Dont u hate it when u give a person so much, like ur heart, ur love, and ur trust??You go through so much to keep ya'll together, be in&out fights, confrontin different girls!!I mean is worth all dat??How could a dude treat someone so bad??I mean espically when they got a good girlfriend, who has never cheated, havent had sex with anybody but him!!And that's how she gets treated??Then to top it all off, Im 7months pregnant!!My cousin always said once a person cheats on u, dont let them get away with it!!I mean I know that inorder for me to move on, I have to forget&forgive, but its sooo hard!!!!But sometimes there are those happy days, that he makes me feel like the world revovles around me!!But I just need to know, what now??I mean I dont work, but things about to change after I have my baby in January!!What cha think about it??We been together for 4years, is it time to go??
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