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A wuss is somewere between , whimp , ***** , soft as shite etc .

Be honest you dont have real attraction to a man who you can walk all over and does everything you say .

Here is an example .
Woman - No your not going to the strip joint , if you do im not having sex with you for a week .

Wussy response - ok then ill stay in .ie gives in .

Real man - Oh well have fun playing with your self then im going to the strip club . Doesent let her control .

I read somewere that men have problems with woman because it boils down to how much of a real man he is , and woman end up wanting to just be freinds with the guy or they say stuff like they dont feel it anymore because the man is a wussy and infact nothing he did wrong it was just because he wasent a real man .

Simple Woman are attracted to Real Men and men who display female traits are not atractive ie they are too female like .

Opinions please or im going to spank you .(guys dont get to exited im hetro ok)

2007-01-17 17:22:43 · 8 answers · asked by badass-mofu 5 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Well their are a gfew erqualy best answers so im puting it to vote , thanks guys / girls .

2007-01-18 17:38:38 · update #1

8 answers

I would have to agree. They end up being the guy to go shopping with or something. But on the other hand they are best fit for a one-on-one. I dunno to ******* confusing to break it down to one simple rule.

2007-01-17 17:27:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah I like real men as you put it

But I would like the man to consider my feelings (like if I got very upset by him going to a strip joint I would want him to give in and stay with me) I wouldn't want someone I could walk all over that wouldn't be fair just like I wouldn't want to be controlled I would like to be in an equal partnership and someone who could stick up to me if I was in the wrong but still make me feel good by standing by me.

That is a real man in my eyes!

2007-01-18 03:53:42 · answer #2 · answered by Peachy Girl 4 · 0 0

Yeah man I agree with you because it happened to my more than once but now I've learned the lesson and I'm being a real man. It's curious to know that now my actual g/f has more feelings towards and so I agree with you 100% man.

2007-01-18 02:18:49 · answer #3 · answered by Falcon 4 · 0 1

As a guy I would have to agree...

Basically, a guy who DOES NOT lay it down for a woman and let her know he has other options DOES COMES ACROSS as the kinda guy who DOES NOT HAVE EXPERIENCE and/or HAS CONSISTENTLY FAILED TO EXCITE/TRULY-SATISFY WOMEN.
Guys who get labeled "inexperienced" get challenged and tested by girls with pansy loser questions like "Will you buy me something? Let me meet your cute friends? Be nicer to me a like nice guys..."...and the loser guys are basically asked to give things things to compensate for being weak...they are often never allowed to play the "real game".

There are actually books such as "Kosher Sex" by Shamuel Boteach which, using biblical evidence, essentially explain that a man's responsibility under even God is to satisfy women sexually and women are entitled to punish men who do not show they have the strength to satisfy them by bribing them and asking for money/gifts/cheating on the men/etc. .....the Kama Sutra says almost exactly the same thing as it teaches women how to steal property and success of unattractive men, which it considers "courting".

And that's just what romance and courting are, sad resorts for losers who can not truly satisfy woman and sentence themselves to getting whooped by them.

So, if a guy is being a wussy, he is not doing the least bit good for anyone, including the girl he thinks he's doing a great favor for.

Guys who act masculine, and even if they care about the woman still let her know they have the power to live very strongly without them, are the ones who get honest relationships and good sex...and guys who try to compensate in other ways just get whipped.
However there is one missing link in your argument. If a guy says he has other options, that's fine, but if he runs around cheating, for example, it's going beyond "proving his leadership/talent" and is more like just plain being horny and cluelessly disrespectful.
A better example than the strip-club example is a girlfriend begging her boyfriend for an expensive dinner out and the boyfriend's saying "that's boring, if you want to do it that badly take a loan go by yourself and I will get myself a different date, maybe skinny dipping, because I deserve it...so you should either make it good for us like that or let me have the fun you refuse to give me" if he's not a wuss or "sure I'll be glad to pay the check and then we can go shopping" if he is a wuss.

Also note, when a guy positions himself to either enjoy a sexual relationship with a girl or pursue another girl who will give him that respect, he da-n well better have the skills and stamina in bed to back it up. Real men don't just scrape by, talking the talk; they run the walk and are always fiercely competitive.

Isn't it the truth!.....

2007-01-18 01:27:21 · answer #4 · answered by M S 5 · 0 1

good question!!!!
Doesn't it depend on the individual? personally i hate a guy who can be walked over, but I'm not up for meetin a complete toss£r either.

2007-01-18 01:39:00 · answer #5 · answered by smile 2 · 1 0

I like manly men - the sort you person you describe is a D*ck.
I think you might be confusing disrespectful and "masculine"

2007-01-18 01:27:38 · answer #6 · answered by freshbliss 6 · 2 2

In answer to your question, no, I detest a spineless man who allows a woman to take advantage of him.

