I am 25 years old. I was just granted permanent residency in the U.S.. I have 3 degrees and I speak 3 languages fluently, (one of which is spanish) and yet I cannot seem to find a job, since I don't have any job experience because I was in the U.S. as a student, no one will hire me.not even the simple job offers such as MC D's.
My wife works extra long hours and makes not more than $800 a month, we live in a small university town, so jobs do not pay much. She has one and 1/2 year left to graduate as a R.N. but she cannot afford to cut hours at her job or will starve.
I have been looking in other towns too but no one calls me back.
For the past few weeks I have been comtemplating suicide, I am running out of options with my life, I do not know whatto do anymore, my mother back home call me useless son of a ***** who is not ashamed of being supported by 2 women ( her and my wife). Why live?
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