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Singles & Dating - 17 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

undress and send pictures to me. Now she wants me to do the same. what should i do?

2007-01-17 01:54:15 · 3 answers · asked by cj 1

Im 37

2007-01-17 01:54:13 · 21 answers · asked by impossible903 2

I cant win for losing!!! I must be really friggin ugly, or is because im divorced and have three children. Heres the thing they do not live with me, im 34 and im starting to wonder if its me or if women are just not into a 30's something divorced dad of three!!! is the world just that vain?

2007-01-17 01:52:55 · 10 answers · asked by manncat 1

I want to know is there any where i can go and find "scene" such as CLOUD,SEA,WATER,SKY not as a image but as a VIDEO. I will be very glad if you all can help me........ as my part i went to the HOME PAGE and keyed in "cloud" and saw some video clips, but i cant save it and insert to my video. please help me

2007-01-17 01:52:27 · 2 answers · asked by steven 1

Help...why isn't he calling me???
So last week this guy that ive like for the last year started calling me everyday, and wed talk for awhile and usually 2-3 times a day, all of a sudden we went out on sunday night and were talking about going to the movies this weekend, we had planned for itjust werent sure on time or day yet. we left and he texted me when he got home, and i havent heard from him yet. i called him 3 times on monday, like 4 hours apart, and tried to text him 2times. then yesterday i called once and texted once. im just trying to figure out why he all of sudden wont talk to me. i mean he asked me out, and now he wont call me. im just not sure if i should just give up or if wait. I have decided that im not going to call him again until he calls me, but it just seems silly to me. Hopefully someone can give me some insight.

2007-01-17 01:51:31 · 5 answers · asked by jenpen 2

I don't have a bf right now,but I want one.I want a man to protect me and keep me warm at cold winter night,and ,there are so many important festivals in winter:New years Day,Christmas Day,Spring Festival,Valentine's Day.... so,I strongly suggest you not to break up with your bf\gf in winter if you had one

2007-01-17 01:50:41 · 6 answers · asked by ♡Ling♫ 3

my boyfriend is always wanting to have sex but im just not ready,and everytime i tell him no he just gets more and more forceful,i really dont want to lose him because i love him but im not ready for that and he doesnt listen

2007-01-17 01:50:31 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was wondering if guys in general would rather date a girl with a beautiful face who was a little bit overweight like around 150 pounds or so, or would you rather date a girl with an ugly face but skinny body say around 120 pounds? caus this girl that likes me is a little overweight but she has a pretty face n a good personality, wat u think?

2007-01-17 01:49:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 26 and have recently found myself wanting to stay in all the time when my friends are off partying
to be honest id prefer to have a drink in and watch a dvd with my man than get man handled by a drunken slob in a crowded pub who just wont quit i dont think theres anything wrong with staying in and i do go out from time to time am i normal or have i just grown up more than my mates what do others think

2007-01-17 01:48:49 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just got an email off a friend, who was talking about 'pulling' a young lady at a party. What does that actually mean: Talking? Exchanging phone numbers? A little kiss and cuddle? When can he tick the box that he has 'pulled'?

2007-01-17 01:48:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

hello,im a 30 yr old male,very nice lookin good build very caring an kind hearted,too nice ive been told,i dont date much but when i do,i find mainly women who have no morals,dont get me wrong sex is great but i want a woman who likes to cuddle,campin,u know fun stuff,im gettin older now im learning to treat women with alot more respect,u know wat though it gets me no where,why is that,should i b more demanding or wat,i just want a woman to like me 4 who i am,why is it so shitty to be nice,is it really true nice guys finish last,i think so from experience,why is that,i used to be a bad boy,i got into too much trouble,kind ladies help me out plz....

2007-01-17 01:48:33 · 7 answers · asked by christopher 2

My best friend has a gf,but he prefers speding time with me.He is always telling me how amazing I am, and asking me for hugs and cuddles and making innuendo type jokes towards me. He'll lean towards me and gaze at me with a big smile, not saying anything. It makes me feel weird, because he has a gf. He always seems to want to touch my hands or shoulders, and every time he gets drunk he says "I want to marry you." I can't tell if this is normal male behaviour towards female friends, or if it means something else.I've been secretly in love with him for ages,so maybe that blurs my perspective.But someone tell me:do men behave this way around women they only view as friends?

2007-01-17 01:47:57 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

theres a guy i really like, i'm just not sure he likes me,
is it wrong 4 me 2 tell him? or should i wait on him? we talk alot!
i just dont wanna b out of place and ruin a good friendship.

2007-01-17 01:47:11 · 12 answers · asked by goth girl 1

I have been dating this wonderful guy for almost 5 months. He told me that he was the lucky one for having me in his life and I was quick to say no that I am cause he came into this relationship knowing that I already have 2 kids, and there has been some drama to that and he has stood by my side thru it all. But he is holding back on how he feels and when i ask him what it is he tells that he wants to show me. I dont push him or anything on him that he is not ready for. And he told me that girls should go first on saying how they feel. So do guys really like it when the girls tell them first how they feel cause I have always let the men to it first.

