By that, I mean they are unclear, too small or put too close to the junction for you to see them in time. That every street sign should be luminescent including names of main AND side roads. And that side roads are marked clearly to main road users and not stuck half way down the side road high up on a wall somewhere, where you have absolutely know chance of seeing it, especially because someone behind you is trying to insert their car up your rectum.
That long main roads have their names clearly marked more than just once every four lightyears.
Bushes and trees obscuring signs be cut back regularly and cleaned say - eh - regularly and not once every decade !!!
In rural areas every street sign should also have:-
E for England
W for Wales
S for Scotland
on them so you know which bloody direction you're travelling in.
Yes I know there is sat-nav now, but this is a recent development and shouldn't basic street documentation be upgraded as I've said just for clarity and safety.
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