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Family & Relationships - 27 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I been dating this boy for a year or so he says we sorta are dating but we are aloud to "hang out" with other ppl. I went to a party and made out with this guy, my boy found out and is pissed and wnats me back but he doesnt no if he can trust me anymore.. How do i prove to him he can trust me?

2006-09-27 13:07:27 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

What if she can't come over to my place, what do we do.

2006-09-27 13:06:59 · 12 answers · asked by n/a 4 in Singles & Dating

married to american ,need hip replcement since being here have prostate problems since being here,hip problem has led to nerve damage on left hand from the neck,cannot take federal aid so basicaly i`m screwed.
live in montana ,i`m a builder from england worked hard all my life to end up with nothing.
have had two house fires since being here all the money has gone and the wife works 3 jobs just to make ends meet,i`m being kept by my wife from tip money ,she earns a basic wage of $5.85 per hour ,if i go back to the uk the marriage will end cause they wont let me back in...so what in gods name do i do.

2006-09-27 13:05:51 · 4 answers · asked by steve 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I especially wanna hear about the X's ...

I am plotting my own sweet revenge...

2006-09-27 13:05:44 · 12 answers · asked by ROO! 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

people are always saying that im too young to be inlove.... sure 14 you may not be with the person your going to marry but we have deep feelings for one another.... we know what love is and we are mature.... why do people continuously say that people that are 13-15 too young? its hard because we try and let out voices be heard but adults wont let us be heard? why is it so hard to realize that we arent little kids anymore and we have important things to say?

i ask because every question i have on here theres always an answer that says " your 14 live your life... dont get caught up" or " your too young to know what love is" and that one hurts because we do and our hearts break too!

2006-09-27 13:05:15 · 9 answers · asked by hunny_boo_boo 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

He had to sell a car he loved and pay for a bill. :( Such is life. Besides the dirty responses I know I'll get to this question, what should I do to make him feel a little better :)?

2006-09-27 13:05:03 · 26 answers · asked by Use my Yahoo! Avatar 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My fiance (fixing to be ex if he dont stop his nonsence) has stressed me out to the fullest, He always targets my oldest son who is ADHD and is on medication and receives couceling, hell make sarcastic comments to him and just picks on hi in general, he babies my 6 year old who isint ADHD and isint on meds. My grandfather is ill and in the hospital, I may be loosing him, I walk around numb becaused Im so upset about it. Im to the point that I cant eat Ive dropped 10 lbs in two weeks from nerves and the dude wont give me space. As soon as he says something to my oldest son I can literaly feel like Im going into an anxiety attack and going to throw up. I cant take it anymore even whe the dude is around me I feel anxiety and when I bring it up he thinks Im lieing. he knows what Im going through with my grand dad but yet he still adds to everything. What can I do to relieve my stress and feel norml again?

2006-09-27 13:05:02 · 6 answers · asked by Christina B 2 in Family

hi me again with the drunk mother in law i need to to get in touch with some one who can help me now im going to do some thing if i doint to my self

2006-09-27 13:04:00 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

here's ther scoop: My friends Sean and Sarah are going out on Sat. and Sarah wants to go shopping for something. Sean and me r good friends and Sean doesn't know "how" to shop for stuff cuz he's one of those guys who doesn't go out to shop much so u get the point. He asks me to "come" with "them" on "their" date cuz of his problem with shopping, esspecially since it's with his girlfriend. And btw this is his first girfriend and his sencond date if u can call it that.
Here's the Question: How do I make this less awkward than this all is?

2006-09-27 13:03:56 · 16 answers · asked by bunka_pixie 1 in Friends

These use to apply to very special woman, and I do mean special.

Now I see this GREATLY overplayed. Let the public decide what's what, and leave the attitude for the punching bag at the gym.

Do you think it is wise to overstate what and who you are?

2006-09-27 13:02:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Mine is free.

