I have this problem, you see I am a good person, a nice girl, pretty, a psychologist, acoording to many of my friends I´m a catch. But that said I just can´t have a serious relationship with a man, and I don´t give it up easy. What always happens is that I meet a guy it all goes starting well but the things freeze up and we don´t make it to the next level, NEVER, then they start dating other girls who are anything like me, not that I´m rude or hurt but it´s true they´re either mean or sluths. So I´m desperate and sad because I just can´t make it work, everyone keeps telling me to wait that the right guy is out there but I´m tired of waiting It´s been too long and It´s getting harder and every day I get more conviced that it must be me the one that´s doing something wrong. So what can I do?
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