On application forms now, you cant advertise for some one with experience. You also cant ask for details of their last job as this can show an applicants age and the times out of work. This last sentence means you cant find out if an applicant is suitable for the post. Everyone can apply, meaning endless interveiws for someone who has never done the job-mainly schools in each case. If a suitable candidate cannot be found the processs starts again!. This will cost schools, avertising for posts, thousands of pounds a year.
Also, all new applicants must bring with them to an interveiw, all relevent copies of certificates from their education, aswell as nvq's and such. All copies cost £33 to produce - EACH!!!. And your age is plastered all over them.
Education, education, education...I think someone somewhere needs a few extra lessons after school....
5 answers
asked by
Old Man of Coniston!.