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Other - Family & Relationships - 22 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

Ive been going to seaworld every week for about 1 year now to see seashan ( name of a whale) . The trainers have let me pet it and she now knows me very well. Heres the catch. I love the whale in an intimate way. I KNOW I KNOW this is weird. But I really love the whale and would do anything to spend the rest of my life with her. The trainers think im kidding but I am NOT. What can I do to further my relationship with Seashan and how can we become more intimate. Is it physically possible? Thaks for understanding

2006-06-22 18:52:49 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

If your child's school told you that he or she could skip a grade, would you do it? My son is supposed to enter second grade. I got a letter saying that he could go into third instead if we wanted to do that. I don't want to hold him back; he was really bored last year. I just wonder how he'll do socially.

2006-06-22 18:52:34 · 15 answers · asked by amereilly 3

What is the easiest way to dump a guy w/out hurting his feelings so bad? I know from the start that his a married man. I love him & he always say that he loves me. What can I do?

2006-06-22 18:48:51 · 32 answers · asked by b_diaz13 3

if you have been engaged for a few months and your fianc'e wanted to go celebrate there bestfriends birthday at a club and they came home at 2:00am would you be upset? oh and they have not be out with there friends for a year and a half.

2006-06-22 18:47:28 · 6 answers · asked by loveableladee1 2

2006-06-22 18:42:17 · 5 answers · asked by anujrao123 1

Race does matter white women and black women are different.Now i don't mean to be a racist but,why do you think most black men go to white women.Because they're not strong enough.God made most black women different from black ones.Now just because im black,dos'nt have to do with race.But in a relationship between two black people,the black women fights back she does'nt serve him unless she's jobless and they're both married.But still the black woman would be strong if that were bound to happen.White arn't strong so be,now don't get me wrong some are strong.But the amount that is'nt it makes you say some white women are strong.That's how god made it,its not his fault he made it that way.But some of us black men don't know how to treat a black woman thats why they move on to white men.Now a white man is kind of a perfect man,because he's a man(strengh) and hes nice.So who is stronger in spirit,i gave my opinnion so whats yours?

2006-06-22 18:36:56 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-22 18:28:26 · 6 answers · asked by riyaz a 1

My parents hate me, my sister hate me. God never want to see me happy. . I don’t know why? I guess my friends too don’t like my company any more. I am feeling that I am unwanted by everybody on this earth. Do I deserve to be alive? I am feeling that I am a big failure in life. What should I do?

2006-06-22 18:28:12 · 3 answers · asked by Nishant P 3

2006-06-22 18:23:11 · 5 answers · asked by martin2005 1

I just need a lending ear. somebody that's compasionate and a good listener. someone that has time pls.

2006-06-22 18:21:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-22 18:03:03 · 7 answers · asked by Temptation 3

How would you convince your wife or girlfriend for a ********.

2006-06-22 17:58:21 · 5 answers · asked by 360 degree 1

2006-06-22 17:47:53 · 13 answers · asked by Mrs. Al Pacino 1

Ran into each other at his work after several years. Started e-mailing, exchanged #'s & keeps it a secret? I found an e-mail from "Maria" when he forgot to log out of his e-mail. I asked him who it was. He said someone he used to work with. I asked why he had never told me about her & he admitted that he used to date her. I asked if he ever used her number, he said no, but admitted he lied. So time went on & he continued this communication. She started coming into his shop to "Pay the bills for her company" (Hers was a customer to his) She wore his favorit color, came at his lunchtime & she was "all made up". He said he wasn't really happy at that job & look for another one. Which he found. So he brought "stuff" home, like most people do when they leave a job. There were e-mails that said "You LOOKED good" & "I wish I wasn't married so I could spend more time with you" (actual quotes) - My question: In your opinion, where was this headed? Please serious answers only - this really hurt

2006-06-22 17:43:13 · 6 answers · asked by socalmom 2

and plans on having sex this summer? Talk to him or no?

