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Singles & Dating - 12 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

so there's this guy at my school, and whenever we see each other he would give me a big smile along with a 'hey' and i would return it exactly the same way, and then as we walk past each other i think he tries to make eye contact and it seems like he wants to say some more but then decides against it. a few days ago, we saw each other, and he said 'hey' along with my name with a big smile and i said 'hey' back. the next day we saw each other, and he only said 'hey' and asked 'how are you?'. naturally, i returned the greeting and then i had to go off somewhere (but he was with his friend). the thing is is that i really really like him, but i don't know whether he likes me or not, because i think he's really scared about it if he does like me. and i'm scared to tell him my feelings cos i don't have the guts for that. what should i do?

2006-12-12 21:28:34 · 13 answers · asked by ceecee 1

Bush... I've hinted that it needs more grooming. She does some grooming, such as trimming but i feel some shaving is in order.

She loves 69's but i prefer doing each other idividually as to focus on the job in hand. Her Bush is making me lose focus...

i don't want to push it i just want her to get the hint. More hints are needed so that i can use them on her....

I've even had my pubes groomed which she has noticed. It makes the little fella look an Inch bigger which is a bit of a result!!

2006-12-12 21:28:21 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

there is something else ...there is a song and i teld her that is a cool song and she teld me when i listen to it to think about her !! What the hel is that meens ?

2006-12-12 21:27:33 · 11 answers · asked by Zero Cool 1

I fantasise about having sex with him all the time...i can't help it..he just has this hotness...he's in his late 40's but looks amazing for his age (he's 6'4 and 230 lbs) and has the nicest green eyes...
i can't even think about him without my panties getting all wet

2006-12-12 21:27:24 · 13 answers · asked by Crazy in love 1

i'd been going out with my boyfriend for 2 years and suddenly he tells me he doesnt loved me and stopped loving me two months ago and still slept with me-he also lied that he had been smoking pot the whole time we were going out-
so generally our relationship was one big lie

how do i get over this easily?
i have been told to go on the rebound-but my ex has knocked my confidence so much-im finding it hard.

chelp me!!


2006-12-12 21:26:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My brother went out with this girl about 3 years ago, and she still won't leave him alone! He broke up with her because she liked to play mind games with him, and she would follow him wherever he would go. She was a backstabber and a liar, and she was a two- faced immature little 16 year old girl, that did not know what real love was. now she is 19! and she won't leave him alone, he does not know how to get her out of his life! what should he do?

2006-12-12 21:25:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

been friend for 26yrs, he was flirty & touchy with me, told him i had feelings 4 him, he back off, treated me like **** as i flirted with another guy, twice its happens, both times he spoke bout it, had arguement twice, not text each other since the nite i flirted with the guy, he came rd other day and said hello but i ignore him!! have i done the right thing????
ive been told that i havent and i should have spoken to him!! i miss him & his company!!! i want the closeness back like we had b4

2006-12-12 21:23:21 · 3 answers · asked by brownie 1

but for tow days and more maybe after i finish she is asking me to make love for her hardly again and again she never feel enough is this bee honey healthy or our feeling is wrong

2006-12-12 21:21:03 · 10 answers · asked by romlo p 1

I haven't met his friends or family and he has met my friends. I'm 22 and hes 10 years older than me. I'm almost certain that he's not married or has another woman on the side (or I'm the other woman). We love each other dearly and it doesn't seem like such a big factor in our relationship but when I think about it it really upsets me. I've confronted him about it and he says that its because he's been hurt before and doesn't want to explain to his friends that I cheated on him (if I do). I use to think that it was because he was ashamed of me, but I'm decent looking and smart (and am nothing to be ashamed of). Is this normal? What should I do?

2006-12-12 21:20:48 · 12 answers · asked by suzieee789 1

I'm sitting im my office quite bored..... with a mug of green and blacks hot chocolate.... and making my way through a large toblerone..... Ummmm Heaven.... A part from the being bored bit.
What's you favourite chocolate... ?

2006-12-12 21:18:49 · 27 answers · asked by Fox Hunter 4

please somebody give some tips for my tonight date !! Should i kiss her ?

2006-12-12 21:16:12 · 7 answers · asked by Zero Cool 1

I'm a tall - 175 cms, attractive woman, who's been in a relationship with this guy who's about 168 cms, for 3 years. We are attracted to each other - but when we're out together - he kind of doesn't seem to like walking around with me - like in a mall etc. Also, he hasn't ever introduced me to any of his friends. Our relationship is also kept a secret, mainly for differing religious reasons.
What do you think? Is my being tall, bothering him?