By the content of your post, and the responses of others to your post, I am assuming that you are speaking of a non-comitted relationship. As in girlfriend/boyfriend? Two people who are just dating?

I must assume this, as the example you used doesn't seem to be an appropriate issue in a marriage.

That said, I agree with the responder who mentioned the Bible and what it says about marriage. From personnal experience, I can say that women need a certain degree of guidance from their men. I hesitate to call it domination, as that is a practice which can easily become extreme. If a woman does not receive this guidance, she can quickly lose respect for her mate. Without it, the relationship seems to lack something. Almost like a child with too permissive parents will feel like she is not loved enough to be disciplined by them, a wife can feel that lack of concern without this guidance.

Before I receive a mountain of posts calling me anti-feminist and the like, let me clarify. I am NOT speaking about being told every move to make; a mate who chooses everything from your clothes to your friends; or, one who humiliates his partner in front of others or just herself. I am refering to 'loving guidance'. Attempting to assist her in keeping on track and focused on what the couple have decided are their priorities.

The pairing of two people is such a complex situation. Neither has the right to lord it over the other as if they were property. It is never acceptable behavior to hurt your mate either physically or emotionally. Threats should never be used, neither should ultimatums.

I believe that men, also, desire a more confident woman. One sure of who she is and what she expects from life and her partnership. Providing she expresses this, of course, without the 'tude.

By the same token, Double Standards are a total joke, which, any self-respecting woman, or man, would not tolerate.

You must consider the consequences when you carry through with doing the things you desire to do. No, your mate should not dictate to you where you are spending your night out with the boys. At the same time, why would you think she should remain home alone and 'play' when there are plenty of nude male dance clubs available for her entertainment? And how will you feel if she were to exercise her rights to go as she pleases with her girls night out that may very well be panting after a stage full of naked men?

If you can be honestly comfortable with this scenario and others where 'what's good for the goose is good for the gander', then by all means, do not let your plans be altered.

A strong man is also confident and will allow his mate the same freedoms he himself demands. His manly guidance should not apply to these situations for, as stated, the double standard is another way of saying "do what I say, not what I do" and this is hardly an equitable relationship.

Jealously is a messy monster that damages many relationships where the trust may be a little shaky to begin with. It very well may not be a distrust in you, but rather, a distrust in what may happen under particular circumstances.

No, a married man (or steady boyfriend) is by no means a dead man and still enjoys looking at a beautiful woman. However, it may be in better taste at times, to curb the obvious gaping and slobbering over another woman in order to keep from either embarassing or hurting your mate. THIS is also strength in a man. To be considerate of the woman you have chosen for the time being, or, the woman you have chosen to marry. You have loads of other opportunities to enjoy when your mate is not with you or perhaps she is more open to it.

It does not mean a man is 'whooped' when he defers his natural tendencies for the sake of his relationship. As a note; only in the rarest and most new age and totally open relationships where there are No gray areas of understanding is adultery acceptable.

The good part about long term or more mature relationships is that we out grow our insecurities and jealousy tends to take a holiday. We are in a trusting and comfortable relationship and do not feel that it is threatened in any way.

Married 15 years to the "manly man" and 20 years to the "door mat" I have learned much on this subject and on human behavior in general (due to my studies). And quoting the beaten to death cliche of 'been there done that' I have been on all possible sides of a relationship.

Relationships fail, those of the married type more than the unattached kind, for one reason, we stop treating each other as guests in our lives, hearts and homes. If we treated our best and most understanding friend one iota as poorly as we tend to treat our mates on a daily basis they would tell us to piss off so fast we would not know what happened!

Another mistake: Thinking that love/marriage is 50%-50%! It is 100%-100% and if you end up being happy 51% or more of the time you are doing well.

So, treat each other as treasured friends, be polite and considerate; offer the best to each other. You would not give a guest in your home the smallest peice of cake or the ugliest plate to eat from would you? NO!

Never use sex as a weapon for any reason (unless adultery is the case and then surely you would understand being cut off). Go after love-making with gusto! It was created for enjoyment so dig in! As one husband said, "If God made anything better I know nothing about it!" Enjoy each other, relish each other, it is an escape for two souls who want to express and feel the love and lust of their union.

I could have ended this after the first sentence, which answered your question, however, I wished to examine your examples and also, the type of dominance to which you refer.

In closing, I do not consider myself a Simple Woman. Actually, I do not know any simple people. We are all terribly complex. If we were not, this would be easy, wouldn't it?


2007-01-18 03:06:17 · answer #7 · answered by petra 1 · 2 2

ok its true!!! your rite

2007-01-18 01:30:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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