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Singles & Dating - 4 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

im a big girl some like hot some not

2007-01-04 05:27:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tell me about character,physical vision

2007-01-04 05:27:04 · 3 answers · asked by PhotoARTist 3

dont and stop

2007-01-04 05:25:28 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any suggestions on where would be a really good place to apply to work full time? I began a levels at 6th form in september but after 2 months I quit. I didnt enjoy it one bit. I've been unemployed for a while now and I'm eager to get a job. Especially one that I will enjoy as if you have seen my other questions you'll know I'm quite insecure and self concious (also that I'm on the look out for a girl friend :-) ) So I suppose a somewhere that I may meet a nice girl around my age too.

Anyway I'd appreciate all reasonable suggestions

Thanks again!

2007-01-04 05:24:49 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

A guy asked me out and dated me. I fell in love with him. He broke it off because he said he wasn't in love with me. He said he views me as a friend but not his future wife. He said he is physically attracted to me and we have great sex together but he still thinks of me as a friend. Despite having great sex, lots of fun together, sharing similar interests he still says he doesn't feel a romantic spark or connection with me/that he is not in love with me. I don't understand how he could just view me as a friend when he is physically attracted to me, we have great sex and share similar interests. Can a guy still view a female as just a friend even when he finds her physically attractive and has sex with her? Could he ever change his mind about me? Is there anything I can do to create a romantic spark or connection with him or is it out of my control no matter what I do? I've always had a problem maintaining eye contact from nervousness. Could this decrease romantic spark?

2007-01-04 05:23:48 · 6 answers · asked by Citygirl 2

...more like a chill on the couch with a blanket, watching a movie...or goin out to a nice dinner...or mall hopping..or goin to the movies...i mean, its so difficult to find a girl that isnt into the party scene...

i ask because im not into the whole party scene myself...and every girl ive become attracted to are party goers...whats a guy to do? is it really that hard to find a gorgeous girl who isnt a party goer? u tell me...

2007-01-04 05:20:38 · 20 answers · asked by *mar29* 2

This guy flirted with me for weeks and then finally asked me to go out last weekend. He took me to an expensive restaurant, sat right up next to me, made lots of eye contact and smiled and made comments like "I bet you get hit on alot". We had a great time....At the end of the date, no hug or kiss but he said to call him if I ever wanted to hang out or see a movie. He knows I have been separated for a year and am going through a divorce. He has not called me since our date (although he did say Hello when I saw him a few days ago). I left a message for him to see if he wanted to hang out but havent heard from him.

I dont think he would have asked me out if he wasnt physically attracted to me. So, why didnt he at least hit on me or make a move? It just seems like things went so well and now nothing. I wonder if he is just taking things slow (very slow) until I am divorced but was surprised he didnt try to at least hook up. Any ideas?

2007-01-04 05:19:58 · 11 answers · asked by Kelly 2

yesterday i was with him and he was going throught a door and i sayed ladies frist and he started to push me to try and get me throught the door and i sayed i didn't want to so he grab and squeezed my arm as he could. so would you dump him. my arm is still in pain.

2007-01-04 05:19:29 · 31 answers · asked by angle f 2

i know this gut and everyone thinks he likes me. i like him back but he is either too scared to ask or im getting the wrong idea. Help!

2007-01-04 05:19:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you say no to something you’ve already said yes too?

I agreed to let my boyfriend’s cousin live with us, in a house we just moved into. That is small enough with us and my two dogs. I don’t know his cousin what so ever, and we have met all of twice. He seems nice enough, but he has a lot of problems. Mental, emotional and just has a ton of growing up to do. And that’s what I’ve heard from my boyfriends dad, who took him in once already and the guy sort of flaked out on my boyfriend’s dad. My bf’s dad never says anything bad about anyone, and he was willing to help out this guy, but now even he won’t help him out which is weird and makes me nervous.

I really don’t want him moving in. But how do I change my mind now?