2006-12-12 21:15:18 · 28 answers · asked by Exotic_beauty 1

Id say 25 bucks, shes no prize, but still, hes my bud, cut him a deal...

2006-12-12 21:14:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today i meet with her at school ,and when she saw me she camed over ad gived me a hug that hug lastet for 30 min :P and also i have a date with her today ? Do you think that she likes me a litel ?

2006-12-12 21:09:37 · 11 answers · asked by Zero Cool 1

2006-12-12 21:09:17 · 13 answers · asked by priyanka j 1

a million pounds?

2006-12-12 21:07:55 · 13 answers · asked by t00t5 2

a million pounds?

2006-12-12 21:06:58 · 12 answers · asked by t00t5 2

I have a boyfriend, we know each other for like 13 years, he was by brothers best friend, and so we grew up together, and after becoming close friends, something developt into a relationship, we have been dating previously for 2years and broke up, know we are dating agian for almost two years.
The problem is, I do not feel the need to be with him, sometimes I dont even miss him, sometimes he irretates me, and we do not fillfull each others needs, maybe I do in some aspects that he says he loves me, I love him to, but is this enough?. He want to commit to me in a serious way, but I have so much mixed feelings, and to top it all off, there is this guy in my friendship group, and when the two of us talk, the sparks are flying, we cannot help it. I am planning of leaving this relationship, to get someone who gives me butterflies when he touches me, and someone I can make feel like he is needed.

What should I do, pleass help I am so worried that I ll end up throughing my soulmate away!!

2006-12-12 21:00:38 · 17 answers · asked by wonderwoman 1

im into astrology im a cancer my girlfriends a scorpio i tend to be whiney and such im also paraniod weve been having some problems with me checking her email and making somethink out of nothing i think i just feel left out of her online life cause im at work all day so ladies what should i do to calm myself down and stop being so paraniod so i dont drive her away???

2006-12-12 20:55:27 · 10 answers · asked by DennyLee3 1

i dont know whats wrong with me im an attractive female and im a great person so why have i never had a boyfriend, im just tired of feeling lonley and just having booty calls i why is it so diifuclt to find a man these days what can i do or what am i doing wrong helppp!!! im a 21 year old who never had a man and im afraid im going to be single forever

2006-12-12 20:54:45 · 16 answers · asked by DulceVeneno 1

My age is 26 .. ilove 2 play games too much i love 2 goo entertenment city ... 2 play .... but when i lpy my familly and my frind all the time telling 2 me ur 2 big 2 ply ?

what can i do ?

2006-12-12 20:53:16 · 6 answers · asked by FaT_GiRL 1

Or is this just something put about by people who are forty?

2006-12-12 20:52:25 · 25 answers · asked by Campbell M 2

im 18 and my girlfriend is 14 we never had sex and only seen eachother 3 times, we have been going out for a month

Her dad has found out about us and has gone to the police.
what can the police do as we havent had sex

2006-12-12 20:51:37 · 12 answers · asked by mattman 2

My Name to Cosmic girl dodds?
Jay Kay may notice that dont you think?

2006-12-12 20:48:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

And he broke up with her then took her back for what ever reason. I just dont understand how he can trust her. Especailly since they live in two different states. Could you ever trust someone who cheated on you? It was multiple times that she cheated.

2006-12-12 20:47:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really dont know if this is OK. I'm 17 and I like younger girls more than older ones, to be specific from 13 - 17. Help?

2006-12-12 20:47:06 · 17 answers · asked by Alex M 1

i like 2 different guys, the first one is sooo cute and is athlethic (i'm not) and the second guy is a shy type but smart

both of them really don't talk to me and i don't even know if they know me. but the second guy always hangs out in the same place where i do and i once caught him looking at me. but the first guy... well, i think he's not really interested in me.

2006-12-12 20:42:55 · 9 answers · asked by sKuL-gIrL 1

My boyfriend said, - i love you,? and I was so excited and so freaked out that I didn't say

anything back. We met on http://www.blackcentury.com and we both think love is color blind. I'm white and he is black man. He looked like he wanted to die with embarrassment, but I just couldn't say it. He's been avoiding me, now. What should I do? If you also belive 'love is color blind', this site would be fit for you:)

I'm waiting for your help. Hurry! We have a candle supper this weekend.

Help! My boyfriend said, - i love you,?What should I do? Hurry!?

2006-12-12 20:40:03 · 9 answers · asked by Coco 1

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