedicure too because I like the way they look. So my question is, should I keep the french pedicure on my toes, if both my girlfriend and I like it on me?

2007-02-03 07:35:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Working hard and single, looking to chat for a while with a gentle, attractive woman, if you feel like it. Basically I am working on an energy efficiency start up abroad and doing consulting work as well, bored and in need of the female perspective on life as well as companionship. Yahoo Messenger Id: rcast_99

2007-02-03 07:35:10 · 3 answers · asked by rcast_99 1

2007-02-03 07:34:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

puts his balls in to my pussy how does it look like and feel explain

2007-02-03 07:34:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend keeps hitting on the guy i like and now they have a class together and i'm really worried. Especially because I know my friend's not that great for him. Also, i would think he'd be weirded out by her hitting on him because it seems so stupid.. how do i get him to actually think she's not that great?

2007-02-03 07:33:22 · 12 answers · asked by katie 1

2007-02-03 07:32:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-03 07:32:11 · 6 answers · asked by Neil B 2

so i am in the 7th grade and this really hott guy named jason sitts next to me and we always talk, and his best friend says he likes me...... but jason isnt allowed to go out wit anyone till hes 16, but he said he would ask me out, but no one would could really know, cause he has to keep it secret. we are gonna go to the movies tonight wit some friends to and hes goin and ya..... so what should i do???

2007-02-03 07:31:57 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-03 07:31:56 · 16 answers · asked by yojuantopo 1

WEll, i really really really really really really like this guy, I was on a cross country team with him and we talked ALOT! then he asked me out and i broke up with him and i was stupid, ok well anyways, he was going to ask me out but i was freaking out inside and he looked ugly to me at that point so i ran away with my friend to the car, he kept staring at me in skool and my brother always teases me at skool when the doode i like is around cuz my bro knows i like him! It is really confusing because some days i say " i love him" and others i say " he's ugly and i don't" well toode

2007-02-03 07:30:26 · 11 answers · asked by Vikki 2

My friend's punk, and Im thinking of getting him a valentines day gift.... I was thinking about these skull and crossbone cufflinks, or a this baseball cap thats really his style... are these good ideas?? anything else that I could get him?

2007-02-03 07:30:03 · 6 answers · asked by Chrissy 1

just that well when you see someone you like and you no that hey like you but you no that they love the person they are with, you just want to no is it possible to like someone when you already love somebody else??

2007-02-03 07:30:00 · 7 answers · asked by speedo 1

2007-02-03 07:28:59 · 3 answers · asked by beer buddy 1

really like this boy but i dont know how to ask him out??
Imma girl just so you know.
Well I like this boy(this is 7th grade)and he likes me to. The valentines dance is coming up and i want to go with him.......but I dont know how to ask him. Also I want to ask him out(when in middle school to be BF or GF means holding hands,lil kissies on the check,using his hoddie when you "forget"yours,lil things like that) But I have never asked a boy out or to a dance.

So how do I ask him to the dance??
How do I ask him out??

.......and thats all I need to know.....not things like your not ready or stick to your studies because I have all A+'s

2007-02-03 07:28:52 · 10 answers · asked by megan m 1

my friend is going out with a lad who is 5'2 and she is 5'5. she wants advice on what to do? she she carry on going out with him or not??

2007-02-03 07:28:47 · 14 answers · asked by jessica 1

We went to the cinema and she said she would pay, to my horror she took out a bag of pennies and started putting them on the counter, can you HANDLE!!!! and thats just the mild stuff...

2007-02-03 07:28:33 · 13 answers · asked by frankie 2

im in need of some MAJORRR help
ive been going out with my boyfriend for almost 5 months and ive never felt this way about a guy before
the only thing is, he doesnt seem to feel the same way about me
im his first girlfriend and i no that could contirbute to tht he doesnt no wht to do or say
i cant help but wonder sometimes, is he using me?
last year i got a BAD reputation and im wondering if hes just going out with me for action
what i want in a guy is some action but i also want him to not be embarased when im with him around his friends and i REALLLY want him to say cute stuff and compliment me
i always tell him how much i love him but he never sems to say anything back with the same emotoin
what should i do?
i really like him but im not getting any emotion from him

2007-02-03 07:27:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What if my two best freinds like the same guy???
what do they do!!!!!!!

2007-02-03 07:27:32 · 12 answers · asked by <3 1

Sometimes when I say something, he touches my shoulder or something. Whenever our eyes meet he looks away quickly. Does he like me?

2007-02-03 07:27:06 · 9 answers · asked by 3120johnsons@sbcglobal.net 2

My boyfriend and I have been together for one year and and I love him to death.. we are planning to get married after two years and his birthday is coming up... he had done the most amazing things for my birthday and it was the best day of my life (So far).... we always have dinner and things of that sort... so what can i do that is spontaneous, fun and romantic..... please help with any kind of suggestions...
(btw im buying him vip tickets for his favorite band's concert)
but I need to plan an amazing day...one that he will never forget!

2007-02-03 07:27:05 · 7 answers · asked by committed 1

I want a boyfriend and all ,but I don't want some immature idiot. Everyone who has asked me out, I don't think too highly of them because they have bad reputations. I'm not superficial or anything but I have talked to them and these boys act as if they weren't taught any manners( swearing every other word, purposely getting into trouble, ect.)

2007-02-03 07:26:37 · 8 answers · asked by ♥PrInCeSs♥ 2

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