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heEy i just started a new school and i am running for student council president and i was just wondering if anyone could help me write it

2006-09-21 14:36:45 · 1 answers · asked by wutsupdog345 2 in Education & Reference Other - Education

1 answers

Sure, I ran for student council and was elected.

First, ask yourself if the election is a popularity contest, or if there are issues the student council should tackle and you have a passion for.

if it's popularity, focus on why you love your school and the rest of the student body.

If there are issues, outline the major issues and what you feel needs to change. for example, if your school is wrestling with the issue of soda machines on campus contributing to obesity, yet they need the income, what can the students do about it? How about the possibility that the school replace the sugary sodas with more healthy beverages? You want to help educate your fellow students on the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle, and that it is good for the school to endorse the low sugar healthy policy.

Another issue may be the need for new uniforms for the band. Your position is that it is a matter of school pride that your band represent the school in the best possible light. You propose a rally to garner support for the new uniforms and get parents and community leaders out to help raise the necessary funds.


2006-09-22 17:38:05 · answer #1 · answered by odu83 7 · 0 0

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