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Singles & Dating - 17 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

These girls are both sexy.What should I do i have girl problems?
I like a girl already named Aprell. So this other girl(Chelsea) liked me from last year at school. She keeps looking at me in class and wrote me a note last year saying that i was sexy. Today when i picked up her paper on the ground she yell "What are you doing?"in an annoyed voice.She keeps stareing at me today when I look at her she quickly turns around. I already like Aprel but I don't know what to do

2007-01-17 17:40:25 · 7 answers · asked by travis 3

bf of three years broke up with a week ago. 4 days before break up he said he loves me. today i talked to him and he said he doesn't love me or miss me or feel pain about me. we always had arguments and break ups before and i was always the one to admit faults, promise change and say sorry even when he has mistakes too. we would always get back together. but now he doesnt even want to talk to me anymore and says he;s moved on already. tried to argue and convince him to get back together but he won't. if i stop chasing would he come back to me? what else can i do to get him backt??

2007-01-17 17:36:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I guess she is expecting me to call her crying for her to come back or something but I'm much stronger than that.Any Ideas on how I could help her along .Before I decide to just go get some one else.

2007-01-17 17:35:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got two magazines from a friend and one which was Seventeen had an article about this 14 year old who got pregnat by like a 28 year old and the guy killed her and dumped the body so no one would know he commited stautory rape. then i read cosmo and it talking about stalking and how the new things like myspace and email and etc.. are making it scarier and easier to stalk and there was a lady who worked in a hopstial and she was giving her keys wit the housekey on it to the parking valet and he got so obsessed wit her that he made copies of the key and wound up going in her aparmtnt and staying under her bed for 2 days. she was there the whole time and didnt know he was there. this is friggin scary now i cant sleep.

2007-01-17 17:32:43 · 8 answers · asked by lady26 5

I know he likes me too but he is totally wrong for me.....I know he is the typical guy and likes all the stuff (sex, drinking, flirts constantly with everyone) that I dont find satisfying in a relationship. How do I stop liking him before it gets into something that I dont want?

2007-01-17 17:31:00 · 24 answers · asked by gcrowders 1

wat do u do if u think ur in love but the perssone that u "love" likes ur best friend???

2007-01-17 17:29:27 · 5 answers · asked by awsomehottierocks 1

I met this guy online. We've talked for about 4 years, 2 on and off, and 2 started to really get close. I visited last month, and two weeks later, he told me that he has fallen out of love with me. He feels different towards me but isn't sure why. We've stepped back and became friends, but things are rocky. Everything was going great, until this "feeling" that he had became different. He said my confidence level dropped when I was visiting him. I think anyone would be nervous in a city that they're not comfortable in, meeting his entire family and friends, and also for the first time. Anyone have any ideas as to what is really going on in his head? He said that he was really happy with me, had a really good time, but was unhappy when I left. I'm lost, frustrated, and angry.

2007-01-17 17:25:08 · 4 answers · asked by Coreen 2

A wuss is somewere between , whimp , ***** , soft as shite etc .

Be honest you dont have real attraction to a man who you can walk all over and does everything you say .

Here is an example .
Woman - No your not going to the strip joint , if you do im not having sex with you for a week .

Wussy response - ok then ill stay in .ie gives in .

Real man - Oh well have fun playing with your self then im going to the strip club . Doesent let her control .

I read somewere that men have problems with woman because it boils down to how much of a real man he is , and woman end up wanting to just be freinds with the guy or they say stuff like they dont feel it anymore because the man is a wussy and infact nothing he did wrong it was just because he wasent a real man .

Simple Woman are attracted to Real Men and men who display female traits are not atractive ie they are too female like .

Opinions please or im going to spank you .(guys dont get to exited im hetro ok)

2007-01-17 17:22:43 · 8 answers · asked by badass-mofu 5

i mean would he have feelings for her or love her?? why would someone have sex if they did not love or have feeling for this person???

2007-01-17 17:18:16 · 21 answers · asked by happybunnyjg 2

My sister saw a guy 4 mouths ago..shes not sure if he use condom. or if i was broken...He stop talking to her and went away...This all happen in sept. In november she got her period..it was a long period was flowwing werid..kinda havy kinda light. but then she didnt have her period for 2 or 3 most almost..and she been lazy eating werid bobs got bigger..Could she be pregnant!?

