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Singles & Dating - 9 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

me and my boyfriend go out together alone all the time we talk online and on the phone like everyday and he told me he loves me !! i said i love him back and i do mean it but how do i keep our relationship interesting like what should i talk to him about if i really want to know if he cares about me ? i got my heart hurt realllly badly b4 and i want to know if he'll do the same !! HELP ME

2007-01-09 11:08:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and a friend are both married and weve known each other for years and only recently had a sexual relationship. We only been together 1/2 dozen times and sometimes he acts liek hes feeling me and then other times he seems bothered and distant..mostly when I say no to sex...He calls me often and when we hadnt talked over the holiday and finally hooked up the sex was amazing..I assumed we missed each other. I think helikes but he and I both have been reluctant to say how we feel other than that we are diggin each other. I know I have developed feelings for him I think he has feeling for me..He calls me everyday from work and wants to see me on his break or after work before he goes home. I do not know how he feels do you think he may have feeling for me or is it just sex? He says He love making love to me.

2007-01-09 11:08:18 · 11 answers · asked by Confuzed360 1

ok my (male ) friend told me last year he loves me and i do feel the same but hes freaking me out hes planing our future about kids and moving in together and us getting marriedwhat am wondering is why is he talking about this so soon xx thanks

2007-01-09 11:07:17 · 18 answers · asked by tasha a 1

idk if he likes me back!! hes 14 and im going to be 14 soon... how do i
a.) get him to like me
b.) get myself to ask him if he likes me or tell him i like him

im really shy. and hes giving me "lessons" on skating... if it helps. pleaseee answer!! very important!! thank you sooooooo much!!!

2007-01-09 11:06:50 · 6 answers · asked by xojessox 5

I met this really great guy the other day...we've been getting on great and spending heaps of time together. We have heaps of fun and are always kissing and cuddling...I'd think we were on our way to being together officially if it wasnt for one thing...he lives in a different country and is just here visiting his dad. We see each other everyday and are getting closer...so what are his intentions if he is only going to be leaving back to his country soon...

2007-01-09 11:06:19 · 21 answers · asked by hello hello! 3

2007-01-09 11:06:12 · 1 answers · asked by Artsy 1 3

In the midst of a fight i looked on my girls phone and saw that she dialed the number of a guy she use to see along with a few other people she worked with. Shes sworn to me that she hasnt seen this guy and that she only tried calling him because one of her co-workers asked her to call him because of a question about thier paychecks. He didnt call because they werent close. I asked her "if your calling him because of work related stuff why wouldnt you just call me and let me know you called him afterwards?" she said "i have so much other stuff on mind that i totally forgot i called" we got into some pretty critical s$%t over this guy and im finding it hard to believe that she would just forget to tell me. lol she also told me that she wouldnt believe herself either. i with her 24/7 and im pretty postive shes not cheating because of medical reasons but i still think she is B-S ing me. Could she really get a sudden case of amnesia like that and she did is that something i shoulddealwith?

2007-01-09 11:03:23 · 3 answers · asked by xdreamsub 1

what do you do when your boyfriend tells you that he loves someone else from his past after speaking to her on the phone and she tells him she loves him? He tells you that he loves someone else out of the blue after a a few brief phone calls to her but tells you that he needs you as a friend and needs you to stay in his life? Just expects you to accept it and wipe out almost 4 years of loving him and suddenly be a friend in his life?

2007-01-09 11:02:45 · 37 answers · asked by mymanomer 1

I have a bf who i love with all my heart and have been with him for 2 months now. The problem is, that i also have a male friend who i really feel a connection with and did from the minute i met him, we were like best friends from the start and helped eachother through some really difficult times. We unfortunately lost contact over a year ago. I hadnt seen this friend in all this time even though i thought about him and was worried something had happened to him due to his past. I saw him today while i was out with my bf. I introduced them and my friend asked whether we were living together (we arent) and i told him we arent.

I havent stopped thinking about him all day now and why he would ask a question like that out the blue. does anybody have any clues? or am i just reading too much into it?

