We love each other
We're getting to be great friends
We look great together
Our families get along
The sex is great
Our careers connect well
We're both athletic - we take good care of ourselves
She's beautiful
She's sexy
We share expenses
We live together
We have the same long term goals
We're committed to monogamy, etc.
Something is always wrong
She constantly questions the relationship
She's always looking for fault
She doesn't trust yet (we're both divorced - me before her...)
Foreplay is one way!
I also have some trust issues (my first wife cheated)
While I own property, etc - she doesn't have many assets
She accuses me of lying
She's jealous
I feel like I'm on eggshells - anything can set her off
I'm starting to wonder if this will work "long term" - or if I should just let go, and start over, and DEAL with the crapola all over again..... I don't want to loose a good thing, but I'm feeling like I do all the work in the relatioship
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