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Singles & Dating - 5 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

i recently ended a 1 yr. realtionship with my girlfriend. it sucks so bad cuz she goes to the same college as me and is even in the same class as i. what are ways to overcome my anxiosity that she is in the same room as me?

2006-12-05 02:42:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-05 02:41:37 · 9 answers · asked by petrasuc i 1

im a single girl,had some bad relashions befor so that i can not trust any one!!!so what should i do??!

2006-12-05 02:40:49 · 4 answers · asked by shishi 1

Whenever we argue or talk seriously about anything she threatens me and tells me if I don't like it, "Just break up with me." She says I'm not that great and knows she can replace me at the bar, but, then later that night has sex with me. See, I quit drinking and think she still wants to. We always fight when we drink and it landed me in jail twice... I love her and she say she loves me. She always gets what she wants when she uses the break-up threat... What would you do?

2006-12-05 02:39:55 · 18 answers · asked by jimppanzee 2

I'm falling in love with this amazing girl she's all I think about. I don't wanna go to sleep because I don't wanna miss anything and I wake up early jus to see what I missed. She has been talking about falling in love with me for a while now. She acts like she wants to get really serious. I don't know if I love her yet so i'm not wanting to tell her. Should I wait for her to tell me?

2006-12-05 02:39:37 · 12 answers · asked by I am smart 2

2006-12-05 02:37:16 · 16 answers · asked by ? 4

I like this guy and he said he liked me back and he was really flirty and everything, but a few months later, he still flirts but not as much and he seems remote sometimes, what does this mean?
does he still like me or is he just playing games?

2006-12-05 02:36:41 · 9 answers · asked by Crystal 2

I thought the guy I liked...liked me back but according to a mutual friend he's not attracted to me. Well if that's the case why does send mixed signals? Am I reading into things too much?

2006-12-05 02:35:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I broke up with my ex-boyfriend on our 4 month anniversery which was on october 10th of 2006 and i really still have feelings for him and he just wants to be friends becuz i wouldnt go live with him. now that we're split up i regret of not living with him. i dont know what to do. now i feel bad and we had sexual intercourse on july 4th of this year and i really miss him. should i move on or try to get him back?

2006-12-05 02:33:46 · 23 answers · asked by mchavez_12000 1

This Thursday in the evening i would like to do something a bit different, not just a pub or meal blah blah blah...

Ok so far I thought of a jack the ripper tour, wine tasting and a christmas market but that closes too soon!

Please help me??!

2006-12-05 02:33:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-05 02:31:55 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Need tips for spicing up a relationship.

2006-12-05 02:31:50 · 1 answers · asked by afrinista10 2

my boyfriend yelled at me for the first time because he said i was getting on his nerves. my friends told me he did it because he wanted attention from his little homies. we been dating now for a month. and im still a 16 year old virgin and he told me that he loves me and wants to be with me for a long time should i believe him? he calls me everynight he falls asleep on the phone with me and he said he wants to have a baby by me. but i want to save all this for marriage am i wrong??

2006-12-05 02:31:42 · 9 answers · asked by Ashley M 1

Don't wanna screw anything up between me and her 'cause I love her and she loves me...

2006-12-05 02:30:11 · 1 answers · asked by Silly_bob_1991 1

I love my Chicken but its legs are so skiny and rugh I thought some Hose would help

2006-12-05 02:30:02 · 3 answers · asked by rstephe3 1

2006-12-05 02:29:48 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am afraid me being the alpha male and this being a new relationship freaked a bit. Has anyone got any advice or beeen in this situation? P.S This was not mine!!

2006-12-05 02:28:31 · 4 answers · asked by master 2

Ive known my girlfriend for about a year now but we only got together just over a month ago. She was with another guy b4 me but she broke up with him and is with me now. We were pretty close even when she was with the other guy but ive noticed that she lets me open up and tell her stuff but she tells me very little. She wont open up. I asked her about this and she got defensive saying that shes a listener more than a talker. Im not happy about it coz i feel like a bit of a fool telling her personal stuff but she talls me nothing. Should i just hold back? I mean arent relationships about being able to share with each other? Or should i just not try force this and let her open up when shes ready?

2006-12-05 02:27:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

So there is some people in here who post questions about cheating on thier partners or finding sugar daddies, what kind answers are these people expecting.Why is it that they get upset if you call them sl*ts or tr@mps, and report it.

