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Personal Finance - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Personal Finance

2006-12-09 00:11:36 · 18 answers · asked by Aaron B 3

2006-12-08 23:58:32 · 10 answers · asked by i know evrythingman! 1

I spoked with on firend of mine and he told me is very cheap petrol
(gasoline) in USA. my question is it: how much is per 1litre there? i need to know....thx

2006-12-08 22:18:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-08 21:00:55 · 11 answers · asked by ? 1

2006-12-08 20:07:02 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-08 18:48:51 · 22 answers · asked by partovy2000 1

Lots of debt, well about 3K worth (from both hubby and I). We will have extra money coming in these next few months (Financial aid refund as well as tax refund). I want to pay down our cards by at least half, but at the same time our emergency fund is slacking.

Here's a rundown:
Debt: $3200
Emergency Fund: we have $300 right now.
Cash Deposit (not to be touched) has $2100
Financial aid refund is about $1200, but I need some of it to buy books.
I have no idea what our tax refund is going to be like. We have a child, so we have that credit. Plus at my job, I file as "Single, no exemptions". So I'm hoping about a $2000 refund.

The main question. Should the money bolster our savings, or go to paying down the debt?

2006-12-08 18:37:43 · 7 answers · asked by krivera_fierro 3

Me. I'm 25 years old, yes i have a job. Im a programmer in practice, and I have 2 children. The problem is i made mistakes earlier in life to the point where im about 20 g's in debt. Im still a student, graduating in the summer. I want to provide a good life for my children and their mother, but I dont know how im going to catch up with my debts.

2006-12-08 17:02:42 · 9 answers · asked by jzimmerman56301 4

I am looking to create a budget, but all of the budget worksheet want you to enter in all of your expenses first before they can analyse it. My problem is that I know my rent,car payment, insurance etc but I do not know how much I am spending on food and gas. Is there a website out there that allows you to enter your car payment and rent into a worksheet and then shows you how much you should be spending on food, gas, clothes, etc.

2006-12-08 16:32:48 · 2 answers · asked by CookFrNW 3

I really need money fast, where can i get free money, it's not fair how the celebraties have so much money or oprah have this billions while I can barely afford to buy ramen noodles for dinner, anyway are there any rich people out there willing to give me money? If 50,000 people gives me a dollar each that would be really good, it's not hard at all in their pocket while at the same time it's enough for me and my family. Thank you

2006-12-08 16:04:04 · 10 answers · asked by fazion 1

I have a large amount of debt that I am unable to pay. I want to file bankruptcy. Let me start by saying I am ashamed to be in this situation so, please do not bash me, just please provide sound advice.

There are two debtors that I would like to continue paying on. One of them holds the pink slip to my car (my credit union) and the other is a credit line that is owned by my grandfather but he put my name on it to use.

Can I file and not include these debts?

Please help, thanks!

2006-12-08 15:32:10 · 7 answers · asked by Sizematic 1

okay, my hubby and i are currently awaiting d/c in our chap. 7 case. as of the day of filing my credit score was in the lower 600s and my hubby's in the low to mid 500s. Right now, we are concentrating on paying bills on time and trying to build our emergency fund.

How long does it take to rebuild your credit from this point? **thorough answers and helpful websites are helpful.***

*****Anybody with bad credit who has made thru to the low risk pile of good credit is welcome to answer as well.********

2006-12-08 14:46:20 · 3 answers · asked by MadameJazzy 4

am in some desprate need of advise, My wife up and left me a couple of months ago leaving me with this nice big mortgage. I am looking at selling the loan is for 205000 but the property is valued at 190,000 and to sell its going to be 15k. My payment is 1900 and i cannot afford it. My current mortgage company is not helping me. the home and morgage is all in my name alone.

2006-12-08 14:45:02 · 11 answers · asked by don k 1

2006-12-08 13:36:21 · 5 answers · asked by now4times 2

2006-12-08 13:03:57 · 21 answers · asked by Yahoo 3

I just purchased it 4 months ago and I am having trouble getting it refinanced but my mortgage payments are really high....

2006-12-08 12:16:55 · 6 answers · asked by Just Wondering 5

I am on state disability, not very good credit, can't borrow any money because of my income. The creditors will not help me, they are harassing me. I need to get money without having to pay it back. I refuse to do debt consolidation-they did not help me. Can't do loans. I need money with no strings attached. I can't ask friends, neighbors, or family members. They will not help me. I have already tried Housing, county places, no one wants to help me or can help me. I am getting desparate here. I am trying to get my business up and running, and it's taking longer than necessary. Can anyone help me with this. I need about $15,000-this is all bills, and 1st student loan(have 2). And a few months of rent(to pay ahead of time), plus business expenses. I need in other words, like a Barter exchange or an "angel" to give me money without any strings. I can work at home. I have secretarial skills, bookkeeping skills, and etc. Please help me! email me at alloura3@usa.net

2006-12-08 11:02:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-08 10:29:23 · 13 answers · asked by Justin W 1

Does his get out of debt and stay out of debt system work

2006-12-08 10:03:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mortgage debt is 65K. I have that money in a money market making 4.5%. My mortgage interest is 5.88%.
After considering taxes, what is a better choice?

2006-12-08 09:54:38 · 11 answers · asked by 007 1

2006-12-08 08:22:17 · 15 answers · asked by the man 1

Is there any places -OR- investments where I can put my money that pay higher than the 5.4% of a CD account that is no-risk or low-risk?

2006-12-08 08:20:21 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2

Even though i might have made another purchase since the statement came out? Example: My statement ends on the 23rd, and i pay the balance of the 23rd statement in full, but on the 24th i make a purchase and i don't pay anything on that purchase, just the balance of my last statement.

2006-12-08 08:16:21 · 5 answers · asked by hiyadisbtara 2

does any body know any legetimate paid survey sites could u also tell me, how you have to prepare your tax report once you start earning money from paid survey sites? thank you . please help me !

2006-12-08 08:14:48 · 6 answers · asked by jocey g 2

The interest accrued in my savings account surely does not outweigh the interest of my credit card debt. Right? I knew I should have taken finance in college!

2006-12-08 08:14:16 · 6 answers · asked by csiders30 4

my roomate has not paid any rent or utilities bills for almost a year. last summer the utilities threatened to shut everything off so i paid her half. she still owes me.now the gas co. is threatening to shut off the gas/

2006-12-08 07:56:54 · 11 answers · asked by armaden 1

fedest.com, questions and answers