2007-01-17 17:17:41 · 6 answers · asked by ? 1

I'm no scientist so I can't say why, but I swear I am always randy.I can go 10-15 times a day at least and still want more!It is actually kind of annoying as many of the women I have dated aren't the same way.OK, none of them. Are ANY women that way? I don't know what's wrong with me! And I'm not a kid anymore! I was born in the mid-70s! I figured as I got older I'd not be this way but if anything it's worse.So I wonder if somewhere out there is a woman who could wear me out or am I some kind of hormonal mutant. And yes sometimes I take care of it myself but it often takes a while ( -like an hour sometimes)and thats no fun alone.Just curious....

2007-01-17 17:17:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

that the girl did not mean anything to him that she was just a piece of ***???

2007-01-17 17:15:59 · 10 answers · asked by happybunnyjg 2

The guy I like is GQ. Women throw themselves at him. I have not. I understand psychology, but the problem is, he isn't making a move either. But, he goes out of his way to talk with me and make sure that he and I will be at the same place. But, still nothing happens. What can I do to not be "one" of those girls but at least make him ask me out???

2007-01-17 17:14:31 · 6 answers · asked by precious girl 1

when i like a girl, i tend to want to be really close to her, smother her with affection, gifts, anything and everything! i can't help it that's the way i am. but i ruined a friendship for being the way i am, it sucks and has caused me nothing but unwanted drama! help me? i don't know how to change, i know some of you will say, give her space but i that is the problem, i can't change! is it really bad of me to want to be with a girl i like a lot?

2007-01-17 17:14:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been noticing that Women now these day's are looking for men who have Good looks Loads of MONEY. But yet Men who may be on a fixed income for a reason medicaly or not but yet is not all that good looking. Is all left out in the cold.
So what is wrong with the picture as of why is it so hard for the female to try and get to know the guy for who he is on the inside and not his LOOKS or how FAT his Pocket Book is ? KNow wonder the Marraige rate is so low these day's.

It is like men will go out not only just to impress the woman/women for who he is and not what he has and all we get is hurt at the end very very badly. So yes it is a 2 way street. But any more it is like a one way street. Just because some of us men do not have good looks dose not mean we are bad people.
Besides how can some one make that kind of JUDGEMENT just by looking and say oh my God! this dude looks Demented. Well how do you know that for sure did you actually walk up to the guy to talk to him to find out

2007-01-17 17:11:30 · 13 answers · asked by ratlbones 1

i really like this girl, and want to love her. we've been going out for about a month, but whenever i see a sexy girl, i still pause to look. i know im not supposed to do it, but i just do... its not like im going to do anything to this nex girl, but i just like looking. is this wrong, because i got a girl that loves me?

2007-01-17 17:11:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

how many of you believe that indian girls are beautiful?

2007-01-17 17:10:59 · 7 answers · asked by kissa 1

He expressed his love and told me he didnt want to lose me. I find out the reason he was feeling this way was bc he got a onenight stand pregnant months bfr we met. I helped him come to terms he decided to want to meet his child & I told him he should be apart of the childs life.Well, he decided to remain friends w/ me until he figured how to deal with it all, but to hold on to "us". But I found out he was developing feelings for the mom and he got caught out. We had a huge blow out and exchanged very hurtful words and was cold and hurtful..we never did before.Then we spoke again and he said it was all uncalled for. Yet, I feel he wasn't sincere about it. He wasnt even able to speak to me on the phone for more then 2 min.Now he doesnt want to speak to me at all.All I wanted was to discuss the matter.His he feeling guilty, does he feel imperfect in my eyes now, so he is acting defensive?Did he really want me gone? Idont want him back, I just cant get how someone can be this way.

2007-01-17 17:09:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Her and I have known eachother for 3 years, we've been dating for 4 months, and I can honestly say that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. My parents think it's stupid that I've found 'love' at such a young age (I'm almost 16).