My bf and I have been having some relationship troubles already. And I don’t think he has really thought this thing through. Such as who will play bad guy if his cousin flakes out on rent? Or what if his cousin flips out mentally like he has done in the past? He once just drove his car into the side of a building...and doesn’t know why.

Everything in the house is mine. Which is fine..but I also don’t know this guy. My boyfriend doesn’t work steady, and goes to school. So he cant really cover if his cousin does flake out. Plus I just have this feeling we will end up fighting over him moving in, if he does.

What can I do? He has already told his cousin yes. But I want to tell him no. And my boyfriend knows that, do I just stick to my guns? Or is there something I can do to smooth it out without causing more tension with my bf?

2007-01-04 05:18:52 · 6 answers · asked by Stacey M 1

whats the hottest thing/part/anything about a guy... lol .. enough said

2007-01-04 05:17:59 · 15 answers · asked by umm hahah 2

like i went down on him and he did it to me so what dose that all mean

2007-01-04 05:17:42 · 11 answers · asked by danielle 1

there is this girl i like
as there is in everyopne of these threads
and this is a lot like the other threads also

but we are in a class that talking is not possible
after class i have maybe a minute and a half to talk to her

how sould i ask her out in that short amount of time
without looking like a complete idiot while asking

2007-01-04 05:16:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

In your opinion, is it important to find out if you and your gf/bf are sexually compatible before committing to marriage? Or, would you rather wait and see how it goes after marriage

2007-01-04 05:15:39 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

i belive that every relationship you have is for a purpose. from them, you learn things about yourself, about the opposite sex, gain new interests, and learn how to be strong through hard times. with that said, how do you know when you have alreay learned what you were suppossed to from that relationship, and if it is time to let go? if that makes any sense...

2007-01-04 05:15:07 · 3 answers · asked by lisa42088 3

i can joke start funny conversations but how do i know how he feels about me?? help guys!!!

2007-01-04 05:13:22 · 3 answers · asked by bloody 1

...that you were going to "smack the taste" out of their mouth, could that be construed as a threat? What if they were eating some really unsavory Asian dish, and "smacking the taste" out of their mouth actually was beneficial? Would that still be a threatening statement? I was just curious, because my ex-girlfriend was always looking to "smack the taste" out of my mouth. Often times when I wasn't even eating anything. She'd be like, do that, before I smack the taste out of your mouth. Yeah. She was pretty mean. Her release date is in June. She wants to hook up. I'm thinking I'd like to keep the taste in my mouth.

2007-01-04 05:13:14 · 14 answers · asked by Doug Church 1

I've noticed that women drool over guys who are very very very and very good looking. Whether they are cute, handsome, or hot ....the face makes the women's body tingle, their knees weak, and their hearts melt.

Ladies, can you care to explain why the face is an important asset when it comes to physical attraction? Why is the face more important than a man's body?

2007-01-04 05:10:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok here is the situation. First of all me and my boyfriend have been together 17 months on saturday. Right now he is going to school in South Carlina. With our both busy life we dont get to talk much, bt when we do he is ALWAYS letting his 15 yr old brothers read our conversations and e-mails. To me it seems like he cares more about his brothers picking on him and what they think then what his own girlfriend thinks. Then for no reason he just all of sudden deleted me from myspace friends list. and wont tell me why and also wont add me again? What should I do?

2007-01-04 05:08:40 · 8 answers · asked by (intellgentsweetgirl) 3

has anyone gone back with an ex who broke up with you. if so how long did it take them to realise that they lost a good thing? weeks,months years?how did they get in contact with you again?

2007-01-04 05:08:28 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

this guy i was going out with dumped me yesterday. which is ok. it sux, but it's ok. thing is though,he didn't even have the balls to say it to my face. he got his friend to do it for him. i wanna go tell him what a coward he is, but i think i might be over reacting. confused!!

