You own an LLC business (sole owner,100% shareholder), you file as an S Corporation for tax purposes. (not self employed)
Now you have a W2 as you pay yourself wages as an employee.
You also take cash from the profits from the business.
On the W2 only the payment received as wages are listed.
On the personal tax return, only wages are listed as income.
On business tax return you do list the profits/dividends you received (non taxable).
Now when it comes to show your proof of income to someone, or have to show your W2 to prove income, like for discounts, grants and alike, why doesn't it show your non taxable income from other means, like through the business?
Surely this can't be right? Companies, agencies don't ask you for other proof of income, usually just your W2 or personal tax return. This meaning it is not showing your true income and they won't know about it.
Have I got this right or is there something fraudulent about all this? Or is it a loophole for LLC owners?
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