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Singles & Dating - 3 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

i'll be 15 in a month, and my boyfriend will be 16 in 2 months. neither of us have cars, [of coarse] so we kinda need parental transportaion =[
well we kinda take turns when it comes to planning anniversaries [monthiversaries actually] and holidays and all that stuff. he took me out to dinner for our 4 month anniversary, and its basically my turn.
so what are some good ideas on what to do for valentines with my boyfriend?
i want it to be romantic, but casual still. just the two of us. i have about a week& a half to plan, and i dont know what kind of stuff is usually really busy or booked or anything, because this is the first year i've celebrated valentines day with a boyfriend. so any advice? puhpuhplease?


2007-02-03 08:27:02 · 5 answers · asked by Katy kins 2

2007-02-03 08:26:55 · 7 answers · asked by because7_8_9 2

To "prove" that he's not whipped.
Which is complete B/S!
Him & his girl been together around a month.
(She doesn't do drugs)
I love him so much.
I don't want him to hurt himself or end up dead..
This girl doesn't want him talking to his friends because
"they're the reason we have problems and fight to much"
Me and his other 2 bestfriends are trying everything..
and it's not working!

He's changing so fast.
He lies to everyone all the time now.
He's attatched to her and he's addicted to the drugs now.
what do we do?!?!
We tried so much.

2007-02-03 08:26:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-03 08:26:35 · 9 answers · asked by dulce v 1

This guy I was seeing, I'm not sure about him, what was going on but I know he was schizophrenic. I'm not sure if he was just crazy or playing mind games with me because I have problems too. I liked talking to him but he drove me crazy with the exaggerations and stuff he would tell me, some things he told me the truth about & some he lied about. I did a background check on him through intellius, this is how I know. The thing is I miss my friend so much I die inside every day that passes. He was really nice to me, gave me things but he said mean things and was controlling. He said he was like that all his life, was sorry but could not help it. I know I badly hurt his feelings by this terrible things I said to him when I was mad. I cry now as I think of him and I want at least to be his friend. We have not talked in several days. Should I call him?

2007-02-03 08:25:19 · 19 answers · asked by christinedaae 3

Two guy friends are right across from each other. A girl walks in the room. The one guy shoots a smile to his guy friend.

Is this a sign of sarcasm or does he think the girl is hot?

2007-02-03 08:23:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

why dont women tell whats on her mind, why do men have to read body language and stuff..it would be much easier if women tell what she want? like if she wants sex..just say??? so guy knows what to do..why it has to be so complex...and no wonder so many questions come up in yahoo answers??what u think ?

2007-02-03 08:22:45 · 7 answers · asked by gladiator o 1

Well, I told my friend that I love her. The reaction is not something that was bad in my opinion. She didn't respond with anything real verbal but just looked at me. Not a blank stare, but something more. I have known her for so long and took a risk of saying this to her despite how much our friendship means to each other. Its been a few weeks now and she calls me when she is out of work, or really wants to do something, she invites me over to her place we hang out and just relax, or go out to dinner and to some bars. I am just confused on how she feels back towards me. Is there possibly something more there that she is not willing to say in fear of ruining the friendship? I really don't want to come out and ask her in case that is the reason. Is this something that I can tell her again that I love her to see if there is another reaction to it?

2007-02-03 08:22:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

PLEASE serious answers only. NO ONE CARES about an answer like "cuz youre ugly" (I'm not, I'm 8/10 and 6'1) or other stupid crap. PLEASE, serious answers! I want to meet some quality and attractive girls.

2007-02-03 08:21:41 · 10 answers · asked by f150cai 1

I lost my bestfriend. How can i get him back?
I feel as if its never going to be like it used to and i screwed everything. I'm hating myself right now.

2007-02-03 08:20:37 · 7 answers · asked by Jasmine 3

Is that even good to kiss him if he has braces?

2007-02-03 08:19:45 · 7 answers · asked by LavGirl 1

2007-02-03 08:19:37 · 21 answers · asked by abderrahman 1

I was seeing this girl who was very attractive. she always dressed to a tee and finished her masters last yr. anyways she came over to my house and we were fooling around and all of a sudden her feet got near my face and they stunk. maybe i expected her to smell good all over. anyways hot girls feet stink too...

2007-02-03 08:19:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's hard to say where to begin but here it goes. I was with my now Ex-girlfriend for 3 and a half years. I did everything with her these past 3.5 years, and about a month ago she broke up with me. I tried to work things out and talk to her about it, but she wanted to move on. I tried really hard for this girl. I would wake up early to see her, I helped her with her homework (we are both College students) I often got her gifts, and pretty much everything I could to make her feel special and important. For the longest time she did the same to me, and when everything seemed ok this happened. Now my dilema is, I feel lost without her. I didn't just lose a lover, but a best friend as well. It's hard not to be able to call her and talk to her about school, work, and the various other events in my life I used to share with her. I try and talk to other girls but it just doesn't feel right, especially because I know I still really love my ex. I just don't know what to do...