I am 25 and this man must be at least 40 now. I really wanted to ask for his number again but thought it was wrong to ask while my bf was standing there.

2007-01-09 11:01:27 · 11 answers · asked by Unhinged.... 5

Guys, what dishes would you be most impressed if your girlfriend made for you as a surprise? To get me to pick your answer as best, you'll have to include a main dish and a dessert.

2007-01-09 11:00:29 · 25 answers · asked by Ash 2

My girlfriend who i have dated since highschool has broken up with me and i have no idea what to do. In the beginning of the semester we decided to take a break which was tough for me but we still ended up being boyfriend and girlfriend (she came to visit me at school i visited her at home, we still were physical together, and neither of us did anything with anyone else) 3 months later she breaks it off completely and says that she can not see me as being anything more than just a friend with her. It confuses me because she said she had the most fun she had ever had with me the last time we hung out 2 weeks earlier and we had sex. Around a month has passed and a roomate of hers has lukemia. I really want to be there for her but instead another guy (who is friends with her roomate and lives in the same building as them) is talking to her and comforting her. She now says that she has feelings for the guy although she has only been talking to him for about 2 weeks on the phone.

2007-01-09 10:59:18 · 18 answers · asked by Chris M 1

I am 21 and have been broken up with my fiance of a month now. I know in myself its too early to date but after a month id like to date again. Ive met this guy once and am able to get his number i have been thinking of him since i have broken up but i know that i want to date him when i feel right should i take the chance when i am ready to date him? Or should i just move on and be free for a while.

2007-01-09 10:59:02 · 3 answers · asked by Nat555 2

So, I have an ex girlfriend that I went out with for almost a year. I loved her, and I'm pretty sure I still do.

We always fought though, but then afterwards, we would be happy and it felt like nothing ever happened. The problem was that when we were happy- we were eprfect for each other, yet we fought constantly.

Right now, we're trying to be best friends. And despite us being friends, she can still get mad really easy and be hard to deal with no matter what I do or say. A lot of times she makes it feel like my fault, but when I sit (feeling bad) and think about it later, I realize what I did wasn't bad in the least. (It's usually just sometinhg I say during a convo, and it's a normal response but she thinks I'm being a jerk.)

And on top of that, I don't know if she still likes/loves me. A lot of the time, she acts like she does.

So- what should I do? I'm really lost, because I want to be with her. I love her with all my heart....but I don't know.

2007-01-09 10:58:15 · 23 answers · asked by Gilbert Grape 1

White males/Asian females are already the largest interracial coupling in America and also the most successful when longevity, divorce rate, and opinion polls are taken into account. Asian women are generally petite, beautiful, cute, loyal, feminine, hardworking, and great mothers. Whats not to like? So don't you think white guys and Asian women were made for each other?

2007-01-09 10:57:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do u know when ur truely in love ?

2007-01-09 10:56:21 · 13 answers · asked by ashley19948 2

There must be a fundamental reason. For some reason women stop other women from being slappers. What drives this?

2007-01-09 10:56:17 · 8 answers · asked by returnofkarlos 2

i'm 20 and still a virgin i'm kinda scared about sex. i wanna know if it hurts. how do u describe it

2007-01-09 10:55:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a guy tells you that he loves you and you ask him why he loves you what kind of an answer are you expecting to hear?
A. He loves your various body parts
B. He "just does"
C. "I don't know"
D. Anything to do with sex
E. None of the above--explain what you expect to hear.

2007-01-09 10:54:51 · 21 answers · asked by Mr_B 5

I have a crush and he's just a little overweight (barley overweight at all) But He doesn't get that I'm flirting with him. For the last two days I found him staring at me kinda smiling but I'm confused if he even likes me. He sure doesn't show any signs that he likes me but if he does I don't know what to do and if he doesn't like me WHAT SHOULD I DO??????????

2007-01-09 10:53:24 · 6 answers · asked by beauty&style guru 2

2007-01-09 10:53:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i always smile when i talk to this one guy, but i cant help it, he make me happy! i dont want to creep him out, so how do i stop smiling?