Are they only looking for valditation, to feel better aboout their loose ideas? Come on, I've asked questions and you just gotta suck up the rude/bad answers.

So in short toughen people if ya act like ho you will get called a ho! Any one agree?:

2006-12-05 02:27:30 · 6 answers · asked by krissy 5

hey....what will u do if u met this girl online in YM and she is 14 and u (a guy) is 20, the gurl asked u to be her online bf...u gave her ur cellphone number for her to sms and to call u....but ur kind of busy lately and cant reply most of the messages....but u r the one first who asked her to call u...what will u do...???

2006-12-05 02:25:56 · 12 answers · asked by mysterious girl this year!! 2

My ex is coming over to get the cat for the week while I am away on vacation. We broke up about 6 months ago and I haven't seen her in 2 months. She has said she has moved on and she is even starting to date somebody. I still think we are great together and would love to give us another chance. I have already professed my feelings for her and she has turned me aside. I have tried the no contact thing, but everytime we go more than a few days of not talking she always e-mails me about some trivial little thing.
I want to get her back, but don't want to push her away. So how should I act or what should I do when she comes over to my place on Friday???

2006-12-05 02:25:14 · 15 answers · asked by FOSisdead 2

My boyfriend will be coming home December 15th after being gone for 3 weeks of training. What is okay to get him as a welcome home present without it being like too girlie of a gift? I have thought of getting him a bouquet of flowers and a card or a balloon and cards but didn't want it to seem too girlie to welcome him home. Any suggestions?

2006-12-05 02:24:55 · 9 answers · asked by computergirl 1

No course not....now stop being sad,have a big HUG on me and tell me something that really makes you smile.Memory,song,place etc:)

2006-12-05 02:24:30 · 25 answers · asked by Nellynoo 4

going to buy for your girl/man's gifts for this christmas?....

2006-12-05 02:24:00 · 11 answers · asked by XxItalianxX 1

I have recently fallen head over heels in love with the most amazing man for me...i love him so much and we have so much fun together! He too tells me that he loves me completely...but and here comes the problem, he's still in touch with quite a few of his conquests and although he say's that they are just good friends and he has told them all about me, i am finding it quite difficult knowing that he is texting them regularly (like every day!) I know he's a flirt and he was a bit of a player before we met....but can someone change just like that? I have never asked him to stop staying in touch with his 'girl friends' as i don't feel i should give him an ultimatum...i love him so much and i want it to work out between us...but am i getting the piss taken out of me? I really do need advise from both boys and girls....cause i feel like my brains gonna explode! He's a really good looking guy, funny, inteligent and so sexy and he does get a lot of attention from girls...But can i trust him?

2006-12-05 02:22:37 · 14 answers · asked by TH2O 1

I have always been the type of person who believes we are blessed with many people to love and to be loved by in our lives. . .But, ultimatly there is one person. . .for each of us. . .our soulmate. . .
How can so many people make a mockery out of something in life that is so special as love?
How can they lie?
How can they cheat?
How can they silence their conscience and forget to honor a friendship so special that it grew into love?
Do you think these people truly do "love". . .???
Why do people no longer see the importance of being faithful and devoted?

Whats happening to love?

I can only hope that the generations to come will be intelligent enough to take a good look at our mistakes and live and love differently. . .

I hope that those of you reading this question will look at your life and think: If today was all I had. . .would I do this?

Whats happening to love. . .

2006-12-05 02:22:33 · 3 answers · asked by ? 3

I was dumped by my boyfriend recently. He was acting really weird on the days leading up to it. Being really distant and choosing to ignore my questions when i asked what was wrong. Eventually i said it out straight to him that i thought he wanted to dump me and he said yes. First reason he gave me was that he didn't have enough time for me. He later changed his mind saying he couldn't see us getting married??!! Do you think he was talking crap?? Do you think it was an excuse to dump me for someone else?? HELP!!

2006-12-05 02:21:22 · 5 answers · asked by Dolly 5

I lived with my ex for a year and we had been apart for around 4 months. While we were apart I started seeing someone I met at work - one of the owner's of the company I work for. I care a lot about the one I am seeing now but my ex recently came back into the picture wanting to work things out. I feel very strongly about my ex and would love to work it out with him but I do not want to hurt the man I am seeing now and also create an akward work environment. We work together a lot throughout the day so this situation has to be handled delicately because my job is very important to me.

Any advice?

2006-12-05 02:21:02 · 1 answers · asked by Don't Feed the Trolls 2

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