2007-01-04 05:07:56 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

She told a guy at work that she wasn't going out with me, but in real life my girlfriend and I were going out for more than two years. We had a fight about it already. She told me that she liked him and thought she was flirting with him. Now, I think she's talking to him behind my back. What's really hard is that I don't know if she's lying or not. She asks for my forgiveness and stuff, but she is still "friends" with him on facebook and still has his sn on AIM. I don't care about it before because they work with each other but she told him that me and her aren't going out. I love her with all my heart and I really can't let her go. We been through a lot of good and bad times, but is she changing? She have done this before with another guy. One thing, she gets mad at me when I get mad about the situation. What's up with that? I need some advice, info, anything!! Tell me what's on your mind... please have a lot of people to comment this so I can take a right course of action.

2007-01-04 05:07:30 · 1 answers · asked by Sir Guitarist 2

She told a guy at work that she wasn't going out with me, but in real life my girlfriend and I were going out for more than two years. We had a fight about it already. She told me that she liked him and thought she was flirting with him. Now, I think she's talking to him behind my back. What's really hard is that I don't know if she's lying or not. She asks for my forgiveness and stuff, but she is still "friends" with him on facebook and still has his sn on AIM. I don't care about it before because they work with each other but she told him that me and her aren't going out. I love her with all my heart and I really can't let her go. We been through a lot of good and bad times, but is she changing? She have done this before with another guy. One thing, she gets mad at me when I get mad about the situation. What's up with that? I need some advice, info, anything!! Tell me what's on your mind... please have a lot of people to comment this so I can take a right course of action.

2007-01-04 05:06:55 · 24 answers · asked by Sir Guitarist 2

well i really like this guy and i think he likes me and we are really good friends. the last day at my school before winter break i really wanted to get a picture of me and him. so on my last chance right before he left the classroom i gave my (gal) friend my camera, ran up to the guy i like, turned him around my fgriend snaped a picture. DO U THINK HIM AND OTHER KIDS IN MY CLASS WILL TREAT ME DIFFERENT?yes____ or no____ IF PEOPLE DO TREAT ME DIFFERENT SHOULD I LIE AND SAY IT WAS A DARE OR SOMETHING OR SHOULD I JUST ACSEPED THE WAY THEY TREAT ME NOW? *long anwser are great*

2007-01-04 05:05:53 · 10 answers · asked by soccer_idiot11 1

2007-01-04 05:02:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been in a relationship with a great guy for about 6 months now. Recently he told me that he loves and things started getting alot more romantic than it used to be. I felt very good about that but for some odd reason I cant stop having doubts. I cant stop the confusion. I discovered that I have trust issues as I dont trust he really loves me like he says eventhough he shows it. I sometimes feel as though I love him very much and some other times I feel like I'm better off without him. I cant get myself to actually break up with him because I know he's a great guy and I'm afriad I might regret it later. How do I stay stable and in love with him all the time? How can I convince myself that he loves me and that everything is okay?!

2007-01-04 05:01:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems like my entire life I have always been the Good Friend. Don't get me wrong, I do like being that person who is able to help others. But it seems like every time a woman comes into my life, I slip right into that role, either by my fault or as if they know that's where I've always been.
I don't want to sound like I just want to get into someone's pants, because frankly that's the last thing I want right now. I just am tired of falling into the role of the Good Friend.

2007-01-04 05:00:17 · 16 answers · asked by Jon M 4

2007-01-04 04:57:41 · 14 answers · asked by http://hogshead.pokerknave.com/ 6

I think most girls will just say gross. Maybe some guys too, but I'm just trying to be honest here without being too graphic. For those still confused, I mean a pic that you enjoy looking at when fantasizing, doing the deed, whatever. My special pic is of a friend of mine. She's so cute and I have such a crush on her, but her heart belongs to someone else. Yet she still turns me on just by looking at her.

2007-01-04 04:55:11 · 7 answers · asked by Kari 4

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