Can anyone help/or relate ?single mom in S.F. deeply upset with how poorly underqualified and /or unorganized special education educators and adminstators are handling the service plans and allowing classrooms to flounder in CRISIS MODE with EmmotionallyDisturbed/andor,Bipolar,&ADHD CHILDREN,literally falling through the abyss.Bright caring and creative yet troubled are systematically overlooked and underfunded,while the generally stable population is recieving more enrichment tools,monies, and Qualified teachers.In particular that the underpriviliged children in SFUSD SPECIAL ED. rarely get exercise ,no exposure to music and the arts lack of adult supervision and input unless they behave negatively, no field trips,Fewer and fewer reasons to engage in school constructively..AND tons of bullying aggressive bx between peers, the normalization of violence and disrespect is scary So sad to see the children who need extra: love care,patience,planning , coping skills, being forgotte
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Special Education