I have recently fallen head over heels in love with the most amazing man for me...i love him so much and we have so much fun together! He too tells me that he loves me completely...but and here comes the problem, he's still in touch with quite a few of his conquests and although he say's that they are just good friends and he has told them all about me, i am finding it quite difficult knowing that he is texting them regularly (like every day!) I know he's a flirt and he was a bit of a player before we met....but can someone change just like that? I have never asked him to stop staying in touch with his 'girl friends' as i don't feel i should give him an ultimatum...i love him so much and i want it to work out between us...but am i getting the piss taken out of me? I really do need advise from both boys and girls....cause i feel like my brains gonna explode! He's a really good looking guy, funny, inteligent and so sexy and he does get a lot of attention from girls...But can i trust him?
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