I proposed the "can my girlfriend sleep over?" question at first and my mom almost said yes and my stepdad said "hell no". She did the same at her house and her entire family laughed in her face.

We are both upset our parents don't trust us, but now we've talked it over with eachother and out parents and they've decided to honestly think about it.

We would not have sex when she slept over. Just want to get that straight. No sex. She wants to feel the security she feels when she's in my arms when she goes to sleep and I actually want to wake up with her by my side. Sometimes I come over at 6 am just to fall back asleep with her. My parents say they need to talk to hers more.

What is your opinion on the situation?

2007-01-17 17:09:18 · 7 answers · asked by lapinx5j 2

My bf and I've been going out for 3 months now and our friends know it. But before we got together, my friends kept on playing/teasing around that this guy friend (G) and I are together. From talking with a close friend, we both felt that my bf knew about these rumors, and b/c at first he didn't know it was just teasing, the rumors were what 'made him act quicker' and ask me out. Another close friend of mine told me that G actually did (maybe still does?) have feelings for me. Lately, G seems to be hanging around a lot more, and he continues to try and walk/sit beside me (going so far as to slow down and leave a conversation with other friends to be beside me), and today for example, he skipped a few classes. I don't know if he skipped because he felt like it, or if it was b/c I was planning to go home at that time, but he always seems to be purposely waiting for me these days. My bf seems to be a bit 'wary' but hasn't done anything yet. Should I avoid/ignore G, or what? Suggestions?

2007-01-17 17:08:39 · 4 answers · asked by Crystal 2

I am 19 years old, and my girlfriend is 20 years old. She is 4 months pregnant with my child, and due to her grumpiness we seem to argue a lot. But I have bought her jewelry, clothes, etc. I am looking for ways to show her how special she is without the need of money, how can I prove my love to her?

2007-01-17 17:07:39 · 8 answers · asked by GRS 1

Is it because of deprivation of sex? Loss of attraction? Etc..?

2007-01-17 17:06:20 · 24 answers · asked by BitterEnding 2

i have been dating a guy for just over a year. about five years ago he dated a girl who broke his heart - she cheated on him. for a long time they didn't talk, but now they occasionally chat and catch up. he says i have nothing to worry about. is this true? can you be friends with an ex or is there something more sinister going on?

2007-01-17 17:05:25 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-17 17:05:08 · 3 answers · asked by primamaria04 5

Would you go out on a date with a really pretty girl if she asked you?

2007-01-17 17:04:29 · 20 answers · asked by Summer 1

2007-01-17 17:04:13 · 4 answers · asked by evergreen tree 1

A QUESTION FOR THE FELLAS ..I KNOW IKNow its a shallow question im just running a survey here guys .. please be honest lol
if you loved big butts ..but u fell in luv with a flat- *** girl would you always think you could of done better or be tempted to leave her for a bigger booty chik?..YOu see cause im latina BUT sad to say im not packing much and everytime i date someone i think theyre not attracted to my body .Yeah yeah the inside counts i know they love my personality and i have a pretty face and great boobs by the way BUt i have No *** ..its small :(..they say the physical doesnt count but u know it does!!I i date latiin men and they sure luv curvaceous girls im not one of them and coincidently my ex's end up with big booty girls AND IM STILL SINGLE!! COULD MY *** BE THE PROBLEM LOL I KNOW WHAT URE THINKING IM ***-CRAZED AND INSECURE !! AND NO IM NOT A TEENAGER IM in my 20's ..(Hey cut me some slack all the woman in my family have j-lo figures, EZ on the answers plz LOL )

2007-01-17 16:59:55 · 12 answers · asked by realist86 3

ok so i like over 3 guyz that go to my school i like them all equally, i think that some of them like me but im not very go with these things... But i want a date to winter ball and im not sure who to ask..... HELP ME PLZ... HELP ME FIGURE OUT WHICH ONE TO ASK!!!

2007-01-17 16:59:53 · 6 answers · asked by awsomehottierocks 1

we talk sometimes and sometimes not i get sad on the inside because she might not like me i need your help and get me some confident i'm tired of being depprest

2007-01-17 16:57:44 · 4 answers · asked by lilmed4ever 2

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