2006-06-22 17:38:39 · 19 answers · asked by ♥My 2 Cents♥ 5

2006-06-22 17:35:31 · 16 answers · asked by Discovery 5

Ok heres the deal...
My girlfriend lives with her ex. She's got 2 kids. She recently broke up with me because she found porn on my computer. Porn with black women in it. Our relationship has been an on and off relationship, like she has dumped me alot of times. Ive dumped her too, weve actually been together for one year. She cheated on me once, with a friend of hers. I gave her another chance... and i recently found out that she has been cheating on me with her ex boyfriend. Probably a few months. I even gave her another chance after that. Now... she finds porn on my computer, and she dumps me. How should i feel about that ? I think maybe im a very naiv person, or maybe i just love her too much, but i still want her back. I even still think i can have a nice future with her. I know most of you guys would say forget about her, but nobody knows her like i do. Oh btw. shes very insecure bout herself and her body. I just want some advice and opinion. im not english, so sry for the bad eng

2006-06-22 17:32:51 · 5 answers · asked by questioneer 2

I was at work and I said "Good morning" to a guy. But before he answer he look me up and down, and then said fine and you. Also I have a teacher who did the same thing. Tell me what does that mean?

2006-06-22 17:32:12 · 7 answers · asked by cymp30boo 2

My man has a old friend that just emailed him due to her brothers death and now he goes to work and emails her. I do not have a problem with it but he says he can feel the tension and he feels uncomfortable doing it at home. I have read the emails and started out nice now she wants him to tell her about his life. I see no problem with people having friends of the oppistie sex but why would he go to work and do his emailing? Should I stop this now or just wait and see what she has to ask next? Confussed!

2006-06-22 17:27:51 · 17 answers · asked by falconjet66 2

2006-06-22 17:27:05 · 9 answers · asked by m17x5 1

their life? and why don't they get married when they like to live together?

2006-06-22 17:17:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous



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2006-06-22 17:11:16 · 21 answers · asked by Me 1

like if u knew something bad was gonna happen would you hurt or maybe kill yourself, or just let them get killed or hurt

2006-06-22 17:10:46 · 2 answers · asked by gothicangelalways 2

I have a friend that is trying to run away from her home. She is 16 and has a job set up to go to and a place already to stay. She also is getting it set up to go to school where she is running away to. Would she get forced to go back home if she did run away?

2006-06-22 16:53:08 · 2 answers · asked by Rocker 2

2006-06-22 16:51:06 · 5 answers · asked by HornyGuy 1

Would you tell a stranger they need a Kleenex because they had a boogie....???

I do and would....would you........* I just say you need a Kleenex
I do NOT add they have a Boogie ; )

2006-06-22 16:50:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok.... I am really confused so I need some advice!!!! I was gay but then got saved. And now I attend church and I like this girl and I think she likes me too. She was flurting with me last night at church. But...anyways....back....if I do find out that she likes me how do I go about asking her out and not ruining our friendship?

2006-06-22 16:47:30 · 14 answers · asked by Me 1

I have been wanting to research who my ancesters but I have found that there are many websites by which I can do that. The problem is that I don't have much money, and I don't know where to look. If someone can help me with this problem I will owe you from the bottom of my heart.

2006-06-22 16:46:43 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

dear friend, i have a bf who been dating 8 months... a lot of happy times... my bf knows my past abt me having sex with a ex of 5 yrs... when i ask his past he say he had no sex.... one day we end up having sex then that particular night a women called me and told me abt her affair with him for 9 yrs and they had it... i coudn't accept the fact... but i still loved then after that after being with for 2 months he had sex with her again and this sex between them for 9 yrs wasn't love.... she was 46 and he is 30... then i still wanted him and then after two months he just left me for her.. he had sex while the break up but i didn't so we broke up for 3 week n patch back..he said it was black magic now he is back with for 2 months n nothing of this is happening.. but yet i can't forget the past.. i try too but i just imagine them on bed...... wat can i do but we now love each so much n he wants to marry me i wanna take revenge but my heart don't permit it... i can't live without him eithe

2006-06-22 16:44:47 · 8 answers · asked by Sanjana G 1

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