2006-09-27 13:02:26 · 3 answers · asked by Isis 7 in Friends

2006-09-27 13:02:22 · 11 answers · asked by duckfangs34534 1 in Singles & Dating

My parents are litterally control freaks. i am not kidding. They tell me when to brush my teath. They cancelled me on their car insurance, won't let me drive thier cars and I don't have one that is running, becuase they won't let me fix it or even call a mechanic. They are causing me to want to kill myself. I don't want to live here anymore, but they won't let me move out untill another year. They made me take online college classes, and my grades are not exactly A's cuz I don't have the classroom setting cuz my rents won't let me go on campus. I got a cell phone and lied about having it cuz they wouldn't let me... and they grounded me for a month, made me quit my job immediatly w/o even giving my 2 weeks.. They are insane. How do I get them to ease up? How do I get them to trust me? What have I possibly done that would make them this bad? They are like communists. please help me. They won't let me stay at friends, or anything, and I have to get away from them. HELP

2006-09-27 13:02:03 · 68 answers · asked by Cyber Spacer 2 in Family

Just a curious question. I am interested in reading everyone's answer. I know there will be many if you are nice enough to answer. :)

2006-09-27 13:01:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

come on kelsey you know you want to give me a back massage. Please, please

2006-09-27 13:01:46 · 2 answers · asked by hahaha 5 in Family


2006-09-27 13:01:35 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I really love horror flicks. My only problem is that I can't watch violence. By that I mean that during a movie I have to close my eyes when there's gory stuff. My dad lets me watch R rated movies and I really want to watch "Silent Hill". But my weakness prevents me from watching it! What should I do to get over this weakness? Oh and should I watch this movie before I go to bed or not?

2006-09-27 13:01:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends


2006-09-27 13:00:50 · 4 answers · asked by acilias 1 in Marriage & Divorce

some guys are so into it but some are not and i just want to know why?? and how you can change there minds ??

2006-09-27 13:00:30 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-09-27 12:59:49 · 24 answers · asked by Michael G 1 in Family

im just continuing my 1st question thanks to everyone who responded. To answer some of your questions i am 16 for those who didn't see that, my family has moved and i have blocked the # of that caller, im in a new school and no one knows about me my brother isn't his friend anymore ,but thats only because my parents told him they couldn't hang out my brother didn't care he thought it was funny. and btw my brother is kinda in to boys and girls so he was kinda crushing on the guy but he didn't know it so thats why he wants to still be friends but he can't. I really do thank all of u who answered my question and im glad u didn't call me a whore. I hope this answers your questions u had for me :)

2006-09-27 12:59:41 · 2 answers · asked by Teisha 1 in Singles & Dating

HELP! does he like me or is it just friendship?
I got this class w/ this hot iranian guy in math class i once wrote him a note, asking for his name, & all he did was just answer it.No conversation.But i realized him look @ me often.So a month later 2day, i wrote him again and i said "what do you do after class" he was like "go home".i wanted 2get 2him closer, so i asked him if he'd go 2 starbucks w/ me on campus, he said yea sure.we talked pretty long and often he smiled and stuff, and then i had 2 go 2class and he walked me to the door of my class and i was like "well when you get off, u can call me and talk" so he took my number and i we said bye,&smiled. He changed seats w/ his friend 2b closer 2me but why??

I wasnt sure if he'd call at all. He added me on facebook n- after i got out of class, he TEXT me.i was surprised.He complimented me on the pics on facebook and well..he is at work now, & i wonder if he will call me or not.

So does this look like he is interested in more

2006-09-27 12:59:41 · 7 answers · asked by xxDdrockyxx 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-09-27 12:59:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Were in Junior High. He's the new kid. He's friends with my brother. And we do talk. I still dont know if he knows my name. Sounds stupid but oh Well.

2006-09-27 12:59:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I was retarted? or if i was dumb? ( I not but I have a cousin that is and what to know what peolpe like would say

2006-09-27 12:58:59 · 5 answers · asked by mandy 2 in Friends

Ok, well the thing is she doesn't like me because apparently she heard rumors about me "openly" smoking weed(which I don't.) and that we had sex in the pe field in our school last year(he just graduated last year). And she hates me with a passion...and she tries playing it off like whatever and thatb she really does like me...but sometimes when I call and she answers the phone I hear her talking crap about me...And my boyfriend has this ex-girlfriend who she really likes...and she is going to college in Arizona, and we live in California. And she invited her over to come to dinner tomorrow because it was his birthday last week...and what I think she is trying to do is break us up. We have been together for almost ten months now, and pretty much this whole time she's been trying to get us to break up...is it wrong of me to hate her? And I mean really really hate her? And this other girl...?

2006-09-27 12:58:40 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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