18 minutes ago
How do you help to motivate your spouse? Read on.....?
My husband and I , along with our 2 year old son, moved to California after hurricane Katrina. husband is so homesick and depressed about missing his friends and family, that he has almost given up on trying to make his family happy!! I understand how he feels, it hurts me too that we are so far from home, but what can I do or say to make him realize that this is our life now!!!! I mean, its not like we are financially able to pack up and move again!! My son and I just adore him, but seeing him so depressed all the time is really a big turn off and its getting old! He mopes around the apartment like Ross Gellar from the show FRIENDS......Please, help me, what can I do to be a supportive wife, and cheer him up some???? I'm doind my best to keep him happy, but I really need some good advice!
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