2007-02-03 08:18:05 · 11 answers · asked by yo5ty 2

I broke up with my boyfriend a while ago, but I just can't get over him. He lied to me a number times and I just want to get over him. What should I do?

2007-02-03 08:16:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Doc says, "Hold your left arm behind your head and up. Does that hurt?"

Patient says, "Owww!"

Doc says, "Well then, don't do that."

2007-02-03 08:15:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would someone explain to me what slutty is. I'm not sure what he really wants here. I don't know whether he wants me to dress slutty,,act slutty..etc.

2007-02-03 08:14:36 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I met someone online, and we had some pretty steamy chats. We've been chatting for about a month and a half. We had two very short dates in public places, and I felt physically attracted to him, but we were just cordial. We're both adults, so that's not a problem. I can't stop thinking about making out with him and being close to him, but our next date will be only the third time we'll see each other. If put off the sex, will the steam go out? Or if I do what I want to with him, will it ruin things because it's too fast?

2007-02-03 08:12:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend asked me out but I only went out with him 4 1 day cuz the nest day broke up with him but now he wont stop flirting with me ! N in Science he sits in my desk n writes stuff on my name tag like: I LOVE YOU, WUZ SUP HONEY stuff like that !

2007-02-03 08:12:05 · 20 answers · asked by C 2

Well, a new girl came to my school. She's really pretty, and very athletic, and talented in many ways. Her name is Jenny. Lots of boys liked her. My best friend, Eric, and I, both liked her a ton. One day we found out that Jenny liked Eric. So Eric asked her out and she said yes. So now my best friend was going out with the girl I loved. After a couple months of their relationship, Jenny dumped Eric. I was very shocked. And Eric has a low self esteem, so I felt horrible for him. I find out that Jenny dumped Eric because she liked ME. I was very happy when I found this out, but I knew I could never ask Jenny out because it would hurt Eric. I don't know what to do. Should I go for the girl? Or hurt my friend?
Just imagine yourself in my shoes. Please help.

2007-02-03 08:11:30 · 3 answers · asked by Patrick 1

i mean...do cofidence make a girl more attractive?

2007-02-03 08:10:32 · 4 answers · asked by rox_girl 3

I am thinking about giving on line dating another try with a more open mind and so want to chose between Match.com or AmericanSingles.com. Any advice would be nice. Which is a better dating site! I only want and can afford One.

2007-02-03 08:09:45 · 6 answers · asked by homesweethomediana@sbcglobal.net 3

answering a guy i really like when he asks me out.

2007-02-03 08:09:16 · 9 answers · asked by LavGirl 1

I have an awesome girlfriend, we have held hands, hugged many times, we put arms around eachother! What do i do or say to make her feel all warm inside, we aren't ready to kiss yet so keep it down low please! THANKS!

2007-02-03 08:08:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister is setting me up for a blind date and i'm really nervous and excited at the same time so a little help please....

2007-02-03 08:06:48 · 4 answers · asked by Deniece Lei A 1

okay this all started when i started dating him and he always say's im coming over than i get all dressed and he does'nt even show and dont even call to say i cant make it this is the 4rth time he's done this do i break up with him ???????i love him soo much but its just becuz of his lying thats causing me all this pain pleaes help me!!!!?

2007-02-03 08:05:36 · 30 answers · asked by LoVeR** 2

this is 21st century n life becomes fast, there is no time to show affection or care. Sometimes we feel that love doesn't exist.

2007-02-03 08:05:07 · 9 answers · asked by NALINI K 1


I asked this before, but I think I worded things wrong.

I am INLOVE with my bestfriend. He has a new girlfriend now. They've been going out for around a month. She had the nerve to tell him that he couldn't talk to his FRIENDS anymore because we're the reason they fight! and he's listening to her! We tried to talk to him calmly about this.. but he doesn't understand. He is whipped! He's lieing to all his friends, and getting into drugs. I love him so much and I don't want to see him get hurt.. or end up DEAD.

He really thinks he's inlove with this B*tch. But if they break up, what's he going to have? He told me and his other bestfriend not talk to him when he's around his girl and stop trying to break them up because they're inlove and they'll be together forever. He's only 16 and it's only been a MONTH.

2007-02-03 08:03:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

y?& have you ever been bold enough to date one?if so,how did it go?i'm curious because i'm an Asian girl myself...



2007-02-03 08:03:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-03 08:02:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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