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United States - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Taxes United States

I rolled over my 401k into a Fidelity IRA. I didn't add or remove funds from the IRA during the year, though I did trade stocks. Is there anything that needs to be reported to the IRS on my tax return?

2007-06-19 12:43:31 · 3 answers · asked by Beermemarge 3

I work as a child-care provider. I do it at my home, and every year I pay my self-employment taxes. I have been doing it for 3 years now. I have 7 children that I care for on a daily basis. Would this be considered as my own business?

2007-06-19 12:40:37 · 6 answers · asked by Shirley 1

If I sell it before moving in will there be a bigger tax hit than selling it as a primary domicile?

2007-06-19 12:24:47 · 8 answers · asked by Aeron G 1

want to know if having two different claims on two different W2 will have a problem with the IRS

2007-06-19 11:46:33 · 3 answers · asked by Henry V 1

Do You Want Lower Taxes?
What If I told you that your taxes could be lowered, our schools, roads, bridges, first responders, emts, police, and fire departments could all receive more funding and in addition to all of that we could finance research and development for renewable, clean energy sources and break our dependence on oil, coal and nuclear power just by ending Corporate Subsidies(also known as corporate "welfare")?
Please visit: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeactio...
and help us end Corporate Welfare. Any questions? Check out: http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa592.pdf...
or email me. Thanks for taking action!!

2007-06-19 10:06:54 · 2 answers · asked by R H 2

what money can I get back, or will I most likely owe??

2007-06-19 10:06:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

say you make 500 a month, in the state of Texas, how much should come out for taxes?

2007-06-19 09:31:41 · 10 answers · asked by katie c 2

I am getting a bonus on this next check. It is equal to about 15% of my salary and I can choose what percentage I want taken out for taxes. My first thought was to keep it the same as my paychecks but I am curious as to any potential benefits of doing it at a different rate.

2007-06-19 09:26:02 · 5 answers · asked by seminoledq 1

I have a lease that I will pay off. The type off lease I have, I already paid the taxes up front. The problem is the car is under my father's name even though I've been paying for the whole thing myself. Now the car will be transferred to my name. Do I have to pay taxes again? My father will have to give it to me as a gift (even though I've been paying for it the whole time) , but then would I have to report this and pay taxes again on my 2007 tax return??

2007-06-19 08:57:42 · 3 answers · asked by AYSi! 1

This was for the 2005 tax year. I used TurboTax that year and this one. Needless to say, I won't use TurboTax again.

2007-06-19 08:47:43 · 8 answers · asked by Jazhawk 2

I am selling my primary residence after 2 years and will qualify for the married $500,000 capital gains exemption. Am I required to roll that money into new property or can I knock out some debt with the excess cash?
Thanks in advance!

2007-06-19 08:16:07 · 6 answers · asked by erok2020 3

I know you guys might not have an exact number because certain info. is needed, but I have a baby in which I pay a baby sitter, and I earn around 400/week. Do you know what would be an approximate tax return for me next year??? I had a friend say about $1500.00

2007-06-19 07:39:56 · 5 answers · asked by Vane 2

Going off of all the hoopla about SS being dried up by the time I retire- can I legally opt out of contributing to social security and pay it towards a different plan instead? Are there any ways at all of salvaging social security? Does anyone think the dwindling SS is actually a myth? Please share you ideas with me!

2007-06-19 07:25:24 · 3 answers · asked by quirky 5

It would be a direct shot to your pocketbook and the American free market economy.

2007-06-19 07:15:13 · 6 answers · asked by Pro-American 3

2007-06-19 06:57:18 · 3 answers · asked by themaggie5 1


I am having a little issue with my w4. for the past 3 years i have been owing money to uncle sam.
I file single (not married live alone) ... but i have gotten a raise every year and now my salary is at 43,250. i don't want to owe any money at the end of this year so should i change anything on my w4? to reflect my raises?

2007-06-19 06:54:11 · 4 answers · asked by KTM 450 1

My child's father owes back child support and they are taking it out of his taxes. I didnt have any problems last year, but this year I havent recieved anything so I dont think he filed. How do I know and what can I do about it?

2007-06-19 06:02:35 · 8 answers · asked by Ndpndnt 5

My husband and I are finally making some good money, but each check we get taxed like crazy, my husband talked to his boss and he said he would pay him with like a personal check, but that my husband would have to file a 1099. I spoke to a friend of mine who does taxes, and she said there are a lot of fees we are going to have to pay during tax season if we file 1099....does anyone know the pros or cons to filing 1099 or know a website that i can look it up??

2007-06-19 05:46:55 · 6 answers · asked by muwah22 2

My father is going to file bankruptcy for tax reasons however there is an 80,000.00 lien. I know it survives the bankruptcy, but I want to know when my father dies then what happens to my mother? Will the IRS force sale of the house since they have the lien. Or does she still have a claim to the house? She is on title if that helps.

2007-06-19 05:33:26 · 5 answers · asked by Danielle 2

I want to know because i am thinking of closing my current bank savings account to open up an internet savings account

2007-06-19 05:27:36 · 13 answers · asked by penguinprez 2

I just got married in the state of Virginia and I was wondering do I need to change how my taxes are taken out of my paycheck now?

2007-06-19 04:51:24 · 3 answers · asked by k_immi_e 2

My mom in Mississippi, who is 73, lives on Social Security, receives Medicare, and is unemployed, just sold her house. She invested the larger part of her money ($70,000) in a CD, and a small amount ($10,000) in a Money Market. It was her first home sale, she has no other money or property and is now living in a one bedroom apt. My question is at her age and income and tax bracket will she have to pay any taxes on the money she made from the sale of her home and/or will she be taxed in any way on the money she now has in her two types of savings accounts?

2007-06-19 04:46:51 · 5 answers · asked by Samantha N 2

Are businesses required to pay federal taxes if you do not have employees?

2007-06-19 04:32:28 · 4 answers · asked by alphamodel 1

The IRS only allows $3000 in childcare credit. I don't know anyone who pays only $250 a month in childcare. An average estimate for my area is about $8400 a year for a certified daycre center. Where does the IRS come up with these figures? I am going to move there and enroll my kids in THAT daycare!

2007-06-19 04:28:07 · 4 answers · asked by quirky 5

This a kinda stupid question I guess, but not sure about it.
I was in a wreck last year and was not at fault. I paid the $500 insurance deductible out-of-pocket to pick up my car from the body shop. I have yet to receive this money from my insurance company. Question: When I do receive this money will I have to claim it as income at tax time because we are in a different calendar year? Does it matter that I paid it out-of-pocket, therefore, IMO, it isn't really income?

2007-06-19 03:53:59 · 5 answers · asked by ModelFlyerChick 6

One that includes compensation for living arrangements, and child care costs

2007-06-19 03:53:55 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mr X is making 16000, in wages. He paid 11000 in his third semester for 2006, as undergraduate tuition fees. He is not choosing not to defer his student loan and paying them currently. He paid 1100 as student loan interest for the current year.

He also received $8500 from the university to pursue bachelors degree and spend $4000 on tuition and $3000 on books and supplies and $2500 for rooam and boarding. Can these things be included in Mr X's Gross Income and what is the code section that covers this income/deduction.

2007-06-19 03:37:39 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I helped my fiance, now husband, file his taxes so I know he filed divorced. He has been divorced for over two years. For some reason, when he received his refund check, her name is on it too.

2007-06-19 03:34:08 · 5 answers · asked by jodimcdermott@sbcglobal.net 1

fedest.com, questions and answers