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Friends - February 2007

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I dont get it because I have some acquaintances (whom I wish were closer friends) that I usually hang out with when I go to school things and invited me to hang out with them at the dance last time but at last nights dance they didint seem to want to have anything to do with me. I got one hello and then I went over to hang around with their group and they seemed to move away. I knew I wasnt going to have any fun after that so I just left. (They didnt notice I left or anything) I can sort of understand because Im shy and I look uncomfortable a lot but I mean it wasnt like I was going to talk to them or bother them just kind of look like I was hanging around. Maybe I overreacted. And maybe I was arrogant thinking I could just hang around with them since they all came in one big group. But I mean that was ok the last time so what was I supposed to think. And today everything was back to normal I talked to a few of them and it was like hey hey hey buddy buddy.

2007-02-11 15:35:30 · 4 answers · asked by leena 4

Ok i want your opinion and it's kinda retarded but follow along lol.
I have a female friend who lives in albuquerque, i've met her and hung out with her a couple of times, we are really close. I met her friend through internet, i'll call her (dani) everytime i see her i'm really respectful and nice to her. All of the sudden she deletes me off her friends list, why would she do that?

2007-02-11 15:31:06 · 29 answers · asked by nukem_thebomb 3


Okay, my best friend is in love with a boy. Said boy has a girlfriend. His girlfriend cheated on him but then they got back together. He had promised my friend that he would go out with her if they ever broke up. He lied to her and she just forgave him. How am I supposed to help her? What do I do?

2007-02-11 15:24:49 · 8 answers · asked by 1010101000 1

k im 13 white 5'1 blue eyes darkish hair my name is Melanie.anything welcome.haha cnt think of nothing.

2007-02-11 15:24:06 · 11 answers · asked by melanie w 1

Okay...i've known this guy for about 3 years now...i've always been close to him cuz we have so much in comon...he's gay so we like lots of the same thighs...but a lil while we had a fight and he said he didn't want to talk to me no more...i don't know wut to do last time we had a huge fight he told some of my secrets...now i just don't know how or even if i should fix it!..help!...

2007-02-11 15:21:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had sex with my ex boyfriend after 2 years, he wanted me to see his new home and it happened. He told me that he would always love me and he know that he was still in my system. We haven't talked in about a year prior to that , his mom told him that she seen me and he told her to tell me to give me a call, I have called him a couple of times and he have me once. I still love him and care but we have our seperate lifes. We supposed to have gotten married but it didnt work out. Should I just let it go

2007-02-11 15:20:00 · 12 answers · asked by stressed 1

Mine was a diamond pendant my grandmother gave me...a roomate "borrowed" it...lost it. Still makes me sad all these years later.

2007-02-11 15:10:37 · 10 answers · asked by snarf 5

who was the youngest person to win a grammy?

2007-02-11 15:09:37 · 9 answers · asked by Azn_Shorty 2

she is 13 spanish(puerto rican/guatemalan).probly a cute name to repersent her race.
thanks for your input.

2007-02-11 15:05:47 · 7 answers · asked by melanie w 1

i dont want to say "i love you" or sleep with me but i want to say " Im srry and promise i wont mess up again.

2007-02-11 15:04:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm going to have a sweet 16 party in about a month.. but the problem is i don't really know what to do. any ideas?? anything fun would be appreciated. I'm planning on inviting 16 year old girls.. thanks a lot!!

2007-02-11 14:58:53 · 6 answers · asked by Maria18 2

Ok this girl that lives down the hall in my dorm went to the same high school as me. We never talked. In fact she told me that she used to hate me, becaues she didn't like my painting. To clarify I had a painting that was politicalys controvertial and it one first prize in my schools art commpotition. Now that I explained my point of view she has been very nice to me. We have become friends (more or less I think). I highly dought she is interested in me as anything more than friends. It is just that I get the impression that she is interested in me, but she is overly nice to just be friends (I think). She payed me to tutor way more than she should have. I refused to take the money the second time. She has gave me an extra cake that was left over from her batch she had to make for a class. Every time she proofs a paper for me she and her roomate seem to have to talk to me for like an hour about "life". Am I miss reading things or is it pocible that she likes me?

2007-02-11 14:55:27 · 4 answers · asked by Michael M 4

My best friend just broke up with her boyfriend and I wasn't exactly sure why she was so heartbroken until she told me that he was her 'first' She is emotionally attached and I don't know what to say to help her. Please help me with what to say to her to make her rocover.

Thank you in advanced!

2007-02-11 14:43:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My other family members have walked downstairs and caught him doing it downstairs, gross, right?

2007-02-11 14:31:30 · 8 answers · asked by rach 2

Im 12. thers this guy who is a loser and a loner at school who everyone makes fun of. i want to be his friends. should i be his friend? but what if people make fun of me?

2007-02-11 14:29:38 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to become better friends with this girl. We are both shy people so i think that is makes it harder. What are some fun activies that we both could enjoy. And what could we talk about?