2007-01-09 10:52:49 · 11 answers · asked by GoGetEmTiger 2

me and my girl broke up, but only because we couldn't see eachother, we still loved eachother at the time. But now i know that she doesn't feel the same anymore, she doesn't love me any more :(

I cry everynight, i think about it all the time, but now i said to myself to not give up. I have my hopes up for the future, it can be like a new beginning. But some people tell me you can't fall in love with the same person anymore..is that true?? I really love her, and we had a special relationship. No matter what, we will always be friends, but i want it to be more than that. Please give me any advice you can give me, i will appreciate it. :)

2007-01-09 10:52:18 · 5 answers · asked by huerito323 2

Is it neccessary to talk to your significant other everyday?

2007-01-09 10:52:13 · 4 answers · asked by miss-ag 1

im 14 yrs old and i think i have low self esteem. i dont think im pretty but my mom is always telling me that im beautiful. i think she's just saying that to make me feel better. i guess my real question is would a regular guy be interested in me? im 5'6", black hair thats shoulder lenth, brown eyes, and i weight 116 lbs, and im a 38b. i like to watch movies alot like romantic comedys or chick flicks, i also love to play golf, i like to read scary stories and romantic stories. so, would any guy/girl be interested in me? thankx, myeia

2007-01-09 10:51:38 · 5 answers · asked by myeia_101 1

Well see, i finished high school last year right, and now im 19 and attended first day of college in toronto.. however the girls dont seem to like me :(... i dont know why... i got a couple of buds at college that I met and became friends with.. but i need a gf!! what i do? be honest girls... i look strange or sumthing?? why theynot talk to me?? i heard some are shy and want to talk a lot.. is that true?

2007-01-09 10:50:54 · 16 answers · asked by Shawn Miller 1

I like really like him. He says he "Likes her as a friend, because she like Green Day and sports." Is that a good excuse or is he just crushing on me???

2007-01-09 10:50:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello, I'm in 8th grade and going to highschool soon. I'm in love with one of my best friends. I'm not just saying, OMG!! He's hot! I'm so in love with him! No no...I've been in love with him fro almost 2 years and tried to stop loving him. He was a druggy and is stopping for his health (yay!) and i would always get so mad at him, but coulden't stay mad or anything. So, here's my issue. I always thought he didn't like me but he and i got a lot closer than we were and people are thinking that we should go out and some say he likes me. He changed his life plans and decided he wants to take a cooking class with me in high school and to go to college with me and to even have a restraunt with me because I said my whole plan for college and my eventual restraunt. He had some other plans but said mines was a really good and that he wants to be in my cooking class and go to college with me and everything. But today, people kept saying that he should ask me out, but said he was too young.

2007-01-09 10:49:47 · 19 answers · asked by Katie M 3

Well ok, Im 14...might as well start off like this> for the last two years i was homeschooled and this year i came back to school (8th) grade and I got a boyfriend. Weve been bf/gf for a month now w/out goin on any dates er whatever but then he asked me to the movies this friday and I told him that id ask. Soo, i ask my mom ok- and since ive never hadda boyfriend before of Course this is a first. She tells me she has to think about it and that "id actually prolly be less likely to do anything at this age then when you get older but then again i dont know." And this gets me mad cuz she doesnt trust me! But anyway shes gotta "talk" to my dad about it right? Well recently----ten minutes ago---- I casually brought it up and my dad told me my BROTHER would have to come as a chaperone and idano if he is serious?! But whatever...it doesnt look like im gonna get to go so what do you people think? Am i too young to get dropped off @ the movies then be picked up when its over???

2007-01-09 10:48:13 · 6 answers · asked by kykygoo 3

i bumped into a neighbour today ...when i asked how are you...he said that he was tired as he'd spent too much time lately 'Googling the fendangos'...anyone actually know what this means???...as i have no idea...;0)

2007-01-09 10:47:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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