This morning I noticed the side mirror on my 94 Nissan Sentra has a crack in it.
I just got my car back from the mechanic last night. Last night, I only drove it two blocks to my house, it was dark and didn't notice if the crack was there or not. This morning I notcied it immediately, so I think I should have noticed it immediately last night even though it was dark. After all I use the mirror every time I drive.
There are no fingerprints on the mirror from anyone pushing on it, and no evidence that some one might have tried to wipe off fingerprints and there's no "rub" marks on the car as if someone might have fell into it. (the dirt is consistant).
The temperature did drop from the 30s to the teens last night, and I wonder if the temperature might have madeit crack, but I never heard of anything like that before. My other thought is that the AAA tow truck people cracked it.
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