In these # find 2 numbers that can be multiplied to give each product. do not use 1 as one of the numbers
84, 145,250,300
Wat factors were used to create this Product Game board?
4 6 14
9 21 49
What factors were used to create this product game board? what # is missing from the grid?
9 15 18 __
21 ? 30 35
__ 36 42 49
Find at least 5 # that belong in each of these:
Divisible by 4 | Divisible by 5
What #'s is 36 a multiple of?
Using the words factor, divisor, mul=tiple, product, and divisible by, write as many statements as u can about the mathematical sentence 7x9=63
Find all the common multiples of 4 and 11 that are less than 100
the cst of school play had party @ drama teachers house. ther were 20 cookies and 40 carrot sticks were served as refreshments. Each cast member had the same # of whgole cookies and the same # of whole carrot sticks, and nothing was left over. The drama teacher didn't eat.hw mny ppl were @ the prty?
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