2007-01-17 01:44:12 · 15 answers · asked by katie7_6_2000 1

i told my ex bf that i missed him, he hasnt said anything about it.. we r friends, and i want to be friends, but i really want something more, but dont want to lose our friendship...

what should i do? tell him how i feel and thats why we cant be friends? or just stay friends and pretend nothing is going on, but i have this feeling he keeps flirting with me, but if i ask him, he will say its all i my head.. but i know its not...

what should i do??

2007-01-17 01:43:55 · 12 answers · asked by Simone 2

We started going out alot and he asked me if i was seeing someone....bah bah bah...we knew that we had some sort of feelings toward each other..and 2 months ago he asked my status...(i.e. single, in a realtionship, etc) Since i was not too sure about us so i just answered "single" but he corrected me saying that "your status is "occupied" because I have occupied you" (something like this/forgot the exact wording) What does it really mean? He never said that i am his gf, our status is kinda vague.i dont want to give him 2 much pressure, i just want to be there for him...but I do feel very confused by this kinda status.

2007-01-17 01:39:35 · 10 answers · asked by vivian l 2

If a guy is just seeing you for sex but then waits for you whilst you are waiting for your train, and as you get on it he looks back rather than just walking off what the heck does that mean? Then texts "it was good to see you again x"

2007-01-17 01:39:28 · 37 answers · asked by anais_24 1

im a 27 yr old male wit a big caring heart,im too nice really ,but nicly packed,ive been wit a few women,they always come back 4 more ,but i just want to know is 8 in enough for most women,hit me up honeys ill let ya see,anyway i just wanted to know if 8in satisfys most women?

2007-01-17 01:39:27 · 10 answers · asked by christopher 2

Is it good enough???
I have made a birthday card for this girl I like and her birthday falls this weekend. I have told her my feelings few months b4 and she said just want to be friends.

Look, if I just put that card in her bag (as an anonymous), then few hours later I text her to ask her what she thinks of the card (then it might be a surprise for her; I never made a card for someone before), will it be good? Seriously, I can't give her personally because all the time she is with her friends!

No, it is not mushy!!! I just say a birthday wish! That's all! And lots of decoration!

We are 14

2007-01-17 01:38:40 · 3 answers · asked by Mr Asker Knowmore 2

i took 2 home tests yesterday and one came out positive and one came out inconclusive and my bf just left me on monday he doesent even know that i think im pregnant what do u think

2007-01-17 01:37:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

theres this guy in my class and he always brushes up against me and he is always standing right next to me why does he do this?

2007-01-17 01:35:55 · 11 answers · asked by valreemariecreed 1

met this girl back in June. She had a BF. (now..dec 19th 06' has been with him a year) she stated he cheated when they first started but she trusts him now and said he hasnt done it since. Anyway. We connected in a flash..the same interests weird attitudes, and warm hearts. We started seeing eachother alot..led to kissing dinners and eventually intimacy. all this time he was away in costa rica she was here. she said when she goes back to school with him that she has to see her feelings. We ended up falling in love and told eachother.She told me in september that the right thing to do is stay with him cause she loves him to. from sept till now we still talk alot and when she comes home we meet up and hang out. she still feels the same and so do i and we've kissed and and still very close. SHe decided if we're to remain close to not act on our impulses. Cuz we mean alot to eachother. she made a promise if anything happens one day. we'll be together.

2007-01-17 01:34:03 · 7 answers · asked by V P 2

pressure her into having sex? I tell her that I love her to death but I really need to get some or I'll cheat on her.

2007-01-17 01:32:50 · 13 answers · asked by Evan C 1

Ok so my ex and I broke up 2 months ago even after the breakup we still spent time together about 3 weeks ago she told me that she didnt want to be with me so I guess you can say we officially broke up then. I still talked to her in some way everyday. She left to go away to school Sunday its only about an hour from where I live. SHe has called me about four times since then and we tell eachother goodnight everynight. I miss her. I know that I need to get over her but its hard. I just want to have her in my life in some way even if it means that we will just be friends. I want to see her but things are so awakward. Should I tell her I miss her or just continue to have casual conversations. I really love this girl.

2007-01-17 01:31:52 · 10 answers · asked by ImOuThEreUdigg!! 3

i am seriously considering starting pole dancing, alot of my friends do it and they seem 2 enjoy it. i have spoken 2 my bloke about it an he seems ok with the idea as he knows the club has a strict no touching policy so i wont get groped but im still not sure if i should or not as i dont want it 2 come between us. HELP!!!!!!!!

2007-01-17 01:30:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my bf have been going out for a month and 2 weeks. Could anyone tell me all or any signs of a good relationship? ..please :)

2007-01-17 01:30:02 · 9 answers · asked by Candie 1

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