I bought this ride new in 1999, but after the break-in period I failed to change the oil when due, maybe 4000 miles overdue at 8000 on the odometer. I rode the bike with my wife as a passanger from Dayton, OH to Memphis, TN and from Dayton to Virginia Beach, VA traveling mostly on the Interstate at 70 to 80 mph. When I finally remembered to change the oil, it came out very black. After the oil and filter change it began slowly leaking. I replaced the washer on the drain plug, drained and re-filled the oil again, making sure the filter gasket had a film of oil on it before tightening it, but it still leaked. Near as I can tell, it may be leaking at the oil pump gasket. I rode for awhile with four quarts of replacement oil in the saddle bags, but now I don't know if it would make it ten miles to the dealer for repairs. Service manual says removal of the sub-frame and a bunch of other parts is necessary to gain access to remove the oil pump. Any suggestions before I do this?
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