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[Selected]: All categories Cars & Transportation Commuting

Somthing to with airplanes,busses and trains.

2007-11-02 08:54:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I fill up with about $30. It has a 11 gallon tank. I can drive it for a week no problem. I don't really drive more because after I commute to work and back, there isn't much time to just go driving around. Just the usual things around the house or the nearby store. I am afraid the oil lobby will want to take my car away.

2007-11-02 04:28:00 · 10 answers · asked by Neil 7

Mine are:

1. Cars that cruise in the fast lane on the highway that you have to pass on the right because they won't move over.

2. Cars that take 5 miles to pass a car on the highway, when they only needed one.

3. Cars that pull out in front of you, when there is no one behind you and they could have waited the 3 seconds until you passed.

4. Cars that, when you turn on your turn signal to change lanes, speed up, so that you can't.

I have many more, but that's the extent of my morning commute to work!!!!!!

2007-11-02 03:49:43 · 46 answers · asked by Princess of the Realm 6

my boyfriend said they are hidden under these overhead signs but i thought they legally had to be yellow now and seen so surley they cant be?

2007-11-01 01:16:19 · 8 answers · asked by kate 1

Don`t know about the rest of you drivers but have you ever noticed people with small cars have to take all the road up when overtaking a parked car.

2007-10-31 08:15:05 · 16 answers · asked by bud 6

Why do they hesitate? They are roundabouts, at which you give way to traffic from the right. Why the procrastination?

2007-10-31 07:35:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can someone confirm this

2007-10-31 05:33:10 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay here's a question for you
lets see two people take a taxi (lets say from Santa Monica
but they are not going to getting out of of the taxi at the same
one passenger would get off at Point A (her home)
then the other passenger would continue in the taxi to point
b (his home (about 5 minutes apart)
how do we pay for the taxi? does Passenger A just
pay for her portion of the meter? ) or does
passenger B pay for everyone when the taxi arrives at his

2007-10-31 04:18:06 · 7 answers · asked by mobilemark 7

aight, i live in Broward County....and i need to take a bus from Davie road extension 64th ave to taft and 441 and back . ive looked everywhere broward transits and everything nothing is giving me enough information on how to get from Davie Road extension 64th ave to taft and 441 and back......plz can someone please help me with this i need to know by tommorow because i have to take that bus on thursday does anyone have any suggestions or answers to this.............???

2007-10-30 18:20:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

it seems true that during rush hour, people can just go as fast as they want, and cops don't pull them over because it may also cause traffic jams. is this true?

2007-10-30 18:18:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Also, I live in Canada... is there anything i can do to help lower my fine?

2007-10-30 08:15:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay i need to find a website where i can see bus schedules for my county ......anybody know of a website like that
.i live in the U.S
and my county is Broward County.....

2007-10-30 06:40:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you carpool if you could, or take mass transit

2007-10-30 03:02:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was driving through what I thought was a 40 zone last night (it was dark) and it was actually 30. Before I knew it I'd exceeded the speed limit through a 30 zone speed camera. I've never been caught by a camera before and am generally good at sticking to the limit so I don't know how these things work but doesn't the camera need to flash a light in the dark so it can read my number plate?

2007-10-30 01:36:03 · 10 answers · asked by Tim 2

I got burned out on being a dental hygienist a couple years ago and still can't decide what to do with my life. I've got a strong urge to be mobile. what are some of the good things about driving a truck? What are some of the bad aspects of this profession? Is it hard to learn how to drive a semi? My biggest fear is running over someone or something. What kind of income does a trucker make on the average??

2007-10-30 00:43:26 · 9 answers · asked by ez2confuze 2

2007-10-30 00:33:19 · 5 answers · asked by Lord of Chaos 4

I just worry about wearing out my brakes evry time I press on them. what should I do? and what is the best way to tear around in your car, and whats the worst way to do so

2007-10-29 15:22:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are so many diversions around where I live it is taking me 30 minutes to get to work in the morning and it only takes 10 minutes to get home. I hate queuing traffic and sometimes scream in the car. Any tips on coping with long traffic queues?

2007-10-29 11:30:49 · 17 answers · asked by Scottish Suzy 2

Being at one time a HGV driver I have seen numerous Incidents where there was only one escape when the traffic ahead was at a standstill, that escape from full impact collision at maximum motorway speed being the hard shoulder. I dread to think of the consequences of not having that escape. What do you think?

2007-10-29 10:17:36 · 15 answers · asked by Curly Top 2

I would never on my life do this! I saw the movie The Hitchhiker II, I've been waiting for you. This is a scary movie.

2007-10-29 03:48:01 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please.................hopefully he is heading East bound from London direction in a white Ford transit.

2007-10-28 08:44:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have to travel up and down the M1 a lot, and they have average speed cameras. Has anyone been caught on these cameras, as 50 mph is really too slow (eps when i never see any work men working on the roads). - I have also heard that if you jump between lanes this confuses the cameras

2007-10-27 22:59:57 · 6 answers · asked by hulk h 3

What are some funny or stupid things to write on large signs for passing by traffic to read? Any suggestions?

2007-10-27 21:28:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi everbody. I'm doing a report on urban sprawl that is due on Monday. My question is how many miles do you drive to get to work, and how long does it take you, and do you live in a large or small city? I live in the 4th largest city in the US, but would like to hear from people in other countries also. Thank you.

2007-10-27 21:05:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

i got my license today and I have done over 25 hours of practice driving but my mom doesn't think I'm able to drive by myself still. How long did you wait until you drove by yourself? Also, how do i get my mom to let me drive on my own??

2007-10-27 07:29:18 · 8 answers · asked by =) 2