2007-02-11 14:26:44 · 3 answers · asked by *~*crazy hair 14*~* 2

I really care about my friends alot. They are like I love you Jackie, but I can never say it back. I can say I love you guys like to a group but I can never just say I love you to the person. Why is this?

2007-02-11 14:16:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

my dads sorta dating this lady who has a son thats 14 hes my age .i think the son like me .what should i do?maybe i like him

2007-02-11 14:15:42 · 6 answers · asked by country girl 2

2007-02-11 14:05:03 · 2 answers · asked by Alexis's Love Potion #9 4

I have friends that run the full spectrum of personalities, but I never really feel like I fit in anywhere. I'm usually up for anything that makes me non-bored for at least five minutes, so I admit that I've probably been a bit foolish. I don't know how we're friends because I don't really have a lot in common with most of them. I'd rather play pool than video games, go bowling than to a Magic tournament, rather watch talk shows or soaps than anime. I guess you get the picture. In short, I'm guess I'm fairly normal, but I've got no idea how to talk to most people. Any ideas?

2007-02-11 13:48:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i need to know if i am able to visit or call or send her somthing,
this is very devastating to me,
can somone please at least tell me somthing about group homes!
what do they do there?

2007-02-11 13:42:32 · 8 answers · asked by aliciakatherine. 2

i'm not your average talkative kind of person. I mean since i was lit tle all the way up to 6th grade i always talked and had so many friends but then after 7th grade i really dont know what happened i wish i did but i dont. I dont talk anymore really unless i'm spoken to or even when i'm spoken to sometimes i dont expecially inschool if a kid talks to me i dont know what to say and now nothing is the same sometimes i get picked on and dont knmow how to respond and stuff but when i'm outside of school its wierd i have very little friends but i can talk alot at times and be crazy and funny and make them laugh, i just wish i knew what happened in school and why after 7th grade i got really quiet. Can someone help me to possible understand myself alittle better?

2007-02-11 13:34:48 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

my situation is hard to explain.. i am best friends with my husbands ex they were together and split up 7 years ago.. well my husband and i got together two years ago and left his girlfriend at the time for me.. well my best friends is friends with her.. and she doesnt even like her.. she talks trash about her all the time.. and then when this girl texts her.. she is a goody goody to her. and when i say something bad she snaps on me and takes her side.... i just dont know what to do.. should i just let her go and forget about our friendship.. mind you she has stabbed me in the back more times than i can count but i have always forgived her.. she wasnt there for me when i misscarried but i was there for her when she had her surgerys.. we have fist fought in my dinning room.. i love the girl to death but i am so fed up with the bulls**t.. someone please give me your advice

2007-02-11 13:29:34 · 9 answers · asked by angeleyes468 2

i have a friend who is going out with this one guy who i think is a total jack a$$. He is in grade 10 and she is in grade 8. i think he may be pressuring her by the way he acts around her in public but i am not sure.

2007-02-11 13:26:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


i am really super shy. like today, i needed to borrow a book from my grandma and i was supposed to call her. but i chickened out, because i am shy. when i am with my friends, i am fun to be with and can just goof off. but i am really shy around people at school, people i don't know and even some of my family members! i just want some tips to help me be less shy. thanks

2007-02-11 13:23:10 · 4 answers · asked by octopus 3


i have always wanted to try out for my high school play and i think i could be very good at it i am just nervous and dont have the confidence
do you have any advise
please be nice

2007-02-11 13:21:08 · 15 answers · asked by godschild 5

I had this really good friend, or so I thought I did. I talked to him about a few things he had done in the past that I was hurt by and that I didn't think I deserved to be treated in such a way, and what do I get in return? I had my words twisted and exaggerated, accused of all sorts of things, like not wanting to be friends anymore, blamed for his perceptions of what I said, told I should have written it out better,verbally abused, and told what I had said was "garbage" and "rediculous" and " soo stupid. He refuses to apologize and hasn't, yet.

I don't believe I did anything wrong. In fact, I believe I was within my right to take a stand.

What would cause someone to flip out like that? He truely was the nicest person up until that point..I dont know what went wrong...

2007-02-11 13:19:34 · 13 answers · asked by Snuggles 2

I was there for her everystep of the way over winter break, but when she went back to school, she was depressed all the time most of her weekends involved getting drunk. She's 20. She doesn't seem to care, she even brags sometimes. I tried talking to her about it, but instead she just wanted to yell. She then took a personal shot at me, and told everyone that because of a screwed up relationship over 2 years ago, I'm broke and attending a "junior" college and struggling because of it. She's acting like because I go to a junior college at home (and making As and nearing my major), while she's barely making Cs at a big college makes her better. I'm broke because I don't work. I don't work because of school. She's never even had a job, I have plenty of work expirience. And I'm not in any way struggling. Do most college goers feel that way about "Junior" colleges? I'm not looking for any answers about communication. I just want to know where this opinion comes from. I love my school.

2007-02-11 13:15:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

is their something you are very good at ,and can do it very well.
it could be anything.

2007-02-11 13:14:16 · 13 answers · asked by online girl 5

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