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Computers & Internet - 16 October 2007

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Computer Networking · Hardware · Internet · Other - Computers · Programming & Design · Security · Software

so which would be a better choice for an engineering major?

using 3D programs and using programs similar to CAD

help me out here
calling mostly engineers
but if you got the answer feel free to answer..

2007-10-16 14:10:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Laptops & Notebooks

When my Limewire or Ares, or Utorrent running, my internet is so much slower. These programs are running fine (download speeds and such are fine), but when I load up websites, they take forever to load, even when these programs aren't downloading anything

Is there a way to fix this? I run Cogeco Security Services Firewall and its on Normal setting.

2007-10-16 14:01:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computer Networking

Here are the details from the seller. ,What kind of frame rates wuold this computer get on high graphics settings on games like microsoft flight simulator and sim city 4 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo (dual core) E6600 2.4GHz (ES) -

Video Card: Nvidia Geforce 7900GTX 512MB GDDR3 PCI-Express Dual DVI (with dual slot cooling that allows the hot air temps produced by the graphics processor to be exhausted directly out of the back of the case) -
Power Supply: Enermax 660W EG851AX-VH(W)

Motherboard: Asus P5GC-VM

Hard Drive: 160GB Serial-ATA (SATA)

CD/DVD Drive: DVD+/-RW

2007-10-16 13:59:25 · 4 answers · asked by camaross427 2 in Desktops

I am looking for a wireless card on eBay. I noticed that they all have different numbers/letters behind them. Do all wireless cards work the same (provided you buy the right one for your pc) or are some faster than others? If so...which ones are fast?

2007-10-16 13:50:21 · 1 answers · asked by mrtoddanson 3 in Computer Networking

I have a virus that just loads up so many of this empty program that my system can't take it and closes everything. This happens about every 5 mins. anyone know a free virus remover that gets rid of them quickly and I don't have to waste time signing up?

2007-10-16 13:46:03 · 19 answers · asked by Drizzt 2 in Security

i am trying to put pictures on my mom's flash drive so she can remove them from her computer.

2007-10-16 13:21:11 · 7 answers · asked by rebekaH2003 1 in Add-ons

2007-10-16 13:18:15 · 5 answers · asked by Lorrane 2 in Programming & Design

It does sometimes, but not others. I use the same Dynex cds, but it's like it just chooses when to recognize them. It keeps saying that the drive is in use or enter a blank disc.

2007-10-16 13:18:14 · 1 answers · asked by jfish 1 in Add-ons

I ran spybot and found 149 "problems". Some of them definitely are problems that I need to delete, like "advertising.com" but I have no idea what others are. If I fix all the problems, could I potentially mess up my computer by deleting something I need? How do I know?

2007-10-16 13:14:36 · 3 answers · asked by Sarah 5 in Security

The reason I'm asking is i have an animation that's made to have a white background and i want to change it's background to black. And the part I want to change is the same on every fame so I'm looking for an editor that will let me just change one frame and apply the changes to all of the frames.

2007-10-16 13:13:12 · 4 answers · asked by curtis_3862552 2 in Programming & Design

i pretty much just want to crop photos. i dont have anything to do that in. is it possible to download a free software?

2007-10-16 13:11:50 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Software

I need something thats free and actually works. I tried using Bink (RAD video tools) and it didn't work. Do you know how I can get a quicktime movie to play on Windows media player and convert it so it will play on windows media player?

2007-10-16 13:08:52 · 3 answers · asked by mariechele11 1 in Software

Does anybody have any reference books or articles i can read for a paper I am writing about the future and advances of technology 50 years from now.

2007-10-16 13:06:17 · 4 answers · asked by Spades 1 in Other - Computers

While I'm using the internet explorer browser(windows 2000), it always closes suddenly! It happened especially when I was trying to list my selling on ebay...

Is it because of virus?
Are there any other browser I can download for free?

2007-10-16 13:01:14 · 5 answers · asked by K 1 in Other - Internet

my laptop was shut down by the lid being closed and now i cant get it to power back up. I also found a penny:( in one of the drives any advice please help


2007-10-16 12:57:37 · 2 answers · asked by cheryl 2 in Laptops & Notebooks

i have an excel work book, need to convert whole of into doc or pdf

2007-10-16 12:46:40 · 7 answers · asked by protocol96 2 in Software

Specificaly Microsoft Expression Web (new).

2007-10-16 12:40:31 · 5 answers · asked by Three Palms 1 in Programming & Design

2007-10-16 12:39:44 · 7 answers · asked by Sean 2 in Software

With my windows vista start menu i managed to change the power button from sleep into power off. I've installed vista on another computer but i forgot how to change that button:(. Can someone please give instructions on were to go PLEASE

2007-10-16 12:34:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Software

i'm trying to run a macro that starts on a cell that is selected. failed example:


Selection = currentCell

Do Until currentCell = ""

If currentCell < 0 Then
End If

Set nextCell = currentCell.Offset(1, 0)
Set currentCell = nextCell

End Sub

2007-10-16 12:25:31 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Programming & Design

Hi folks, I have a research project to perform and I have to 'invent' a device that can fit on my wrist. I'd like to use the below referenced flexible LCD from HP, but cannot any information on it since 2005... Does anyone have knowlegde of newer sources (I know Sony have developed similar, as well as Gummi) because I'd like to specifically use this one due to it's awesome properties (e.g. display retention while powered off) and size... I need information with technical information and such.

Cheers :o)
http://news.zdnet.co.uk/emergingtech/0,1000000183,39170581,00.htm <---check the images out!

2007-10-16 12:17:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Monitors

Is there a way to type in a font size larger than 72?


2007-10-16 12:17:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Software

What exactly is linux? And is it better or worse than it's competitor?

2007-10-16 12:16:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Software

I tried downloading a game on limewire but it wasn't working so I deleted it, then I deleted lime wire cause I didn't want to use it, but some how the file is still there and some how more files are appearing for some reason, how do I make this stop?

2007-10-16 12:16:15 · 5 answers · asked by Musashi.EXE 1 in Software


int main()
char start, end, dummy;
int cnt, line;

printf("Enter Start Character");
start = getchar();
dummy = getchar();

printf("Enter End Character");
end = getchar();

for(line = 0;cnt = start; cnt<=end; cnt++; line++);
printf("%3d%3x%2c", cnt, cnt, cnt);
if(line%3==0 line!=0)&&

return 0;

this is just the start but it says i have errors on line 15 and 18 and i dont know what they are...

a little help would be greatly appreciated.

2007-10-16 11:57:54 · 3 answers · asked by alienworkshop27 1 in Programming & Design

i need 2 monitors to be on one computer. i removed the monitor off of an old laptop to hook it up to a computer but i need to know what cord i need? is there an extension or somthing?

2007-10-16 11:56:57 · 2 answers · asked by FtrMrn 1 in Laptops & Notebooks

i got my computer a year ago and it's harddrive has failed twice. now it says at startup that computer faliure is imminent and that i should backup my data. but when i try to back up my data it says i need a floppy drive that i dont have on my laptop. wHAT DO I DO?

2007-10-16 11:54:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Laptops & Notebooks

i have my screen saver disabled, because for the most part i watch full length movies on my pc, and the screen saver keeps going on, if i have it set...

is there a way to disable the screen saver while watching video with windows media player 11.0.6000.6344 with vista home premium...

also, havent done testing yet, but will the screen saver come on while using VMC? if so can it also be disabled while using VMC, i dont want the screen saver regardless of what i am doing in VMC...

2007-10-16 11:50:51 · 4 answers · asked by joe r 7 in Software

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